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Approved Tech TL-DR Guard droid

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Intent: To create security droids for the silver jedi.
Development Thread: if needed
Manufacturer: Meran mechanics
Model: TL-DR
Affiliation: Silver jedi
Modularity: no
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Durasteel with alusteel plating, Duritre coating and Gentithium decal.
Classification: Second Degree, Fourth Degree mix of both
Height: 3 meters
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: 1 G-201 and 1 A-52 both mounted on secondary arms.
Variable-output blaster cannon (right arm)
Concealed grenadelauncher (elbow, 2 grenades)
Electroray discharger
Class-C thermal detonators
Coma gas canisters
minirockets shoulder mounted 6 in each shoulder.
Misc. Equipment: scanners and shields. all military grade.
Telescopic photoreceptors
Advanced sensorpackage
Repulsorlift boosters

Strengths: Built on YVH droids as a template. the TL-DR is a intimidating opponent.
+ Heavy weapons and armor.
Weaknesses: Expensive to produce. Especialy enmass.
Made to be both intimidating and approachable the TL-DR is intended to act as both floor staff and as security.
armed with both non and lethal capabilities ant one of the units can easalt fens off a small unit of soldiers.
the units are able to act as Protocall droids each unit able to speake over 600 common languages.
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Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Hi [member="Kami Meran"]! I will be reviewing this submission.

Kami Meran said:
Self-guiding minirockets shoulder mounted
  • Going to need to know details about this weaponry if there are no canon links provided, such as their range, accuracy, how they are self-guiding, etc.
Primary Source:
  • I don't know what this is linked to because I do not have access to the SJO forum. Please remove this link or if it is pertinent to the submission it must be posted in a public place.
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