Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for a Mandalorian Clan Sigil (Work in progress)

After being called 'Pup', I figured it'd be a pretty neat choice to take the insult as a badge of honor, and base a flag around it. Not unlike the Blackfish in game of thrones. It's still a work in progress. Never let your memes be dreams. My Mandalorian stump preacher now has a sigil. Still open for ideas and suggestions with it!



[member="Alleria Mereel"]
[member="Kad Tor"] (Inspiration)
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"] (Gave me the awesome nickname)
[member="Kami Meran"] Because they called him 'Pup'

So I just had him take it as a banner.

[member="Alleria Mereel"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Kad Tor"]

V2, my friends. It's ready, already. Now it's just a dog skull. That's suitably edgy. THE BLACK PUP! Yarg. Beware my tiny teeth!

[member="Alleria Mereel"] My buddy makes them. I've got a lot of them. I've got a professional graphic artist I commission for stuff like this.

He says he'll make a flag for anybody willing to pay him 5-8 bucks. Not limited to Mandalorians.
[member="Jekai 'Pup' Almec"]
I'm on a bit of a crusade bringing the Clan's under the Mando'ade, could be a way to bring you in if you want?
Following the cataclysm on Mandalore, plenty of clans have resurfaced.

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