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Approved Starship Titan-class Star Fortress

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Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Very High
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Size: Very Large








  • Titan of War - Extreme armaments and defences make the fortress a more than formidable opponent in combat.
  • Surrounded by Dead - With its all around weaponry organised into sectors, the Fortress can fight in most directions.
  • Mobile Headquarters - With extensive control and communications systems and command sections, it is ideal to control and command large operations and campaigns.
  • Logistics Hub - Aboard the Star Fortress are massive industrial ranging from production of droids and arms to maintaining capital ships.
  • Void Stalker - With its special hyperspace systems it can utilise it as an operational and even strategic weapon, from blocking hyperspace to pursuing enemies through it.
  • Invisible Fist - The cloaking device and its stealth coating make this station extremely difficult to find and detect.


  • Lumbering Behemoth - The Star Fortress suffers from an incredible slow real-space speed as well as very sluggish maneuverability.
  • Soft Underbelly - While the dorsal and all around weapon systems are extremely potent, they are not equally represented on the ventral side, creating a large area which can be exploited.
  • A Thousand Stings - Being absolutely devastating against anything larger than a starfighter, its anti-strike craft and anti-starfighter weapons are severely lacking.
  • Mothership - With even one other ship being docked at the Fortress, its cloaking ability is greatly diminished.
  • Great Devourer - To satisfy its resource needs, the station requires an active supply of raw materials.


History - Ordered by Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund from the Vandemarian Techwrights on Iokath [Vandemar], even before his ascension to Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Titan-class Star Fortress was ordered to replace the old Invictus Antagonistes. Replacing not only a station of a different time but also ideology. Returning to designs of the times of old and improving as well as expanding on them, the Titan-class was designed both as a show of force and technology to take down decadence and corruption, to bring the righteous justice to the enemies of the Eternal Empire.

The Titan is a statement of technological supremacy and unrelenting determination, a fortress among the stars to serve as the command hub for both the Eternal Fleet as well as the Eternal Army. With its massive size and extensive systems, it has the tools to control, command and combat fleets and armies alike. Further it has the facilities to supply and maintain ships and troops for extended periods of time.

Similar to all designs hailing from Iokath, it is designed with a high degree of automation and is integrated into the GEMINI frequency with the input to control and direct it, commanding the Eternal Fleet. The interior systems are overseen and managed by the EPHEMERIS unit. Together the GEMINI and EPHEMERIS are capable of managing the entire station without any sentient component. Yet it has a mortal crew reinforcing the droid crew in all aspects of control and command.

Core - The Core of the Fortress is where the primary Sun Generator is located as well as the Sanctum of the Overlord Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund . A platform throning above the power supply is where the Hegemon has his sanctum, computers and forges only accessible to him where also the GEMINI unit is located which has supreme control of the station.

Bridge - The Titan has a rather small bridge for its size, offering two pits for organic crew to occupy and oversee the operations of the station. While commanded by the GEMINI unit in most areas, the crew has a certain impact as well as input to the operations, filtering information and communication to fuel and supply it to the GEMINI unit. It works as reinforcing and complementing component to the command, not overriding but neither without possible input.

Factories - Among its most important onboard facilities, are its production lines. Supplying weapons, armor, Skytroopers as well as rations and other military supplies. Large arsenals are amassed to potentially provide support for ongoing campaigns as well as launching new ones from the station itself.

Complement - Aboard the Star Fortress is space for an entire army of soldiers and their vehicles, housed in vast barracks with large drill squares and training areas to keep them both fit and to prepare them for the deployments to come. Shifting simulations to life-fire exercises, urban combat courses to airborne deployments can be practiced in the vast halls of the Fortresses belly. Additionally it holds legions of freshly produced Skytroopers, the droid soldiers of Zakuul who are certainly much more capable than other battle-droids but still more of a diversion and rapid response force than the main battle line.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new mobile command station for the Eternal Empire's military operations.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: See Below
Permissions: HPI

Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Titan-class Star Fortress
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: Impervium-334 Seigurium Quadanium Duralloy, Laminanium, Durasteel, Plasteel, Alusteel, Skuggalegt Stealth Polymer Coating, Glasteel Viewports
Armaments: EXTREME
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 2
Optimal Crew: 2
Passenger Capacity: 150000
Cargo Capacity: Extreme
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