Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To be the man, You gotta beat the man!

He had felt this guy hours ago. The force was strong around here, and the mando he was following was the guy projecting it. He would make a strong Jedi, but a stronger Sith, and that's why Jardo couldn't let the Jedi find this guy. If they found him, he'd be a threat.

Staring at the Mando in front of him, he ignited his blade, staring at him. He slowly opened his mouth, explaining who he was, who the Mando was and what Jardo planned to do with him. He wasn't sure it'd work, but he had to try at the end of the day. He needed the Mando on his side.

Hearing a lightsaber ignite was a rare sound for Nandiach so as soon as it happened he sharply turned around to see what it was.
Staring back at him was presumably a Sith, Nandiach wasn't to knowledgeable of what the different lghtsaber colors meant, but he could tell that he was in danger. Pulling out his blaster Nandiach said in a harsh tone to the presumed sith "What do you want?".
Not the best at bringing people in. I promise the training will be better :D

"You, my young friend. Your power is... unusually strong. The connection you share with the force is one I don't think i've ever felt." he told the Mandolorian, smiling. "Let me mold you, shape you, train you. Make you what you should be, what the Jedi will limit you, what they will regret to let you show!" he shouted to him.

He wanted this guy to trust him, to allow him to show the connection, to mold the connection into what he should be. He would be useful, he was sure of it. The Dark Lord would love him for bringing someone as powerful, someone has shapeable. Almost usable really. Heck, Jardo would even train this guy.

"So You're not here to kill me?" Nandiach sighs "Good, but one question, where did you get the idea I was strong with the force?"
"Answer that then I might consider your offer, I mean I have not even used the force properly yet. Also don't think you can drag me of that easily, I am a very successful bounty hunter" Behind this smug act Nandiach was frightened, he knew one false move could have the sith kill him.
"I sense it from you. The strong feeling of the force. You'd make a better Sith then a Bounty Hunter... plus. Bounty Hunting mixed with Sith powers, think about it" Jardo told the guy in front of him, smirking. It was true though, when Jardo was done with this guy, man he'd be successful. Lightning and guns, heck yeah.

Use the mention button under my name :D It alerts me when you post to me. Also, longer posts ;p Plus, i'm using this post as a break cause rp'ly i'm moving this till after the thing at Krayt where I lost my blades and stuff :D

"Names don't serve a purpose in the One Sith. For now you shall only know me as master, and I shall only know you as Ash. A suitable nickname for a man willing to force hell from his body" Jardo explained to Ash, the new guy in front of him. Turing his blade off, he clipped it to his belt, staring for a moment at the red fingertips.

"From this moment forward you will face all hell and back. You shall feel pain you have never felt, you will feel your soul torn from your body and shaped to be a Sith. You shall suffer all marks and scars of the battle. Now, you shall meet me on Byss, my padawan. I expect you not to be late."

Jardo chose to walk off. He had assassin stuff to do.


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