Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Application Tingel Arm Coalition


Tingel Arm Coalition

OOC Hierarchy:

IC Hierarchy:
  • League of Planets: The league of planets sits at the top of the hierarchy, made up of planetary representatives, who stand on an equal footing with all others in the league and vote on behalf of their respective planets. An elected representative called the Commander in Chief is chosen to lead this body in discussion, oversee foreign policy, and represent the will of TAC citizens. Fynch Fynch sits as the acting Commander in Chief.
  • Coalition High Command: Military leadership, made up of volunteers that have shown exceptional skill in strategy and logistics in the sphere of combat. Overseen by the Commander in Chief.
  • Coalition Military: Volunteer troops with standard military rank structure, with progression structured similarly to the example given below.
    • General
    • Colonel
    • Commander
    • Major
    • Captain
    • Lieutenant
    • Sergeant
    • Private
  • Aquillian Rangers: Separate classification for Force users, with a looser structure and regiment. Stands at the same hierarchy as the Coalition Military.
    • Chief Officer (aka Chief): Standing leader of the rangers as appointed by the Tingel Arm Coalition. Gives out assignments and maintains communication with TAC leadership.
    • Deputy Chief: Second in command. Acts in the stead of the Chief should they be absent, primary aid in strategization.
    • Advisory Council: High ranking Rangers who advise TAC leadership.
    • Ranger: Standard Aquillian Ranger
    • Ranger Cadet: Aquillian Ranger Recruit
Requested Hexes: Sanctuary, Dornea, Atollon, Baros & Targonn, Maldra IV, Anubys, Hurikane (Capital)

Requested Mandate:

Beyond the Void

Interested Members:

A'Runda A'Runda
Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Braze Braze
Marcus Voss Marcus Voss
Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol
M1G-77 M1G-77
Vulpesen Vulpesen
Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro
Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon
Benaiah Maquis
Ramys Marnarro Ramys Marnarro
Ssakai Ssakai


The Tingel Arm Coalition is a planetary alliance located in the Eastern Outer Rim, dedicated to the reclamation of worlds from Imperial occupation. It’s a light aligned faction intended to provide an experience akin to the grassroots Rebel Alliance movements in the original trilogy, The major players reflect this aesthetic, with local recruits and planetary leaders taking the forefront. Force Users of the faction fall more into the folk-hero roles that they took as they were described by Ben Kenobi, or similarly to the Jedi who appeared to aid in the Unification Wars of the ancient Core which founded the Republic. Alongside fighting for the liberation of worlds under Imperial occupation, the TAC looks to focus on inter-planetary relationships, explore and deepen local planetary cultures, and combat the lawlessness of the Outer Rim to reestablish secure settlements and trade routes.

The Pitch:

The Tingel Arm Coalition is a faction to scratch an itch that is presently unaddressed by the board. A smaller, grassroots style faction that takes inspiration heavily from the Rebel Alliance is an unfilled niche, one which presents new opportunities for storytelling. With the primary light aligned faction being relegated to the Core and a handful of Imperial factions located in the Outer Rim Territories of the Eastern board, the TAC would be uniquely positioned to present the angle of people in the Outer Rim who are fighting to keep Empires out of or remove Imperials from their home. It also looks to present the opportunity to show the Eastern Outer Rim from a new angle, with a heavy focus on planets as more independant bodies and providing a space for the exploration of various Outer Rim cultures. For Force User writers who seek a Jedi experience more like the Wayseekers or for those who simply wish to write wondering heroes, this is a space for that as well.

Past Roleplay Threads:

The Misty Mountain, Blaze of Glory, Rim and Rebirth, From Twin Suns to Twin Blades,
Talks to Turn the Tides
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See with eyes unclouded by hate

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