Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(OOC Note: This character is a transfer from the former Star Wars: Evolution, and also used at TGC, ranking as Sith Lord/Master in both places)

NAME: Tirdarius
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Master
AGE: 38
WEIGHT: 140lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian (Pale)



Distinct from those among the Sith that live to enjoy the pain and suffering of others, Tirdarius approaches life in a far more clinical, rational manner, taking into consideration the objectives and aims of the order, rather than working only to achieve short-term goals of his own and to obtain the minor gratification that comes from subduing or crushing those that stand in his way. He is often cold, always aloof, and rarely inclined towards displays of outward emotion, beyond those that serve a particular purpose - even the anger that often characterises the actions of his brethren only appears when he considers it an appropriate way of getting what he wants: oftentimes only when he feels that violence or the threat of the same becomes necessary.

As a consequence of this penchant, he also tends to be something of a long-term planner, and possesses unusual patience in waiting to achieve his aims, giving him something of an odd perspective among the Sith. This particular tendency has even led to moments where he has seemed inclined to demonstrate mercy when there is no need for it, since he does not believe in taking life without very specific cause, lest the death of the person concerned have wider ramifications than might initially believed. In that same vein, he is generally not inclined to dismiss the lives of others quite so quickly as his fellow Sith, considering everyone as a potential resource rather than a being that exists simply to be dominated or destroyed.

The majority of those relationships in which Tirdarius does engage are formed purely on the basis of mutual benefit, rather than due to any need for companionship on his part - the Coruscanti Sith is particularly driven with regards to seeing his plans through, and has little time for those that are not capable of providing assistance in some form. When encountering others, he is oftentimes brisk and abrupt in his attitude, and his mannerisms will often betray a certain impatience for their dealings to be concluded, so that he can proceed to the next stage of his endeavours. He is, as a consequence, an extremely private individual, and will protect both that with a far greater zeal than he will under any other circumstance.

As a Sith, Tirdarius might be said to have swallowed a brochure in its entirety, since he believes in the ancient doctrines of that Order without a single doubt, and will thus often convey these understandings in his everyday conversation or within his actions. He has a great respect for personal autonomy, and for those willing to take their destiny into their hands and thus determine their own path, even should the individual concerned lack the Force Sensitivity that is valued among the Sith. To a certain extent, this may very well explain his reluctance to take life unnecessarily, since each individual life snuffed out thus destroys all the potential that person may have had, which he considers to be a waste, and distasteful in the extreme, though he has some understanding of why others may resort to such measures even when not required.


Preferring the more subtle arts to the overt, Tirdarius is a practitioner of those abilities designed to complement his non-violent tendencies and passive approach, although he has some capability in a few destructive skills as well - mostly picked up in an effort to ensure his own survival during his climb through the Sith hierarchy.

His Force abilities revolve around Illusions and Mental Manipulation - although, among the Jedi, he was instructed in many of the more overt abilities, such as Telekinesis, his Master among the Sith proved to be a far more subtle woman than his instructors in the Jedi Order, and as such taught him methods that relied less upon brute force and more upon mental agility and deviousness. He has a particular gift for Telepathy, having been forced to rely upon it to a very considerable extent while training with Silencia, and tends to prefer the use of illusions for concealment and the like, if required to use any at all.

As far as his lightsaber training is concerned, he has sufficient training to get by, preferring to fight using a one-handed style, but in truth considers himself to be a mediocre swordsman at best - to his mind, if a situation has devolved such that he needs to resort to using a lightsaber, he has already failed to control the situation. Use of such a weapon is mere butchery in his eyes, and he considers that the province of more...uncivilised members of the Sith Order.

The Force

Universal Skills

Telekinesis: ■■■■■■■■■■
Force Jump: ■■■■■■■■■■
Force Sense: ■■■■■■■■■■
Telepathy: ■■■■■■■■■
Force Persuasion: ■■■■■■■■■■
Force Illusion: ■■■■■■■■■
Force Flash: ■■■■■■■■■■
Tutaminis: ■■■■■■■■■■

Dark Side Skills

Force Lightning: ■■■■■■■■■
Force Drain: ■■■■■■■■■■
Force Horror: ■■■■■■■■■■
Memory Walk: ■■■■■■■■■

General Abilities

Health and Fitness

Power: ■■■■■■■■■■
Endurance: ■■■■■■■■■■
Speed: ■■■■■■■■■■
Balance: ■■■■■■■■■■

General Skills

Piloting: ■■■■■■■■■■
Computing: ■■■■■■■■■■


- Methodical: Tirdarius has always been a very thorough individual, and exhibits this though a high attention to detail and a tendency to always complete any task he might begin, demonstrating a persistence that goes well beyond a mere desire to get things done. To that end, he can be relentless in seeking solutions to problems, dealing with any obstacles that might come his way, and in obtaining the means by which to accomplish his goals.

- Forward Planner: rather than simply live according to the whims of the moment, Tirdarius tends to always plan for the future, seeking new and different ways to put circumstances to the advantage of the Sith, and ultimately always tries to manipulate a situation to fit his own goals. He believes that is inefficient to waste resources, and does not display the same ruthless sadism of his brothers: he thinks that it is better to spare a life and gain the allegiance of such a being than to kill them purely to demonstrate his power over them.

-Illusionist: As a Force User, Tirdarius' talents focus upon the more subtle practices. Although capable of wielding destructive power, he has always felt it better to use those that might gently influence others, whether to trick, persuade or conceal. His preference for mental manipulation expresses itself in his use of telepathy, and his skill at manipulating the thoughts and feelings of others with the Force is considerable.


- Arrogance: Tirdarius is entirely confident of his own capabilities and has very little time for those who feel it best to challenge those, or to prove themselves by targeting him. He tends to be quickly dismissive of threats and has little time for the egotism or blustering of others, thinking that it detracts from completion of his goals. Although Tirdarius does not therefore consider himself superior to others as such, his mannerisms often suggest otherwise, simply because of his apparent disdain and dismissive nature.

- Trusting Nature: Since he does not believe in wasting resources, Tirdarius is often inclined to trust those around him, believing that they share his goals of a stronger Sith and a unified Galaxy, and thus rarely takes a life unless to do otherwise is harmful to him or to the Sith cause. Even the Jedi he sees merely as an obstacle, a group of beings placed under a powerful illusion, but who can be freed from this and brought to see the true vision that Tirdarius perceives. However, this can ultimately place him in considerable danger, since those he would trust ultimately are not always deserving of this trust, and will occasionally aim to put a dagger in his back, purely to serve their own ends.

- Diplomatic: Preferring the wiles of diplomacy over those of combat or outright domination, Tirdarius tends more towards mediating problems without violence, even during moments where a more direct response might be called upon. This is often considered a weakness among the Sith, many of whom believe that the arts of diplomacy are irrelevant on the path to power. He will often prefer to offer an alternative to an enemy instead of killing them, and tends only towards aggressive action if all other paths have been exhausted.

- Conservative: Believing firmly in the ideal that the Empire is good for the Galaxy as a whole, Tirdarius is nearly fanatical in his loyalty to the Sith, although he disdains many of them as lacking vision or understanding the true nature of the idea behind the Empire as a power structure. He perceives the need for order and structure in the Galaxy, and see this as the end goal of all Sith: to establish a hierarchy of power where that order is maintained from above, allowing all below to live peacefully. He has little time for those who live merely to harm the Jedi or to indulge their personal passions above all else, and tends to react quite ruthlessly with those who do.

- Unambitious: Tirdarius doesn't much care for his place in the hierarchy, beyond simply wanting to be in position to influence the direction of the Empire and keep it on track, and has no particular ambitions for himself: his sole intent on serving on the Dark Council is to make sure that no singular Sith can move to derail what he perceives as the vision of the Empire. He refuses to participate in the power-plays made by the others, and certainly has no ambition to become Emperor and lead the Sith as a whole.

- Silent: Although often fairly verbose in the past, Tirdarius has recently returned to the ways taught to him by his Master, maintaining complete verbal silence at all times. This is however compensated for by his telepathic skills, with which he uses to communicate to a select few. Though this has the advantage of being impossible to overhear, it naturally leads to the occasional social awkwardness, and does not allow him to engage in common conversation the way others might.


Tall and wiry, Tirdarius does not fit the general stereotype of the Sith - though in good physical condition, he does not have the bulk associated with those constantly engaged in heavy physical activity. Rather, he prefers to cut a more slender figure, using his considerable height and intense expressions to accentuate the dark presence he possesses through the Force, this expressing itself outwardly with a self-confident and focused poise.

His expressions can vary quite significantly, although more often than not, he prefers to adopt a calm, cold expression that reflects little of what he is thinking or feeling. The majority of his emotive expressions emanate from his intense grey eyes, since he generally prefers to maintain a level of personal restraint that is based more upon expediency than any desire to withold his feelings from others.

In terms of attire, the Sith does not generally dress as would be expected, although he does prefer the traditional black as opposed to any other colour of clothing. Typically, he can be seen wearing a dark tunic with a tight collar at the neck, along with black trousers and black rancor leather boots that extend up to just below the knees. Around his waist, he usually wears a black sash, to which his lightsaber is attached on the left side, so that he can draw it with his right hand in a natural motion. Over this, he usually wears the long black outer robe that Sith traditionally use, although he rarely makes use of the hood attached to it, preferring to leave his features uncovered.


The Fell Star, a YT-1930 transport, modified to function with a single pilot through the use of a droid brain installed to augment the primary computer. This has required some changes to the cargo bay area, which has been reduced dramatically in size, with the left-side cargo bay and freezer entirely removed to house this technology. One of the cabins has also been removed, with the structural wall separating it from the Captain's Cabin having been removed in order to extend the size of the room. Tirdarius uses this as his private meditation cabin as well as his personal quarters while aboard.

The ship's single laser cannon has been modified so that it is fixed in a forward-firing position rather than on a swivel mount, but can now be controlled from the cockpit. This was done to ensure that the ship would remain fully functional with but a single pilot, though it massively diminishes the effectiveness of the vessel's combat capabilities, leaving Tirdarius dependent on the ship's shields and armour technologies to protect it.

The transport ship is currently painted in a matte black colour to ensure that it is harder to detect visually, though it will still show up perfectly fine on the sensors of another vessel. The ship is currently equipped with an additional set of transponder codes that are registered as legal within Republic space (operating under the alias Herald's Gift, to allow Tirdarius to travel without the inconvenience of being shot at.


Early Childhood

A native of Coruscant, Aslyn was born to two parents both academically inclined to some degree, one being a teacher of music, the other having made a career of designing home education software for those that preferred to learn outside formal educational institutions. It was as a consequence of his mother's career that he spent much of his early life on the planet of Commenor, since his mother was offered a position at the University of Commenor as a lecturer in the auditory arts not long after she had fully recovered from her maternity leave and had thus started looking for work. Since his father worked from their home, it was a fairly obvious choice to be made.

Reflecting back on his childhood, it often occurs to Aslyn that he could not remember the names of either of his parents, being fairly certain that neither of them had been spoken within his hearing sufficient times to burn that into his mind. Certainly his family name was not something often alluded to, and this made his later transition into a Sith all the easier. But no such thoughts were his during those easy times - for all intents and purposes, he had a fairly good start in life, compared to many. From the few things he can recall of his childhood, they had lived in a good home, and were not living in poverty, which was something.

Aslyn began attending school at the age of five, encouraged by his parents, both of whom apparently harbouring ambitions for him to follow in their footsteps in an academic career. Although he certainly found himself often engaged by what he was learning, it seemed clear that everyone but his parents that the boy was more of a pragmatist than an academic, often pursuing aspects of study that were far less creative than his musically-inclined mother, although at his young age, it was always difficult to determine how such a thing might manifest himself in later years.

As it so happened, his parents never really had the chance to find out. At the age of nine, the point at which most children begin to start manifesting their academic potential, rather than simply engaging in basic lessons or playful construction, his mother was killed when an out-of-control speeder crashed side-long into the inter-city tram she had been taking in order to get home from her classes at the University. No blame could be ascribed to this, beyond that of the pilot, and since that individual had been the first to die, there was little that could have been done. And, as such, it was left to the boy's father to raise him on his own.

The image itself was a fairly familiar one: a boy, deprived of one parent, thus goes on to form a closer bond with the remaining one, the two of them surviving on their mutual need for affection. Or at least, that was how it was supposed to have happened. Although at an age where the circumstances and strains were difficult to comprehend, he had still figured out that much. Aslyn's father, however, had clearly misunderstood what happened next and, burdened as he was with grief, committed suicide shortly after the death of his wife, leaving their son with little in the way of support. To some extent, Aslyn felt that this was possibly his own fault, for not having provided sufficient support to his father in that time of difficulty, but that smaller feeling was far overriden by the sense that his parents had been cowards for leaving him to fend for himself, when nobody ought to have been expected to.

Indeed, it seemed to be of little surprise that he carried this into later life, not so much with hatred focused upon his parents, but rather with the simple abhorrence directed to those that neglected their responsibilities for something as trivial as death. But from then on, he was clearly on his own. He was not of a legal age to assume the financial and administrative responsibilities that were the purview of the adult world, and thus it had been suggested by the authorities that he be placed up for adoption, that he might find some semblance of normality when circumstances were already far from anything close.

It was determined eventually that he had distant relatives that had remained behind on Coruscant, family with whom he could reside, the de facto inheritence that was his passing into their care until such a time as he could claim it for himself, with age. Mindful, even at his age, at the possibility of a repeat performance occuring with regards to the death of his new 'family', the boy waiting only a few weeks while the opportunity was right, then disappeared from the home of his relatives, into the undercity of Coruscant, carrying with him what little money he had been able to get his hands on. From now on, he would find his own path in life, and not walk on upon which the bodies of his family were strewn.

Jedi Order

Even though he had been approaching ten years old at the time of his departure from family life, Aslyn nonetheless managed to survive adequatly on the streets of Coruscant, scrounging when times were good, stealing outright when they were not. He had, oddly enough, discovered that he had an uncanny knack of keeping himself out of trouble, simply feeling when a situation wasn't right, and was something to be avoided by him. It was almost as though there was a voice in the back of his mind, speaking to him and suggesting that there was trouble ahead, and he would survive only by walking away. And this allowed him to survive relatively unscathed, although he knew these intuitions were far from perfect.

Of course, life on the streets was no picnic even at the best of times. Wearing bedraggled clothing, sleeping on delapidated benches, or in the shelter of abandoned buildings that littered the undercity of his homeworld as though forgotten by all but the unfortunate. Food was scarce, but this was his only fortune, since appetite had never been something he had been much possessed of at any rate, although he would obviously not gain the sort of weight one would have considered normal for someone of his age and rapidly-growing height.

It was in this state that he was found by someone he had hardly expected to meet: a member of the Jedi Order, one who had been sent to discover the source of certain...fluctuatons that the Jedi had picked up as emanating from the Undercity, chaotic and lacking the discipline imparted by their training and conditioning. Although the boy had little understanding of this at the time, it was determined that he was, as they said, 'Force Sensitive', attuned to the energies of the greater Universe and would thus be an able candidate for their training.

Although he was old by the entry standards of the ancient Jedi Order, the modern Jedi had little inclination to exclude students based merely upon age, and thus ran the boy through a battery of tests and then initiated him into their ranks, his proven potential clearly evident from the test results, giving him opportunity to develop his Force ability into something a little more cohesive, such that he might develop into a Jedi, given time.

His initial training was all that could be expected: provided with instruction in history, politics, the arts of diplomacy, as well as taught to use a lightsaber, and the arts of Telekinesis, Sensing and others besides. The boy functioned well enough under these conditions, certainly thriving moreso than he had before - it was a considerable change from merely living on the streets and working hard merely to survive, with no greater purpose in mind. The Jedi certainly offered that much.

The Sith

That reality was rapidly shattered during a mission - while working on humanitarian efforts on a world that had been essentially been cut off from the normal flow of trade (and thus the large proportion of import and planetary income) as a result of the close proximity of the Empire, it was then that the Sith struck, proceeding to attack the planet with the intent of annexing it into the ever-growing Empire. The party he had joined as part of those efforts was left trapped, unable to escape knowing that their ship would never make it through a Sith planetary blockade. The only option open to the Jedi on the planet was to prepare to defend against the ground assault.

His sole encounter with the Sith came in the form of a Sith Witch: Inhinixia Verlei, a woman immensely stronger compared to the Padawan. She rapidly disarmed his attack and forced him into submission, and though expecting death, he did not receive it by her hands. Instead, she took him prisoner, making note to mock his weakness and his Jedi beliefs throughout their time together, forcing him aboard her ship until the battle on the planet's surface was done. At it's conclusion, she kept him locked within the hold while her vessel took off and headed for a very different destination: Kuat.

There, he was handed off into the custody of another Sith: the Lady Silencia, a woman masquerading as a noblewoman of that world, but a truly capable Sith in her own right, perhaps far more dangerous than Verlei. Aslyn's own observations were of her as a quiet, secretive woman with strengths more likely hidden - this in opposition to the more verbal, overtly expressive Verlei. He was only then to discover that the woman was essentially a functional mute, one that refused to speak around her fellow Sith, and one who only communicated via telepathy in their presence.

Left in Silencia's care, his instruction in the Sith ways began - slowly, at first, since the two could not effectively communicate, since he was not to speak and Silencia only ever expressed herself via her telepathic abilities, and even then, rarely at that. When he himself developed the same abilities, under Silencia's tutelege, his training progressed much faster as they were able to converse more effectively.

As his abilities in the Force became stronger and his ties with the Jedi Order continued to be cut, Silencia encouraged him to immerse himself more in Sith teachings, to better understand the nature of power and the circumstances under which it should be used. To that end, she encouraged him to leave Kuat and journey to the territories held under the sway of the Sith Empire, to mix with the others of their Order and to better understand both what their teachings held, and also to witness for himself the corruptions and perversions that Silencia had warned him had long plagued the Sith ranks, turning them away from true vision and the reality of what they had to do.

Working alongside the other Sith, Aslyn rapidly came to understand that the Sith all sought power but rarely understood the use of it, instead focusing solely on themselves and what that power might gain them, rather than focusing on what might be good for all. Becoming more fervent in this belief, he worked hard to push his own training forward, the better to press his own way towards the upper ranks, that he might perhaps serve to stabilise the path that the Empire seemed to be heading down.

After several encounters with the Jedi, one of which resulting in his successful conversion of a Jedi Padawan to the Sith path (something he found mildly ironic, considering his own history), he was elevated the the rank of Sith Lord by a gathering of several of those same beings, chief amongst them being the Lord Emalfni, who instructed Aslyn to go forth and continue to serve the Sith as he had done thus far. It was during this ceremony that he cast aside his old name, believing that full dedication to that path now required him to cast aside the old life and step forward as a new man. Aslyn Denethorn ceased to be, and he departed the room with a new name: Tirdarius.



None at present.
Changed Tirdarius' biography to better reflect his history from another board - I managed to piece together enough of it to write a passable recollection, although it's still vague in places, given that I lose a massive amount of the old RPs I relied upon to compile it. I've made a few minor changes, with a touch of creative license, due to the fact that the site timeline is also different.

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