Disney's Princess
Star Wars: Titan Station
- Three days ago, a secret research lab in the dark of space went silent. Now, only one specialist fire-team can take it back. And those singular individuals are now gathering on the edge of Duros space to begin their campaign. -
* * *
___The Space Colony Hera
Duros Space
It was a white room. Connected by long white halls. With white floors that were polished by white workers and it's low white ceilings hummed with it's staggered, bright white lights. It was like a hospital for it's clean white surfaces. Yes. A hospital for the rich and for the healthy. A laboratory, for the strong and for the wise. A home for the natives and a vacation for it's visitors. This was the Duros Space colony 'Hera'. And it represented a new future for the strange alien-beings that called it home. It's colors represented the white lights of perfection, floating silently against the black night of space. Though sadly. The business of the day was rather foggy and gray.
"...Okay, okay! Gather up everyone. ...Yes you. The briefing begins in five. Have a seat and listen up. Focus with your eyes, and your ears, and your feathered gills. Cause we are only going to say this once. Do you hear me!? This isn't a picnic and it isn't a happy birthday party. This is war. And your mother ain't coming along for the ride. So do us all a favor and shut up when I'm talking. Yes. There will be time for questions afterward."
He called himself Mercenary Commander Faust. Pale white armor, with a blue cap, and a massive gun. He wasn't pretty by human standards, but a human he was indeed. Which wasn't a truly strange sight to see on a alien space station this side of the sector. The alien Duros governments had been everywhere in the galaxy for thousands of years and had the money to pay for the best recruits. Sadly... Commander Faust was not that. The best. He was just another soldier-of-fortune. A hired gun born of the New Warring States Period in the galaxy at large. He was just another lost Ronin looking to make a buck. The fact that he was giving the orders didn't mean much. Just that he had the Duros trust. Or their wallet. And the loyalty of both only lasted as long as this meeting was brief.
"Everyone take a seat and shut up. When you are all done yapping we can begin."
Faust stood at the head of the audience chamber. A security briefing room used by station security. The chairs could comfortably seat a human of moderate weight but did little to indulge the fittings of heavier armors. It didn't help that the station was classified High Security either and no firearms were permitted past the checkpoints and their very intrusive scanners. Which for most Mandalorians and other culture-bound gunslingers, meant striping down naked and walking around in your underpants for the better part of the day. But the Duros species valued 'control' on their homely space stations and Hera was no different. This stainless and 'perfect' atmosphere for the wealthy class was a controlled environment. And in many more ways than one.
"Close the doors Lieutenant. We're about to begin."
It was time for roll call. Time to see who showed up to get paid.
welcome. please post an entrance with your character and have a seat. your character is allowed a com device and little else in the way of electronics. your characters have been scanned and eye-balled. powered armor and firearms are strictly quarantined by the security forces. combat is a no-win situation while on-station. all personal ships are docked very close by on the exterior of the station.
the purpose of these first few post to gain a briefing on your mission objectives and to met your (spoken loosely) teammates. Any exploration of the space station is to take place in your first post. once the briefing is over, the combat mission will begin. your first post may be as long as you wish. introduce us to your hero.
all ooc comments by myself will be deleted upon thread completion to allow for a smooth story and transistions. any questions you might have? please address them in the OOC thread where you signed up to play. Also, remember to subscribe to the thread by clicking the 'Follow' button at the top of the topic. thanks. and remember to have fun. I provide the setting. You, provide the action!