Lord of the Dead

- Intent: Personal armor for Skorvek
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: n/a
- Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
- Manufacturer: @Skorvek
- Affiliation: @Skorvek
- Model: n/a
- Modularity: Gadgets, tools, belts, software, Underlay, Wrist and shoulder pieces can be changed out
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: , Heavy
- Resistances
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: High
Sonic,: Average
- Onboard operating system capable of managing systems and attached weapons if any
- Weapon hardpoints (2x wrist, 2x forearm, 1x right shoulder)
- Communications gear including HoloNET access
- Integrated microwave radar and sonar (both able to be weaponized)
- Sound activated sonic dampening field.
- Inbuilt capacitors to absorb incoming electrical damage and weaponize it
- Gauntlet fingertips contain emitters for stored electrical charge
- Vacuum sealed - allows the user to survive in 0 atmosphere
- Grappling Hook Launcher - to be more versatile
- High Tension Wire- to be more versatile
- Retractable wrist blades - a form of last resort close combat or to cut something that may need cutting.
- Mandalorian Vambraces - standard Mandalorian equipment
- C-type Reactive Shielding
- knife sheath
- Ammunition belt
- Life Form Scanners
- Echolocation
- Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System
- Multi-Spectral Target Assessor
- Electrobinoculars (X40)
- Range Finder
- holo-imager
- EM shielding - protect the functions from Electromagnetic pulses
- Military Grade HUD
- Audio/Visual Recorder
- Motion Sensors
- Infrared
- Radar
- ComLink
- Polarized Anti-Flash Lenses
- Environmental Filter
- Oxygen Filtration System
- Voice recognition
- Grav-Boots- jump higher, and softer
- Magno-Grip Soles - to traverse vertical grounds.
- Large pouches (x2) - for munitions
- Beskad sheath - for a Baskad
- Retractable claws: Both hands and feat have been fitted with retractable Mandalorian steel tipped claws to allow digging power into thick material for climbing or for rending flesh from bones.
- Built in repulsors: The armor was outfitted with repulsors to allow for bursts of speed and agility as well to add a bit more of an impact to his punches and kicks
- Crushgaunts
- Energy-diffusive properties allow the alloy to absorb significant amounts of direct energy
- Durable layered design with atom-sized sheets of resistant materials is very resistant to external stress
- Built in repulsors: The armor was outfitted with repulsors to allow for bursts of speed and agility as well to add a bit more of an impact to his punches and kicks
- Abit of everything: It as been modified with the latest technology and equipment and has been outfitted to allow much more features to be added or removed depending onthe situation.
- Mandalorium Plating: Utilizing the new material Mandalorium as the armors new alloy has made it incredibly durable in many ways
- Integrated capacitance charge system allows absorption of limited amounts of electrical damage including EMP and Force Lightning and to release it from emitters in the gauntlet fingertips.
- Though resistant to external violation the alloy does not diffuse kinetic energy
- Alloy is heavier than more basic armour materials
- Repulsors: Activating the repulsors can cause severe damage to anything you’re holding, which can result in heavy damage or destruction of your weapons, tools and the environment if you’re not careful. Using the repulsors to increase your speed makes it harder to stop quickly or turn meaning they will be needed to be used sparingly for maximum efficiency .
- Weight: While not as heavy as his original set it is still heavy enough to slow him down a little then he would be without the armor on him.
- EMP: Despite the resistance of the material it wont stop some of the gear on the armor to be disabled for a period of time from emp attacks.
- Incitatio Jetpack
The policy of adapt and overcome still plays a strong part in Skorveks mind, while his original gam provided ultimate protection it lacked several features and was too heavy and slow and didn't have as many options, He decided to develop a new gam using a new material that was invented by [member="Kaine Australis"] to create a not as heavy and more tech based armor for a more versatile set and made it so that its more modular then his previous gam so that he can put what he needs depending on the situation onto the armor while making it a bit lighter then the normal gam to continue having its ability to take a beating without it being extremely heavy to move in.