Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: TK-2147

FACTION: The Galactic Empire.

RANK: This will be updated when I am approved for my rank in the Empire of Sergeant, but for now consider me a Private.


AGE: 23.

SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: 6'1.

WEIGHT: 152 pounds.

EYES: He has light hazel brown eyes, however they are concealed behind his helmet.

HAIR: He has brown hair like his eyes, however has a short buzzcut.

SKIN: He has tan skin that is concealed behind his armor, usually.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Standardized Training: Due to stormtrooper basic training, TK-2147 is fully trained in blaster combat, basic hand-to-hand, and other basic combat procedures.

(+) Persuasive: TK-2147 has trained himself in the art of being persuasive and manipulative, allowing himself to weasel out situations.

(-/+) Ambitious: TK-2147 is ambitious when it comes to power and rank, and holds many plans of eventually arising to power in many ways. Although his ambition can have good intentions, it can cause him to react to situations in a different manner.

(-) Independent: At times, TK-2147 will become uncooperative and handle things his own way, this can be good at times, but usually leads to punishment/trouble.

(-) Fearful: Due to hearing of bad situations from other troopers and experiencing harm himself, TK-2147 can get flashbacks or just fear at moments.


TK-2147 was a young boy who grew up under Imperial rule. He doesn't remember his name or homeworld, all he remembers is his training. He only had a father while growing up, as his mother was killed during a riot. This never affected him greatly, but it did put into his head thoughts of how law and security is necessary for peace.

While TK-2147 went through his schooling as a child, he did well but never understood how what he was learning would be practical in a galaxy of war. All he knew was he wanted to eventually rise to power. One of the most life changing moments within his life was the day he thought he was going to die.

It was a peaceful day of school, when they were released to the courtyard. All he remembers is another kid attacking him, and then pulling out a small blaster pistol. As far as he can tell, it was a mugging. His instincts took over, and he managed to disarm the kid and knock him down. TK-2147 enraged and pumping with adrenaline, began stomping on the kids chest. The kid pleaded for him to stop, and he finally did, walking away.

When he became of age and of physical requirements, he enlisted into the Imperial Army.




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