Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tipoca Private Health Clinic: Subject Five Dossier



Designation: Case #[REDACTED], Subject Five

Geneology: 97% Human, however samples given indicate other deviations in DNA, including Chiss, Togruta, and some distant Twi'lek. Dr [REDACTED] has speculated this may be contamination, but as per Directive Four, Policy 49, it is believed this is accurate.

AGE: Advanced ageing therapies have put Subject Five at just over seven chronological years. Biologically, Subject Five is eighteen years of age. Physically and sexually mature.

SEX: Male, as per client request.

Projected Height: 6'2

Physiology: Subject Five sits currently, at a steady 62 kilograms. When he begins to access solid foods, he will grow, along with muscle and tissue mass. Currently, massage therapies have managed to give the client a general field of movement, and is estimated to allow formal use of standardised bodily functions.

FORCE SENSETIVITY: No midichlorian supplements have been used, as per the contract with the client.


Dr Jervis' Personal Log :
+Biological Master Race: The Client was rather specific with his demands, and through his orders, we have created potentially a super soldier. Immune system, has been spliced with many species to be stronger than a normal humans. I do hope this escapes the notice of the Emperor.
-Mental Instability: Subject 5 has never been conscious, therefore once he is handed over to Client and [REDACTED], I speculate that he will be rather, unstable mentally. While hormone treatments we have provided will hopefully abate this, who knows what we may have made. Behaviours will need to be learned, as well.

-Physical Fragility: While we may have bred Subject Five to be a supreme specimen, he will need to grow into that. A healthy diet for a number of years, along with a prolonged exercise regimin is necessary to ensure that Subject Five fulfills potential. However, until then, he will be inferior.

Dr Klien's Physiological Projections:
The specimen looks remarkably like the Client, in the pictures provided by our agents. He will, grow to be a larger male, standing at 6'2, and approximately 100 kilograms, most of which will be made up in in terms of muscle mass. As per the dominant genes, his eyes will be a deep green, with flecks of hazel, and blue, and hair growth will be easily sustainable until his mid nineties. Hair pigmentation is of a blonde colour, which will, with time and weathering, turn to a dirtier shade.


Day 1: DNA have been recieved from [REDACTED], along with payment. Currently, Dr Jervis and Dr Klien have taken stewardship of the Subject, and will remain as its warden.

Day 19: The genetic mapping and growth map finalised. Sample delivered to artificial womb #67 for incubation.

Day 47: Fetal growth has been steady, and the specimen is healthy. Nutrient intake is slower than anticipated. Higher protein concentrations required.

Day 389: The baby is officially past the artificial womb stage. He was successfully birther by Nurse [REDACTED] and a THC Clinician Unit at 0300 this morning.

Day 1034: First signs of pubic development have occurred. Projected growth spurts have begun ahead of schedule, with a dramatic climbing of muscle mass.

Day 1893: The advanced growth hormones have steadily decelerated. Dr Klien performed a swab today, revealing they had all been released. Looks like the Subject will age naturally. Hopefully the Client comes to collect sooner, rather than later.

Day 2138: Due to security concerns regarding the threat of Admiral Tuspin's forces, Directive Nine is in effect. Subject Five, Seven and Nine have been moved to the lower growth and hibernation labs until further notice.




ENTRY ONE [X]: Dunno where I made it from, or how I got there, but I woke up, on Tatooine. Planet was terrible. Sand everywhere, the heat, unbearable. Managed to find someone. Met two strangers. Suki, and Chaz. She was more talktative. Less sick than Chaz. Gave me a name. Harlov. Didn't like it. Suki helped me find a settlement. Went our seperate ways. Hope to see her soon. Managed to find a way off the planet with one Captain Vorn. Firm, but fair nerf herder. Gave me a new name. Fives. A number. I like it.

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