I've seen Mindabaal brought up in the main chat and in one-on-one - cutting off westward expansion of the One Sith, and I've been eyeing Chiss space since... well, since it became available. I'm entirely on-board with the notion of sitting tight and biding our time,
bringing dominion to more worlds.
Ideally, I'd like to kill off Lipsec and Sump this weekend, once and for all, and lay goofy, gimmicky dominions to rest for a while. They have been lacking in obvious objectives, which is likely why finishing them has been somewhat like trying to draw blood from a stone.
I'll be around when I can this weekend, likely in the evening, Pacific - I'm supposed to be watching Star Wars movies with my daughter and going to a weenie roast during the day on Saturday, and Sunday the hydro company is supposed to be coming by to do a bunch of work that will require the power to be off for some if not all of between 9am and... 4pm, if I remember the notice correctly.