Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Intent: To create a unique armor for Titan Industries Private Army
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Titan Guard Armor MKI
Affiliation: Titan Industries
Modularity: Mild
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Armorweave, Armorplast
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8.6k
Quality: 6
Special Features:
-Holographic Face Mask
-Vacuum Proof(15min)
-Wrist Mounted Slugthrower
-Jump Pack
-Heads Up Display
-IR, Ultra Violet, Nightvision
Titan Guard Armor, or simply TGA, is a simple suit of armor designed by Titan Industries for its newly founded Private Army.
Though Titan Industries wholly servers the One Sith and its allies and has no real need to ever engage in its own military conflict due to overwhelming support from the One Sith Military, it has been noted as of late that certain worlds on which Titan Industries operates are...less than friendly to the companies presence. Due to this, Alric Kuhn commissioned the construction an army. This army was due to be mostly composed of Droids, with Human elite elements making up the core.
The Human Element of this army was to be dubbed the Sons of Titan.
The Sons, as they call themselves are an elite unit of mostly Humanoids who were tasked with the simple maintaining of Order wherever Titan Industries deemed it necessary.
The Sons are an elite fighting force, with an extreme amount of training and all of Titan Industries at their back. As such, the division warranted the creation of their own symbolic armor. This armor, as per Titan Industries standards functioned in a variety of rolls.
Primarily, the armor was designed as a means to keep the Sons of Titan safe. As such it was produced with the highest quality materials. The armor over all is a thing layer of Armorweave, beneath this armorweave are several Armoplast plates in large protection zones such as the Torso, back, thighs, and other critical locations. This combination of armorweave and armorplast gives the TGA substantial protection against blaster fire, shrapnel, and pretty much anything a normal soldier might encounter.
Along with this the TGA also comes with standard comm-links, a bodysuit, a heads up display with three sixty degree view, and a built in datapad that sit within the forearm. This datapad allows the TGA to access Titan Servers and other information they might need as well as connect with Local terminals.
Located on the left wrist is a semi-automatic slug-thrower. This weapon operates much like a Verpine Shattergun, firing a single powerful slug at high speeds using magnetic coils. This makes the weapon extremely effective against Jedi.
The one unique thing about the TGA is its facemask. Unlike many other helmets, the this particular armor comes with a unique thin holographic display mask over the front of the helmet. This is done entirely for aesthetic purposes and was designed to drive fear into those who faced the Sons of Titan. On this holographic display is a skull that shifts and moves depending on the Soldiers own motions as well as their facial expression. This feature can of course be turned off and on allowing for stealth.
Primary Source: N/A