Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for me

I'm going to keep this short. I need to take some time away from the board to deal with some things.

I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know if I'll be back.

And I'm sorry to the folks this is going to affect. I know I've planned some things with people.

But I need to do this.

I won't say good-bye. I will simply say 'Until we meet again.'
May His peace be with you till we meet again
May His peace be with you till we meet again
Till we reach that distant shore
And we'll shed a tear no more
May He give you strength to endure
Till we meet again

May His love be with you till we meet again
May His love be with you till we meet again
Till we reach that promised land
And we'll walk hand in hand
Prayers are with you [member="Ayden Cater"] see you when you come back.
Ayden Cater said:
I'm going to keep this short. I need to take some time away from the board to deal with some things.

I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know if I'll be back.

And I'm sorry to the folks this is going to affect. I know I've planned some things with people.

But I need to do this.

I won't say good-bye. I will simply say 'Until we meet again.'

*drags Ayden back to Terminus's fleeting thread*

Oh no you dont, you get your butt back in that fight!

*contemplates stealing the keys to the flagship*

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