Nyos Val
The Redeemer

Image Credit: http://www.ramascreen.com/wp-content/uploads/G.I.-Joe-Retaliation-Dwayne-Johnson-The-Rock-Roadblock1.png
NAME: Titan-28 Batch-5 “Deimos”
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: Unknown, Appears mid 20’s
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7'3”
WEIGHT: 285lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Fair/ Light
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Enhanced Strength- Comparable to/greater than a Wookie
+Enhanced Stamina-Marathon Endurance
+Enhanced Intellect-Mechanics, Engineering, Weaponry
+Martial Prowess
+Weapon Proficiency (Heavy)-Repeaters, Vibro-axes, Rocket Launchers, Power Hammers, Light Machine Slug Throwers, Scattershots
+Accelerated Healing-Faster than average, but not instant
+/- Force Dead, Reverse Bio-engineered Midichlorians combined with Vong Tech
-Specific Short Term Amnesia due to Trauma from Biochemical Experiments
-Experiments caused primal instincts to forego human nature, eliminating the “Flight” part of the “Fight or Flight” aspect.
-Never back down from a challenge, even when odds are tilted heavily in the opposition.
-Often acts, reacts without thinking.
-PTSD-Causing severe psycho-social impairment; as a result of Experimentation
APPEARANCE: Titan 28, AKA: Deimos stands a towering 7'3”. Exposure to Biochemical Experimentation caused his muscles to grow rapidly, enhanced biometric stability gives Deimos the ability to take a beating and still stand tall.
Dark Brown eyes look out as though they had seen the worst the galaxy has to offer, and they are just teasing the universe to throw more at him. Sturdy jawline and stubble gives him a rough and tumble look. The top of his head is covered in thick, black hair, often kept clean cut and loose.
BIOGRAPHY: Taken at the age 4, ‘Deimos’ was indoctrinated into a program run by an unidentified clandestine organization, set on creating super soldiers for tasks deemed impossible or suicidal. An undocumented virus was re-engineered to incubate in the bodies of the children to rewrite the DNA of the children into creating a more perfect being. The virus targets the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, causing the children to exhibit massive increases in size, strength and body function. Those children taken were discovered to have immunity to the virus itself, creating a gene pool from which the organization picked from to undergo experiments that moralists would call an abomination. Originally code named the Cry Baby Project, later after testing proved more successful, it was renamed the Titan Project. Having undergone the experimentation and training successfully Titan 28 was given full operational status.
Along with his Batch Brother Titan 27 AKA [member="Atlas"], T28, Deimos tested exceptional in the art of Mid-Range combat, wielding scattershot, E-webs, and heavy melee weapons. He was paired with Atlas because of their exemplary teamwork during testing. Both Titans suffered from social detachments, but their bond grew strong due to their blood-like compatibility on the field of battle. The amount chemical stress forced upon the pair caused them to develop selective amnesia effectively erasing the last few years of their lives, but untouched was the training and talent both were given.