Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Tion: Escape

There's Always A Dark Side

Tev's ship pushed past the atmosphere doing his best to cut through the smoke that rose and avoid the bombardments that threatened to take him out along with the rest of the people of Tion. The innocents should not be punished for the sins of their government, Tev couldn't evacuate the whole of Tion alone. He would do what he could to evacuate those that would leave with him, perhaps he should have stayed away. The difference between those who left with him and those who remained was life and death, or worse. Knowing the Sith Empire, death would be welcome mercy for those who would find themselves subjugated by them most especially those near the Sith Holy Worlds where the Kainate had free roam.

To all who stand against the darkness,

This is Tev Ontarre of the Torchlight Fellowship. I address this call to every light-sided force user, Jedi, and any soul with a ship and the heart to help.

The Sith Empire has begun its merciless assault on Tion. The sky is choked with smoke, the ground scorched and lifeless beneath their fire. The cries of the innocent echo through the chaos as they burn the world to the ground. I was in a nearby system, tracking a slaver ring, when I noticed the ominous movements of the Sith fleet. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated – the people of Tion need our help, and they need it now.

We cannot stand by and watch as innocents are slaughtered and their homes reduced to ash. This is a call to arms, a plea for assistance. Every moment we delay, more lives are lost to the Sith's ruthless campaign.

If you have a ship, if you have the means to save even a single life, I implore you to join us. We need all the aid we can muster – Jedi, light-side force users, and anyone who can help get people out of this hell. This is a time for action, for courage, for the light to stand against the encroaching darkness.

Coordinate with me and other members of the Torchlight Fellowship. We are organizing evacuation efforts, but our resources are limited. Your support can mean the difference between life and death for countless souls.

Time is of the essence. May the Force be with us all.

Tev Ontarre
Torchlight Fellowship, Guild of Force Users
Dosuunian Commonwealth

OOC: Open to all light side, Jedi, smugglers, scoundrels, et al who would like to help evacuate folks from Tion.

There's Always A Dark Side

Tev was far from home, with a few Firebrands along side him. He secured his mask to his face, the familiar weight of it settling as he prepared to get civilians out. "Mahieu, Denisete, with me," he called, his lightsaber swinging at his hip as he rushed toward the two Firebrands. He turned to another pair, issuing quick orders, "Dru, Sandar, take your teams out and get whoever is willing to go with you. We have to get as many out as we can."

Mahieu, moving forward beside Tev, asked, "What about the Alliance? The New Jedi Order? Where are they?"

Tev shook his head, frustration simmering beneath his calm exterior. "Put out the message to all known channels," he instructed. "But we all know the Alliance has its own problems. We'll be lucky if anyone hears us." He paused, looking Mahieu in the eyes. "We're just going to save whoever we can, brother. It's all we can do."

Tev patted Mahieu on the shoulder and sprinted ahead. Chaos reigned on the ground, from viral bombs to the relentless ordnance raining down on Tion. The Firebrands and their Radiants were already returning with whoever they could find. Tev raced forward, signaling any civilians willing to come toward him. Instead of the typical announcement of his affiliation, he simply shouted, offering a lifeline to those desperate to escape. "If you want out, we can help get you out!" he yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Mahieu and Denisete were ahead of him, moving rubble off people, with Tev not far behind doing the same. He reached down, pulled up a couple of kids, and handed them off to a pair of Radiants. Their efforts had to make a difference. These were just civilians living their lives, none of them had anything to do with whatever it was the Sith wanted from the Empire of the Lost. Urging civilians toward his ship, Tev's heart broke at the amount of devastation he was witnessing.

Tion burned.

Tydeus, last scion of his house, wept.

He cradled the body of his sister in his arms, her body blackened by fires beyond recognition, her skin crumbling to his touch. The boy rocked back and forth upon the boarding ramp of the family shuttle, clutching her body and sobbing, his voice raw and ragged.

Overhead, obliterated satellites and orbital stations fell like smoldering tear streaks across the skies. The three moons of Tion hung like great glowing eyes, refineries and industrial complexes incandescent with the flames of their ruin. All this wealth and splendor, in a moment, all utterly ended.

Behind the shuttle, a hellish blaze consumed the cratered remains of the Gravid estate, smoke belching from giant pits in the earth, torn asunder by capital ship turbo lasers. Tydeus’ entire family had been in that estate. Including his sister.

Now he stared out from the shuttle ramp upon their once seaside view and saw a steaming, poisoned ocean.

In minutes, the falling stations would collide with Tion’s surface and wipe them all away. Blinded by tears, Tydeus slumped on his knees over the body of his sister and choked out another sob. Let it come. Let it all end. He could feel the death all around him, ripping him apart, unfurling the threads of his very essence. Millions? Billions. So many dead. His entire family. Every friend he’d ever known. Every dream he’d hoped. Every shred of his future. It all burned before his eyes, consumed in the turbo laser fire of Sith, opening up a horrible wound in the ether.

His heartbeat quickened and a his chest tightened. His hands quivered, then began to shake outright as he let go of his sister‘s corpse. The Sith. The Kainate. They were responsible for this. His fingernails bit into the palms of his hands and his eyes burned hot with hate. He would make them pay.

All the pain and agony crying out into the void? He drank it in, took it into himself, BECAME the wound. A symbol of Tion’s suffering. No. A symbol of their hate.

Tydeus let the agony of a billion lost souls flow through him and he felt power unlike any he had ever known. His vision blackened at the edges and he nearly lost consciousness, then his back arched and he let out a shriek from his ragged throat into the burning skies above until his voice cracked and left him in a whisper. Then he got up and carried his sister into the ship.

The shuttle left the carnage of a world torn asunder, bound for vengeance.
There's Always A Dark Side

Tev and his Firebrands loaded all they could into their six freighters. It wasn't enough. They knew it, but what else could be done? They had to get out; the stations would be falling. Torn between wanting to stay and the reality that if he and his team didn't leave now, all their efforts would have been for nothing. So, the Starlight Courier and five other vessels lifted off from Tion, leaving the ground behind as the devastation continued to spread.

As they ascended, Tev saw other ships and shuttles leaving and opened a call. "To those who need refuge, you are free to follow our convoy. We are headed for our home, far from here. We can provide you with food, shelter, clothing. We cannot undo what has been wrought upon you and yours by the Sith, but we can help give you the means to survive, and perhaps one day, see to Tion's reclamation." It was little comfort, he knew. He could feel the disturbance in the Force as voices by the thousands, if not millions, were silenced.

Once they reached the Tion system proper, the shuttles jumped to hyperspace, making their way home to the Dosuunian Commonwealth.


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