Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time to Meet the Devil OOC Transparency

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Since several people have been affected by some pretty giant untruths. Here is what I agreed to.

"I've been musing over the happenings and talking to Isaac, we have decided that Isaac and I will depart the Ravens, and all and any organisations and just become freeloaders and smugglers like we were before the Ravens came about. There just isn't enough reason for Lysle to stay with the Ravens, and I would like to apologise for that.

The Ravens have changed, as all things change, and Lysle is a stubborn bastard. He's the type that doesn't like change, and wouldn't feel the desire to stay around. He's reaped the rewards of owning the Ravens, and it was the only reason he created them; for profit. Now he has the profit, profit enough to live beyond comfortably for the rest of his life, and many more lives.

IC though, I was curious if you would be interested in doing a thread, a showdown per-se. Lysle may have always displayed himself as cool, calm and collected, but as previously stated, he's stubborn, and he's as vicious as a dog when things don't go his way. I'd imagine Lysle allowing his emotional side to control his actions, and try and leave the Ravens with a big 'F U' to the man, as it were, since he doesn't like what he sees Luke

Lysle as an ego bigger than the Ravens map territory
Note, on the showdown that is, I don't plan for Lysle to win. Especially with the Casino's security, though I was hoping for Isaac to ram the butt of his freighter into the casino so Lysle can make his escape when he is overwhelmed and defeated

Would you be okay with this"

No one said anything about coups, assassinations, kidnappings, bombs, handwaving past my security or anything else. No threads were done in the casino in a legitimate fashion. IE, on the board, since as FL I control the NPCs and Security of said building, any secret threads where I'm not involved in any way and am not even aware of are non canon.

I fully intend to let the thread go ahead as far as people like, I also intend to take advantage of all the security I've devved into the location. So carry on as you please folks, but mind the hundreds of droids, snipers, cameras, planetary defences etc.

Also for the record, if other folks in the future want to pursue similar plot line, I'm actually quite open to it, but do not lie to me or anyone else involved. I'm happy to plot together to make things happen.
I appreciate your verbal abuse and belittlement against me, and those involved, on Skype. I find your behavior here much more diplomatic, perhaps if we discuss it on here you won't tell me to f*** off, or try and purposely hurt my feelings. Your behavior during this occasion has been abhorrent, and the only reason I have avoided contacting you earlier was because I wanted to allow you time to calm down. So I went to bed thinking in the evening we could discuss things civilly. A shame, after almost twelve hours, I was still being abused by you.

Now I have lost friends because of this childish tantrum. Think that over. Just think; you made me lose some very close, very old friends because of a role-playing thread in a fictional universe involving fictional characters. I came back hoping for some relaxation to help with my toxic stress levels I suffer from in real life, turns out I made the wrong decision. Consider this a goodbye.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] | [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

This is not the place for this sort of discussion. Please keep things in PM, and keep things calm.

This thread is locked. Both of you remember the board rules please.
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