Dr. Grey
- Intent: To create an internal artificial defibrillator and cybernetic organ transplant for the NIO.
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- Permissions:
- Primary Source: Not Applicable
- Unit Name: Titan Artificial Heart & Cardiovascular System
- Manufacturer: Julian Qar & Vladimir Kovačić
- Affiliation: New Imperial Order | PCs only
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: No
- Modularity: No
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material:
- Classification: Internal Organ
- Size: Small
- Weight: Light
- Resistances:
- Energy : None
- Kinetic: None
- Lightsabers: None
- EMP/ ION: Extreme
- Other (External damage) : None
- The Titan heart is a small, lightweight, and powerful device that can be used for both organic tissue transplantation and cybernetic augment energy distribution for military personnel. One of the most important features of the device is its resistance to Ionic and EMP-based attacks similar to an organic heart. This makes the risk of malfunction and death on the battlefield from external energy based attacks nonexistent.
- Titan eliminates the need for additional energy cells, producing calculated output and input based on the patients' cybernetic needs.
- Titan expedites the rate at which individuals can receive organ transplantation for full replacement or for supportive care.
- Patients with the Titan heart are substantially stronger and can execute strenuous activity longer than patients with organic hearts.
- Titan provides on and off the field medical personnel with more in-depth vital sign tracking.
- The Titan's design allowed it to withstand Ionic and EMP energy attacks that would otherwise disable and kill an augmented or organic transplant patient.
- The Titan does not produce an audible or natural heart rhythm. The device generates a mechanical whirring sound within the patient's chest. This can increase a patient's anxiety.
- If damaged when used as internal defibrillation or primary cardiovascular pump, will always result in death.
- Rehabilitation is required and may limit the combat readiness of priority individuals.
- The code for [Preservation Mode] can be sliced into on the battlefield and can compromise individuals and their units greatly.
The Titan cardiovascular device was developed as an internal backup for partial or full cybernetic augmentation. The goal of project TITAN was to create a device that could coexist with a patient's organic tissues. Cybernetic bodies require and consume substantially more energy than organic bodies to allow for optimal function. During augmentation procedures, we house internal power cells that are bulky and require replacements after [x-hours / x-months] based on the patient's strenuous use. These devices add to the individual's weight and require regular maintenance.
With the current onslaught and intensity of war and deployment, we have found a scarcity in organ donation based on donor numbers and species matches. This has driven the efforts to create dual functioning organs to be at the forefront of our cybernetics initiative. Overall, the creation of project Titan will help alleviate the stress of losing patients' who can not wait for potential donors to be located.
The Titan device was designed to work at maximum energy output, indefinitely. This has proven to create severe physical issues for both organic and augmented individuals. We have implemented a failsafe [Preservation Mode] within the unit code that limits the energy output and the possibility for overclocking.
- Risk: The device failsafe can be manipulated by medical and cybernetic personnel's internal HUD and Data Pad when needed. These devices still run the risk of external slicing and can compromise the patient's safety.
- The internal limits are hard-coded and based on species and augmented types.
- [Organic species benchmark] - Top physically fit personnel can average around 60km or 9 hours of nonstop physical activity
- [Cybernetic benchmark] - Augmented personnel can average around 120km or 16 hours of nonstop physical activity
- If/when an individual exceeds these benchmarks the device will automatically go into [Preservation Mode]. Within this mode, it is advised for patients to remain at rest and not exceed energy outputs of 130 APM (accelerations per minute - the equivalent of beats per minute) for 4 hours.
- If patients disregard preservation mode they may experience any of the following symptoms,
- Fatigue, dizziness, nausea, sluggishness, slurring of words, headaches. Organic individuals may experience micro-tearing within muscle tissues. Augmented individuals may see a rise in internal heat output which could fry and destroy existing augments.
Requirements for patients with an existing heart: All patients must undergo a series of stress testing, EKG, and ultrasonic imaging to ensure the tissues can withstand a permanent jump start unit. The Titan defib will be attached patient's heart to the right ventricle, right atrium, and coronary sinus. Grafts will also be attached to the superior vena cava, aorta, and pulmonary artery in the instances where individuals sustain damage to the existing heart and bypass flow is required.
Requirements for patients who need a full replacement heart: Patients who undergo full replacement have their organic cardiovascular tree replaced to allow for overclocking of the unit. They will also have a [Redacted] chip nested within the medulla to control all functions. Full therapeutic hemorrhaging is required to allow for compound combination and calibration of blood and DNA. This allows for extremely low / nonexistent rejection of the Titan Unit alongside allowing for multi-species transplantation.
Doctor Julian Qar , Age 38, Patient is a 90% cybernetically augmented physician with full cardiovascular and circulatory remapping along with Titan implantation.
Operative Sephi Karneh , Age 29, experienced severe organ damage and ventricular fibrillation due to extreme electrical exposure. She underwent full cardiovascular and circulatory remapping along with Titan implantation.
- Cardiovascular and Circulatory system remapping or replacement
- Titan Unit
- Ventricle and atrium nano leads [defib mode]
- Panacea Health System [WIP] - Sends data to physicians and cyberneticists involved in patient care. This health system can be linked to deployed field medics internalized HUD or encrypted data pad.
- Internal Data Chip
Risk and complications when undergoing a titan transplant procedure are mostly minimal, but there is still a chance for patients to experience any of the following below. The most notable of complications occur from patient anxiety and depression due to the titan unit lacking realism within the chest cavity. Patients are required to undergo multiple sessions of neuro consults before and after, and during their rehabilitation to ensure a smooth transition from organic to cybernetic.
- Infection
- Breathing problems
- Multiple organ failure
- Device malfunction
- Device Rejection
- Phantom Heart Beat
- Mental
- Death
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