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Approved NPC [TN] Geno A-1 Arkanis Company

  • Thread starter Akita Silasrune
  • Start date
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Akita Silasrune


A-1 Arkanis Trooper in full kit

  • Intent: A combat unit for The Network and a template for future units in this vein
  • Image Credit: Link1, Link2, Link3
  • Role: Specialized combat unit
  • Permissions: None
  • Links: The Network, Arkanian
  • Unit Name: Geno A-1 "Arkanis"
  • Affiliation: The Network
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Equipment:
    Troopers : Armour, Weapon, Sidearm, Knife
    Hetmen : Trooper kit, customised. Usually improved optics, tech, comms. Alt weapons: Shotgun, Sniper, Mines
    Zarina : Robe, Lightsaber
  • Description: Troopers wear grey pattern armour with full helmet. Hetmen have full authority to customize their weapons and armour, tending to tote heavier and better close-range kit than standard troopers. Zarinas wear light robes and boots, and carry lightsabers.

A-1 Arkanis Hetmen

  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: Shock Troops, able to overwhelm enemy positions by weight of fire, speed of advance, and relentless pressure.
  • Outstanding unit and squad cohesion due to specialized command and control
  • Solid in extreme conditions, boosted morale, enthusiasm and will to fight
  • Reliant on the Force-based support of their command structure to function effectively
  • Lack heavy weapons to engage armoured units or breach fortifications

A-1 Arkanis Zarina


Though the Network's greatest secret and backbone of their armed forces is the Grand Army of Mount Tantiss, that force was by no means the only one prepared for the recapture of Mandalore by the Cuy'val Dar. Contacts in the Core with Arkanian geneticists who had worked indirectly with the Tantiss Project led to the creation of specially bred gene units, tailored to Mandalorian specifications.

The A-1 "Arkanis" Company is the first such unit; Bred from Arkanian gene-stock and the finest Mercenary recruits and volunteers. The unit's rank and file are bred from a combination of Mercenary elites, who function as company commanders called Hetmen, and the Force-sensitive all-female cadre of Arkanian staff known as Zarinas. The troopers are vat-grown and flash-trained, prepared for combat in a fraction of the time natural growth would take, ready to be led by their Hetmen and Zarinas.

The very limited Force sensitivity they possess allows the Zarinas to fortify, encourage, and boost their troopers in combat. On the ground, the troopers guided and led by experienced and tough Hetmen, covered by the guidance of the Zarinas, the Geno unit functions as a well oiled machine, moving and fighting as one. "Guide me well" is the formal greeting of the troopers and Hetmen to their Zarina, with "March in fortune" the traditional reply.

Tradition is important to the Geno companies that make up the Regiment, and as the first, the A-1 "Arkanis" takes their role as trailblazers extremely seriously. A third cadre, made up of the highest-scoring gene-bred troopers act as a military police and commissar force, answerable only to the Regimental commander; known as Bulls, they are both respected and feared, their primary role, to protect the honour and example of the Regiment above all.

In combat the troopers fight equally well with their heavy rifle at range or up close, with their hetmen close at hand with shotgun, or a Zarina with her lightsaber. Each member of the unit is trained and competent with their weapons, and competiton among the troops does not end with their training. Each strives to constantly improve, so that he may better serve, loyal to the Regiment above all.
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