There were many unexplained aspects of the Force, so while Karina didn’t entirely understand how the Rekali’s had figured out how to travel on the flows of time via the Netherworld, she also didn’t question it.
What happened that lead her to this point, didn’t leave room for questions. No… they were beyond that, ever since the tragedy.
Tragedy… that’s what others called it. A delicate way to put what really happened, a way to shy from what it was: a slaughter. One that would be forever burned in her memory. No, she hadn't watched them die, but she saw the aftermath.
Many nights she would dream of them, clutching their bellies as they writhed in pain - struggling for their final breath. She felt the hole in the Force that their presence once filled, just as keenly as the wind upon her sun-kissed skin.
The murderers had come in the night to performer their butchery, leaving a mark on each they killed. To make it worse? Alea, a girl she once believed to be her friend, had betrayed them all. Seduced to the darkside, she served at the behest of Ferian, helping him and his abominable grandson destroy the small group of K'paur Jedi.
"Jedi don't seek vengeance," the voice of Ilias whispered to her.
No, but seeking justice? That, we are well suited for.
Her heart was pricked by the thought as soon as it crossed her mind, but she didn't have the luxury to sit in a meditation room for days, to ponder on the moral implications of what needed to be done. Ilias would have wanted that. Auntie Eline would have insisted on it. Control and mindfulness. Concepts that were constantly being drilled into her. But, neither of them were there anymore, and Karina had already determined in herself to finally put down the blights on the K’paur species, [member="Kerstan Blackmoore"] and [member="Ferian Adair"].
By whatever means necessary.
“We'll be coming upon Sinner’s Rue. Falcon said we need to head east and stay together. If we veer even slightly from the path he has cleared for us, then we could be lost in the Rue forever. His path will lead us to the Blood Wastes and through the Oasis.” she said, soulful sapphire eyes glancing over at her twin. He was born only five minutes after, with black trimmed hair and warm chestnut eyes. He’d followed her into the Netherworld of his own volition, and part of her loved him all the more for it. Even when they couldn’t agree, she always knew he was someone she could depend on. He stood tall, and hardy and sure footed. In the spots where she was weak, Marcus filled in the gaps. They worked best when they were together, as a unit. She simply couldn’t imagine doing this without him, but she needed to make sure he was still with her on this. Even if a path was cleared, they would not be without opposition along the way. "You could always turn back now," she said softly, feeling her gut twist.
[member="Marcus Riggs"]
What happened that lead her to this point, didn’t leave room for questions. No… they were beyond that, ever since the tragedy.
Tragedy… that’s what others called it. A delicate way to put what really happened, a way to shy from what it was: a slaughter. One that would be forever burned in her memory. No, she hadn't watched them die, but she saw the aftermath.
Many nights she would dream of them, clutching their bellies as they writhed in pain - struggling for their final breath. She felt the hole in the Force that their presence once filled, just as keenly as the wind upon her sun-kissed skin.
The murderers had come in the night to performer their butchery, leaving a mark on each they killed. To make it worse? Alea, a girl she once believed to be her friend, had betrayed them all. Seduced to the darkside, she served at the behest of Ferian, helping him and his abominable grandson destroy the small group of K'paur Jedi.
"Jedi don't seek vengeance," the voice of Ilias whispered to her.
No, but seeking justice? That, we are well suited for.
Her heart was pricked by the thought as soon as it crossed her mind, but she didn't have the luxury to sit in a meditation room for days, to ponder on the moral implications of what needed to be done. Ilias would have wanted that. Auntie Eline would have insisted on it. Control and mindfulness. Concepts that were constantly being drilled into her. But, neither of them were there anymore, and Karina had already determined in herself to finally put down the blights on the K’paur species, [member="Kerstan Blackmoore"] and [member="Ferian Adair"].
By whatever means necessary.
“We'll be coming upon Sinner’s Rue. Falcon said we need to head east and stay together. If we veer even slightly from the path he has cleared for us, then we could be lost in the Rue forever. His path will lead us to the Blood Wastes and through the Oasis.” she said, soulful sapphire eyes glancing over at her twin. He was born only five minutes after, with black trimmed hair and warm chestnut eyes. He’d followed her into the Netherworld of his own volition, and part of her loved him all the more for it. Even when they couldn’t agree, she always knew he was someone she could depend on. He stood tall, and hardy and sure footed. In the spots where she was weak, Marcus filled in the gaps. They worked best when they were together, as a unit. She simply couldn’t imagine doing this without him, but she needed to make sure he was still with her on this. Even if a path was cleared, they would not be without opposition along the way. "You could always turn back now," she said softly, feeling her gut twist.
[member="Marcus Riggs"]