Tiyo Rhalin
NAME: Tiyo Rhalin
FACTION: Rimward Trade League (Associate Status)
RANK: Ambassador of Pantora
SPECIES: Pantoran
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5ft. 4in.
WEIGHT: 140lbs.
EYES: Dark Blue with Fleks of Yellow
HAIR: White
SKIN: Light Blue
- Fashionable: Tiyo has learned to present herself well over the years, making her very skilled at being pleasing to the eye.
- Political Prodige: For much of her life, Tiyo has been trained to go into political office on Pantora to represent her family and region of the world.
- Noble: Tiyo was born into one of the noble families on Pantora. While the society is egalitarian, the status of noble grants much respect.
- Attractive: Whether by genetics, cosmetics, or a mixture of both, Tiyo is a rather attractive Pantoran, which she sometimes uses to her benefit.
- Affective: While she is skilled in her field of occupation, she still exhibits much emotion, which makes her easy to read with facial expressions and shows a bit of immaturity.
- Sheltered: For much of her life, Tiyo has been sheltered from much of the galaxy, and thus has not a great understanding of how things work exactly beyond Pantora.
- Her political career is now beginning, making her rather new to things as well outside of her lessons.
- Strain of Nobility: While Tiyo has been well-accustomed to the expectations of nobility, it is still likely that the lofty expectations for her conduct and the great need to present a good image can still put a strain on her.
- Not a Fighter: She has not received any combat training in her life, which means that she would be one of the least fit for a combat situation.
Tiyo has a lithe build with average proportions of her body. She exhibits much of the Pantoran features outside of her having blue eyes with yellow fleks rather than the typically exhibited yellow eyes like the rest of her kind, which is likely due to a genetic mutation in appearance. Her facial features are more rounded and soft, giving her a kind and gentle appearance. She has large eyes, and pronounced lips, which seem to accentuate this appearance. She wears her hair somewhat long, but done in a certain manner depending on the occasion and mood of the day. This fashionability is carried more with how she often incorporates headdresses into said hairstyles, among also wearing a fair bit of jewelry very frequently. it is very often to see her using cosmetics on top of the yellow Pantoran facial tattoos, which mark her family and homeland on Pantora in addtion to her status as a government representative of Pantora. She then commonly dresses in stylish robes and dresses of Pantoran design whether for casual events or formal. Lastly, she is somewhat affective in her expressions. Often times it is very clear to see whether she is happy, mad, upset, etc. Typically, she wears a hospitable and cordial expression though.
Tiyo was born as a new daughter in the historical, but not incredibly storied, family of House Rhalin of Pantoran nobility. From a young age, her parents had her well educated, even for the standards of Pantoran nobility. She learned much on philosophy and speechcraft during these studies. With it, her interest in politics began. For much of her life, she had hardly any struggle. For her childhood, she had many friends, and quite the social presence among the sector of Pantoran nobility her family found itself in among the younger members of that stratem. It would be when she was in apprenticeship of an Assemblyman that she truly felt challenged in her life.
The apprenticeship under a notable Assemblyman her family was friends with found her in the first challenging situation of her life. Before, she excelled in her education, ran into little hardship, and was raised in the bubble of Pantoran nobility. At the age of sixteen though, she gained her first taste of the real world of Pantoran political society. While many suspected this venture to discourage her from such a lifestyle, the challenge made it more compelling for Tiyo. She took to absorbing as much as possible in order to conquer this great challenge like all the others. It was during this apprenticeship her philosophy on politics was a bit more refined.
While her views and goals for politics were, and still are, academic in nature, the apprenticeship gained her more concrete understanding of how to achieve those more academic views. It is that of diplomacy above all else. Unlike many of her family, as well as other members of the Pantoran Assembly, Tiyo took up the ideology of military action being a last resort rather than the primary solution. In fact, it was her advice, upon being elected as an Assemblywoman at the age of twenty that made others in her family inclined towards looking to the Rimward Trade League for diplomatic assistance with the encroaching presence of the Sith Order. Now she works as the ambassador for Pantora to the Rimward Trade League as a means to begin such bonds with the neighboring galactic power.
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