NAME: Titus Valerius
FACTION: Jensaarai Enclave
RANK: Jedi Master
SPECIES: Thyrsian/Epicanthix
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 185 kg
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark
- Paladin
- Force Seer
- Warlord
- Blind Faith
- Slow
- Reckless Devotion
- Form V - Djem So
- Farsight
- Force Barrier
- Force Breach
- Force Healing
- Force Light
- Force Valor
- Crucitorn
- Cleanse Mind
Lord Titus stands a full two meters in height, owing this towering build to his Epicanthix heritage. Dusky, sandworn skin more indicative of his Thyrsian side is adorned by a shaven pate. A strong martial physique betrays his upbringing in a savage and hierarchical warrior culture. Valerius is rarely seen out of his ancient yet eminently functional battle plate, often complimented by a cloak reminiscent of more classic Jedi apparel. On certain ceremonial occasions, the Lord of Light eschews full military dress for orthodox robes, but never travels without his saber.
Titus Valerius was born on the desert wastes of savage Thrysus. His small and reclusive tribe bore mixed Epicanthix ancestry, a retained evolutionary advantage which allowed his people to produce particularly fearsome warriors. From the day he was old enough to hold a practice force pike in his hands, young Titus was trained in the martial ways of his people. By the time he had been recruited by the Jedi Academy Network, he was already proficient in the ways of the pike and Thrysian talwaar.Not long before his discovery by the Jedi, Titus was participating in a ritual pilgrimage to celebrate the cusp of his adolescence, when he and his father were set upon by one of the savage world's many predators. Together they managed to slay the beast, but the young boy's father was mortally wounded and died not long after.
After nearly a week stranded alone in the remote desert, Valerius survived off the land for long enough to walk back to civilization. Half dead from exposure, this trauma would rob him of much of his physical sight. Possibly drawn by rumors of the boy who had miraculously endured the wastes, his village was visited not long after by Jedi scouts who deemed Titus to be gifted with the Force and requisitioned him for training.
The young Thyrsian's early years at the Academy would prove tumultuous, significant remedial exercises in attaining self-control were necessary to sanctify a lifetime of aggressive instincts. Eventually chosen to be the Padawan of a similarly tempestuous Jedi Knight, much of Valerius' more advanced training was reminiscent of the duties performed by chivalric squires he had read about in what little records there were of ancient Jedi history.
Eventually Titus passed through his Knighthood trials in his Temple's honor guard for several years before galactic conflict called him to serve alongside the Republic military. Surviving the purges that followed the rise of the One Sith Empire, Knight Valerius regrouped along with the remains of the Republic fleet at Sullust, he was a founding member of the New Jedi Order and pledged himself to the Galactic Alliance until its dissolution after Grand Marshal Taeli Raaf's betrayal and the Sith Imperial attack on Coruscant.
Instead of falling back to the Outer Rim or Silver Jedi space like many Jedi refugees, Titus elected to remain at his post guarding the temple on Tython. After it became clear that the Galactic Alliance had effectively ceased to exist, the Jedi Knight meditated on a way forward, and was guided by the Force to Master Talanis Long. Bonded together by their mutual loss, the Thrysian Jedi was among the first to pledge himself to Master Long's service as Lord Commander instead of simply as a master. Assembling a small army comprised mostly of fellow Alliance holdouts, under Long's direction Titus and other Knights oversaw the construction of keeps along the wild Tythonian countryside.
From these outposts, the Lords of Light keep watch over the religious pilgrims fanatical enough to risk the Deep Core, and even at times recruit from among their ranks. For a time Titus was content, but ever since the fall of his Order he had been having troubling dreams that eventually began to manifest in waking visions. After meditating on these visions with Master Long, Valerius eventually determined that they were attempting to guide him to the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan. Taking leave of his Lord, Titus made the journey to Silver Jedi space with a small band of oathsworn knights and there founded his new enclave.
Communing with the spirits who lingered in the Valley, Titus was bestowed the title of Jedi Master and began raising an army of his own. In time when Tython finally fell to the Imperial Confederation he returned along with Michael Sardun to the deep core to shepherd any survivors back to their new sanctuary before departing. Master Valerius journeyed to the Outer Rim on a mission of self imposed exile. He discovered a strange enclave on Susefvi and has begun training in the Jensaarai tradition.
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