When did he get so attached?
The luxury of downtime was one that did not come consistently for Darth Metus. Between the demands of the Confederacy and his responsibilities as a Master, the Sith seldom had time to do what he wanted to. But. When the rare opportunities presented themselves, he did not find himself locked away inside a Forge for hours on end. Nor did he stow away inside his archives, burrowing into holocrons and scrolls until his head spun. This was not to say that the pursuit of power had waned in his eyes, not by any means. But...there were other things that had started to come first in his mind. When [member="Srina Talon"] was gone from the Well, either on business or spending time with her lover. When [member="Alora Fae"] was away, training or on a mission of his choosing.
He'd pick up the comm and get ahold of [member="Amaya Cardei"]. And for just a moment, he'd forget that he was the Sith who clawed his way back from the jaws of death. He'd forget that he was the Vicelord who guided the lives of untold trillions. For just a moment, he had the most powerful title in the Galaxy: grandpa.
When he was much younger, he would have balked at the notion. A young Darth Metus would have howled with laughter - or demanded to know why his current self did not mirror the strides of the Dark Lord or others like him. They were just as strong, but would Kaine Zambrano take time to spend with his grandson? Kark no. It'd be a cold day on Korriban before such a travesty occurred. So why? Why did the Darth Metus of the present feel so...right whenever he chased Isley the Younger through the Halls of Sinner's Well. Why did he feel at peace when he'd hoist the young boy onto his shoulders so that he could see the world a bit better? Why did it crush him each and every time the young man boarded the ship to go back to his mother?
He couldn't make sense of it. When did he get so attached? The question plagued him more than the phantom aches from wounds long since healed.
In the here and now, the Sith watched as the engines roared to life and took his grandchild away. His sulfuric gaze followed the vessel as it sliced through the sky, headed back to either Concord Dawn. Headed back to the kinfolk who now looked upon Amaya as their guiding star. It was bittersweet whenever he thought of it. Bitter, because he had turned his back upon the heritage that had reared him. Yet sweet...knowing that his daughter had risen to the challenge. Sweet, knowing that Amaya would stare down any within the Mandalorian Empire if they so much as sneeze upon her land. To say that he was proud was the understatement of the century. When the ship finally escaped his field of view, Darth Metus turned and strode deeper within the Well.
And with each step, he could feel the weight of reality sinking in. Stray reminders of meetings that were on the horizon or lessons he had promised to teach began to infect his thoughts. He wanted...He wanted it to stop. Even for five more minutes. Wanted to savor the memories he had made for just a little while longer. But life waited for no man. By the time the sun rose yet again, he would be joining his grandchild in the stars, racing towards a new destination. But...No...for now. For those precious hours, he wouldn't work. He wouldn't plan. If the Galaxy belched fire into his lap, sure, he would respond. But for now...he could spend that time better.
He could do right by the fresh memories dancing in his skull.
With this fresh resolve, his strides were infected with purpose. An odd pep cascaded into the Sith's steps as he rounded the corner and moved deeper into the Well. Though the whole of his responsibilities were not present within his fortress, he was by no means alone. You see, in order for Darth Metus to become a grandfather, he first earned the mantle of father. And true to that title, he opened his roost to his children to come and go as they saw fit. Though few accepted the offer, a pair of his children did. The Dread Siblings as he had come to affectionately refer to them: [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"] and [member="Darth Ivum"]. At this particular hour, he could feel them on the far side of the property. Accompanied by a presence he had come to recognize as [member="Jaron Lesan"], Dianah's...friend.
She grew up far too fast for his liking. They both did. He could recall, even now, when they were just like his grandson - rambunctious little scamps getting into everything that wasn't nailed down. Back then he'd have hollered at them for their mischief...he wouldn't have spent the day chasing them with a grin on his face.
And here he always thought there were no regrets in his life. Bah.
The twins and their friend would also feel the Lord of the House coming before he arrived. Today, he made no grand introduction. Made no demands of action or spouting a mission that was theirs to undertake. Today, he simply entered the room - knocking upon the doorframe as he passed.
"Do you...mind if I join you?"
[member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Darth Ivum"] | [member="Jaron Lesan"]