Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Timeline QQ?


Disney's Princess
Such Title. Much Clickbait.

Q1: Are ever going to see any more updates to the site Timeline or will the events of 844 be the last hard notation?

Q2: What ever happened to Zero, the infamous yet mysterious over-villain who masterminded the Virus and Omni?

Q3: If the Vong can rebuild worlds like Alderaan, can they rebuild Corellia too in our Timeline?

Q4: If there has been galactic war since 835 and a maisima of death and destruction numbering well into the billions ever since, will the galaxy run out of people before we reach 900? (robot fleeting is cool.)


All questions are aimed at Staff. However, members are free to speculate and nod-sagely accordingly. :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
  1. We're in an infinite timeloop, so you'd better party like it's 844!
  2. Probably eaten by Ewoks.
  3. They could, but Brokellia sounds much better.
  4. Maybe, but it will never run out of Skywalker descended Chosen One Princesses from Tatooine. Also, Robot Fleeting is not allowed unless the ships themselves use lightsabres and fight in PVP.

...In case it was not obvious, these are NOT official answers. I am sure [member="Tefka"] has more serious answers for this.
1. Yes. Netherworld was not the last event.

2. Last we knew, Zero spoke with Akala and served as the catalyst for her return to the Galaxy. That's figured to be a pretty recent event, so we're pretty sure he's alive in our timeline. He's never been directly involved in anything though, so we don't actually know what's going on there.

3. As revealed in the Clockwork Rebellion timeline, Omni was an instrumental piece involved in the New Galaxy Rebuilding Plan. As far as we know, Omni is destroyed. The Yuuzhan Vong are all over the place. Factions are rebelling, warring. The Galaxy's not where it was when the New Galaxy Rebuilding Plan was put into effect.

4. You only get three questions.

Bad Luck Brian

You think You had a bad day?

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