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Approved NPC Tlenzo Latzengraff

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  • Age: 35
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Rodian
  • Appearance: Tlenzo Latzengraff is 1.8 meters tall. She has all facial features typically seen in Rodians, and has sand green scales. She is always dressed for the occasion, and places a good deal of emphasis on being clean.
  • Name: Tlenzo Latzengraff, administrator of Indigo Comet
  • Loyalties: Indigo Comet
  • Wealth: High, Tlenzo has stock in Cybot Galactica and is the owner of a prosperous sky station.
  • Notable Possessions: A gold-plated F-11D blaster rifle, a HoloNet News journalist notebook and pencil, several Cybot Galactica products, a large collection of clothing, ownership of Indigo Comet.
  • Skills: Tlenzo is skilled supervisor and leader. She is also skilled at negotiating with others, and if necessary lying to them. She is also a skilled journalist and reporter, thanks to her old job at HoloNet News.
  • Languages: Rodese (primary language), Basic (fluent), Utapese (conversational), Utai (conversational), Pyke (limited)
  • Personality: Tlenzo Latzengraff is a calm and collected person, who chooses her words and actions very carefully. Despite this, she has an uncanny talent of making friends very easily. She enjoys helping other people with their problems, but not to the point of her own detriment. Despite the more friendly aspects of her personality, provoking Tlenzo Latzengraff is a bad idea. She can hold a grudge for a long time, and always makes sure she gets back at whoever provokes her. She seems to always
  • Methodical: Tlenzo does not act impulsively, and always considers things from an outside perspective.
  • Diplomatic: Tlenzo is good at negotiating with others, and can often diffuse tense situations without violence.
  • Connected: Tlenzo has met plenty of important people, and can call in favors from them in a pinch.
  • Forgetful: Tlenzo has seen a lot of things in her career as a journalist, and they sometimes have a tendency to blend together in her mind. She generally relies on writing small details down in order to remember them.
  • Space Sickness: Tlenzo has an unfortunate tendency to vomit while on particularly bumpy space flights. This can distract the ship’s pilot at critical moments, such as flying through an asteroid field.
Tlenzo Latzengraff was born on the planet Utapau in 839 ABY. Her father was an architect, and her mother was a construction contractor. Unfortunately for Tlenzo, her parents did not have much time to raise her. They spent most of their time managing the construction of Indigo Comet. The time she did spend with her parents was mostly them telling her how important the Indigo Comet was, and how they expected her to be amazed by it once it was completed. When Tlenzo was 16, she decided that she had had enough. She left Utapau on board a commuter ship with a one way ticket to Chandrila to seek her place in the wider galaxy.

Once Tlenzo arrived at Chandrila, she found a job as a field journalist at HoloNet News. This job allowed her to travel around the Core Worlds, the Outer Rim, and occasionally even the Deep Core. During this time, Tzenlo worked closely with a small, but tightly knit group of other HoloNet News journalists. The team covered a wide variety of news stories, ranging from local elections to major natural disasters.

One particularly major event that Tlenzo’s team covered first hand was a war between the Pyke Syndicate and Crimson Dawn. Both sides were eager to potentially gain public approval from the wider galaxy during the conflict, as a major benefactor could easily turn the tide. In order do this, Jej Ulchtar (the leader of the Syndicate) temporarily cleaned up some of the Pyke Syndicate’s more inhumane operations, (such as using slaves, unrestricted spice usage, and torturing prisoners) and invited journalists to report on the war, with accommodations and services provided by the Pyke Syndicate. Glar Ulchtar Glar Ulchtar was put in charge of a security detail assigned to protect these journalists. Despite their different personalities, Tlenzo and Glar gradually became friends. During the war, Tlenzo had to learn how to properly use a blaster. Crimson Dawn has an unfortunate tendency to kill reporters in combat, after all. After around a year, the war ended with a victory for the Pyke Syndicate.

Tlenzo decided to take a break from journalism after that, and visit Utapau to see her home planet again. When she arrived, she saw that the Indigo Comet was almost completed. She also found out that her parents had both died in an unfortunate speeder crash. Due to some rather confusing inheritance laws on Utapau, this meant that Tlenzo would be the owner of the station once it was completed. While Tzenlo hated the station, it was also her parent’s legacy. This meant that according to Rodian culture customs, she was stuck with it.

Tzenlo reluctantly quit her job as a field journalist, and took ownership of the Indigo Comet. The station did end up turning out to be profitable for Tlenzo, and a great boost to the economy of Utapau. There were some issues of course, but Tlenzo did end up settling into her new role. Despite this, she can’t help but miss her more adventurous younger years and her fellow journalists occasionally.
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