Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tion Madon

NAME: Tion Madon
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Sith Acolyte
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2 meters
WEIGHT: 80 kilograms
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Pale.


+ Very agile and fast.
+ A near master of Form ll Lightsaber combat,Makashi.
- A horrible Mechanic,cannot fix any type of technology.
-If backed surrounded Tion can't do anything combat wise.

A fairly tall Pau'an,Tion stands at 2 meters and 80 kilograms of weigh.

Born on the planet of Coruscant,,Tion Madon was found by a Jedi Knight and was sent to the Jedi Temple. Tion learned all forms of Lightsaber combat,but favored Makashi and Soresu. The Jedi Council was sure that Tion would became a Jedi Knight quickly,and for a while it seemed that way. But deep down inside Tion felt the darkside calling to him,pulling at him. After he felt this Tion became to lose faith in the Jedi Order. But before he could even think about leaving The One Sith attacked Coruscant and killed his master. The sith turned him to the darkside and used him as a Military Commander and Jedi Hunter.


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