Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TK3754 Arlington


Name: Arlington Ulon

Faction: One Sith

Rank: Apprentice
Species: Human

Age: 18
Sex: Male

Height: 2 meters
Weight: 125 kg.
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blue + Blonde
Skin: Tannish white
Force Sensitive: Yes


Strengths and Weaknesses
Weaknesses: Reckless and Ignorant

Strengths: Know forms Juyo and Soresu

Appearance: Large and in scout trooper armor.

Biography: I was created in a laboratory by a man named Dapper Lortian.He made me and after that I killed him and served the Empire as a bounty hunter.I have no family nor friends.

Ship: I have an old clone wars gunship from the battle of Geonosis no changes made to it.

Kills: N/A

Bounties collected: N/A

Roleplays: 1

You can't. Not unless you go through the kind of lengthy process of finding a certain kind of judge (I can't remember which one) and get them to delete it.

Oh, and please list how exactly you're force sensitive, are as old as the Clone Wars, and know how to wield a lightsaber. Of course, you don't have to, but that just makes you look unbalanced to other RPers.

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