Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Timeskip Advice


Disney's Princess
I was plotting another story today and decided that the current Map and year setup doesn't quite fit what I'm working with. 852 ABY or whatever. So I started planning a timeskip and realized I'm not sure how that would work. Can't pick a year too close because we'll eventually get there and I can't fathom the map's and faction's of the future. Alas, pick a year too far and our current generation of characters will never have business there. Oh dear.

Then I remembered that there are already plenty of people on this site roleplaying fully grown grandchildren of their original 835 ABY characters. So I guess somebody figured out how to do it already. Lulz. So yeah. I'm looking for timeskip advice. Anybody got any good tips and tricks for roleplaying a few years down the road? :D

Well, the whole writing grandchildren of their characters ect? It's mostly just handwavium. It's not really time skip relevant. Basically for that sort of timeskip you keep it nondescript, y'know.

Like most times they'll be like 'blah blah, they'd grown up so fast in these passing years' ect. It's not something you pin down, you just kinda age and do what you want when and how you want as far time skips go.

But, sure. As far as an actual timeskip goes? That depends on what you intend on having happen, because at the end of the day the people involved have to kind of stay on the same track up until this supposed time and then continue their arc following.

So, I'd only really suggest a timeskip if its a sort of elseworlds story. Otherwise, I really don't know a way to effectively do a timeskip.

| [member="Jsc"] |​

Time is completely irrelevant for the most part. The board has years for the events just because they need to occur sometime. It's entirely up to the writer though.

So as far as timeskip advice? Do whatever you wish because it won't affect or be affected by anyone else's concept.

My personal canon is roughly 3 times our time, which means it's ~17 years since 835ABY or 852ABY. But that's just my choice and you could have characters aged 30 years in this time or more.
I tend to follow the chronology of the 'canon' Chaos timeline. So my character started in 337 ABY and it's been 352 ABY so roughly 15 years have passed since I started writing her. This is a lot of time to fit in what has happened to the character since I begun writing her.


Disney's Princess
Tathra Khaeus said:
It's mostly just handwavium. It's not really time skip relevant.
Ah! Now I get it.

Kaine Australis said:
i've found the less people involved, the simpler it is.
I'll take this to heart.

Valiens Nantaris said:
Time is completely irrelevant for the most part. The board has years for the events just because they need to occur sometime.
I never would have believed this three years ago. But today? Yeah. I can see how Chaos is a completely different beast. I'll throw this in with "Master Rank for everybody", "Auto-approved Subs", and "Freedom!" :p

Ella Nova said:
This is a lot of time to fit in what has happened to the character since I begun writing her.
I feel this way every time I make a new character who is old enough to have experienced the board events. I'm like, "Oh no. She lived on Fondor while Ayden Cater was still around? Darn. Then she clearly must be pregnate with his child. Just like all the women who would have seen his mystical hat. Grrrr! Darn you Cater!!!"

Or something like that. :p
I don't follow the timeline of Chaos at all really. Normally I age my characters per story arc or say every two and half to three months or so. Unless the character is totally inactive, then they don't age since they never did anything.

Normally when I age a character, I also let any writing partners I have know. This way if they want to age theirs as well they can. It doesn't really matter if they do or not, but it keeps them on the same page and timeline as me.

It's also interesting coming up with characters and incorporating into their bios things that have happened on the forum.

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