The deadly cat


The docks on Naboo would soon be flustered with the daily occurrences of life in the system. The waters glistened. Stores were barely opening as the sun slowly rose above the soaring oceans of the planet. People would be coming to buy their food and prepare for a days worth of work soon. Children would be making their way to school. Anything out of the usual would be spotted, unless there was good reason for them not to be seen. As the sun rose, the docks soon became one of the busiest places on Naboo except for the palace, where most of the diplomatic deals occur. Ships began arriving at the ports and dropping off their goods. Freighters arrived to trade their items and shiny things for credits. Arrivals through the planet came through the docks and to the immigration offices to ensure they aren't arrested.
A small ship soon arrives on the planet, filled and bustling with the activities of Twi'lek waiting for their arrival on the planet. The ship was being piloted by an Ithorian escort. Anticipation filled the ship as the immigrants awaited their landing in Docking Bay 38. The ship stopped briefly before slowly descending onto the landing pad. Once again, the ship stopped. This time, the engines were turned off. They had landed. Shouts and screams filled the crowded ship, everyone was excited. Soon enough, the ramp opened. The group of Twi'leks were greeted by a docking official. The official ordered that the escort pay the docking fee. They did.
The twi'leks traveled in a group to the immigration offices, waiting in the lobby for their opportunity to have freedom. But something, much rather, someone, followed them. It was a small furry creature, fairly similar to a species known as a Kushiban. This cat like person was hidden on the ship, barely managing to make it's way off to Naboo. But it managed. The creature walked along the docks, much rather, strutted. The thing arrived at the Naboo mainland, then, it rose. Standing on two legs like a regular person, odd for a four legged creature. It walked, no, he walked. His name is "Bing."