Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tiria, The Jewel Beauty



Name: Tiria
Age: Physically 21; Biologically 14
Species: Human (dramatic augmentations)
Hair: Salmon Pink
Eyes: Cyan
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 125 Lbs.
Build: Perfect figure (augmented)
Complexion: Faint silver, with millions of tiny jewels encrusted in it to give it a beautiful and reflective luster (augmented)
Force Sensitive: She was sensitive before her augmentations, and they dampened her potential greatly, but she still has a slight Force signature.

Beauty: Tiria can't go anywhere without being gawked at (for obvious reasons).
Flexibility and agility: Tiria is highly acrobatic, and can bend with grace and ease.
Voice: Due to augmentation, Tiria's voice was made to be the most beautiful in the Galaxy. Her singing is so melodious and sweet that it is practically hypnotic.

Lack of independence: Tiria doesn't do well on her own. In a way, she was made to where she couldn't survive alone.
Can't Fight: Tiria does not know how to fight, and her augmentations make it difficult for her to do so.
Fragile: Tiria is easily hurt if roughly handled.

Tiria is innocent in some ways, and very mature in others. She hasn't experienced proper romance. She is friendly, but often soft-spoken when it comes to people making decisions for her. She is sensitive. When someone is angry or mean to her, she will become scared and/or begin crying. Her self-esteem is very low. If someone says that she is ugly, she will believe them until someone can convince her otherwise. Basically, Tiria is a weak-willed defenseless damsel-in-distress.

Tiria was once a slave girl who worked for a Hutt on Nal Hutta. The Hutt had come up with a breakthrough. He paid a small group of scientists to make the next big thing in the world of pleasure slaves. Tiria was unfortunate enough to possess perfect genetics, and that was exactly what the scientists needed. They took her, and preformed extensive augmentations to her. They permanently changed her hair color to Salmon Pink, and made it naturally glossy and soft. They changed her skin pigment, making her a very faint silver and encrusting millions of very tiny gemstones into her skin lining. They made her taller, older, and prettier. They injected chemicals in her genes that would greatly slow her age progression. They tweaked her vocal chords to produce a hypnotically beautiful and almost non-human voice. Lastly, they encrusted the very noticeable gem patterns on her face and lips. These augmentations were so dramatic that Tiria has little memory of her life before the surgery. She doesn't even remember what she looked like before.
With his prize creation complete, the Hutt began using Tiria to attract customers to her club. She would dance and sing for all of the patrons. Everyone left the club enchanted by her. When wealthier patrons came, the Hutt allowed them to sleep with Tiria. She gave the Hutt enough to begin making others like her. This has made his club, "Diamond Heart", one of the most revered clubs in the Galaxy. Tiria does not know what freedom is. She is a good slave, does what she's told, and does not complain or think twice about what she's asked to do. It's sad, to say the least. She's happy to be a slave because she knows no other life.


Somai Estelon said:
She is a good slave, does what she's told, and does not complain or think twice about what she's asked to do. It's sad, to say the least. She's happy to be a sex slave because she knows no other life.

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