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Private To Build a Blade



Cathar Jedi Temple​
TAG: Aska Vaak

Jonyna was happy to meet people on her home planet, even if it meant a bit of a trek. The jedi temple on Cathar was still newly rebuilt, but it's saber forge was one Jonyna was proud to have back to top shape.

The temple stood on top of the massive cliffside of Mwamba Msituni, a massive mountain that poked into the stratosphere, small star-port pads the only connection to the rest of the galaxy. On the edge of one, the Jedi Master Jonyna Si sat, waiting for her new arrival. A Twi'lek by the name of ASka. Apparently she wanted a lightsaber, and Jonyna was happy to offer it.


Aska Vaak


Cathar Jedi Temple

Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Patience, a word the young Twi'lek Padawan had heard a thousand times, had finally paid off. She had a complete understanding of the Force, one for as young as herself, and she now was in possession of both the path she wished to follow and that of certain abilities she wished to pursue to mastery. It was, however, her struggles with the tool of the Jedi, that symbol of hope and protection known through the civilized worlds of the galaxy: the lightsaber.

She found, through trial and error, the lightsaber form that suited her best; Ataru. The form worked in conjunction with her athletic style and prowess, and it had saved her green skin a few times, yet she was lacking what others in her class now had in their possession; her own personalized lightsaber. The one that currently dangled at her side was the traditional basic weapon given to those that obtain the rank of Padawan, and yet it made her feel less than ideal when conversing with her friends who now sported their own personal weapon.

Aska had studied diligently on the mechanics of lightsaber construction, but it was the concept behind it that she failed to understand. Plus, there was so many components, outside the crystal itself, that racked her brain with dizziness. But at last, help was now her reward for her patience.

Having arrived at the newly built Cathar Jedi Temple, her first impression was one of stunned awe. The only Temple she ever knew since her adoption into the Jedi Order was that back on Coruscant. This place was mesmerizing. Aska moved quickly through the Temple, tossing greetings to those she rushed past, to meet with a Cathar Jedi Master named Jonyna Si, who was just as eager to teach Aska about lightsabers as Aska was to learn. Reaching the Jedi Master, Aska took a seat across from her Jedi instructor.

"Master Si," Aska said in respectable tones, "I appreciate you taking time to instruct me in lightsaber mechanics and construction. I am honored to learn from you, Master."


TAG: Aska Vaak

Jonyna nodded, leading the padawan into the temple itself. Carved into the form of an open air window, the old symbol of the Jedi Order created a beam of light that illuminated the lobby. "Happy to teach, Padawan Vaak. So, before we begin, tell me about yourself. What style do you prefer to fight? What abilities do you use often? A lightsaber should be a reflection and enhancement of your style, and a good jedi must tailor their design as such."

Jonyna wasn't familiar with Aska as much as she should be, but she was always rather personable, or at least she tried to be.


Aska Vaak


Cathar Jedi Temple

Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Having a better opportunity to view the temple through non-rushed eyes, it was truly magnificent; the light shining through the symbol of the Jedi filled her heart with a beacon of hope. One could feel the peace, the tranquility, and the calmness radiating through the air of the newly formed edifice. So many new faces, so many new tales to hear from fellow Padawans, and so many new memories to make.

When Master Si posed her series of questions to Aska, it startled her momentarily with confusion until the young Twi'lek realized they had never met prior to this gathering. They were foreign to one another. Back on Coruscant, everyone knew one another, but this was a different Jedi Temple filled with different Jedi.

"Well let's see," Aska began moving to conjure up the answers to the posed question, "I've been with the Order since I was very young, since I was the age of three, I believe, and have trained very hard for this opportunity that was afforded me.

"I have found the style known as Ataru to favor me; I'm very athletic and have similar hobbies that evolve around my athleticism; so, it makes sense that I employ that style. Most of my Force abilities focus of the mental and illusions spectrum; and I'm well versed in telekinesis. But sadly, Master, I fail horribly at lightsaber combat. I'm not the worst by far, but I'm definitely not the first one chosen during sparring practices. And I seek to build my own lightsaber, which seems of late has persistently eluded me."


TAG: Aska Vaak

Jonyna listened idly as she let the padawan explain. Building a saber was a right of any jedi, but it wasn't something that came easy to everyone. "Do you have a crystal already?" Jonyna asked, hoping the answer was yes. If no, she would offer her best, but illusions were unfamiliar to the Cathar. "Ataru is my prefered form as well, but I also diversify my styles as best I can. A good jedi should learn that while specializing is good, focusing too hard on one skill can leave you vulnerable."

Jonyna could've sworn she'd seen the padawan around the temple on Coruscant, but being as busy as she usually was, she had never had the chance to talk to her. Not that she often fraternized with padawans anyways...


Aska Vaak


Cathar Jedi Temple

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Yes, Master," Aska exclaimed, pulling from the brown and green knapsack that hung at her side, a kyber crystal of yellowish design. "I've been in possession of it for some time now, just waiting to give it a home." Aska cherished the yellow kyber crystal, being the first in her class to find one during a field trip to one of the ancient Jedi worlds of an era long gone.

"More than one form," she asked puzzled, yet curious.

"I've asked so much of your time already in helping me with a lightsaber. But Master, is it possible you can teach me the basics of other forms, that I might be able to better defend myself and those I am sworn to protect?"

The thought of learning another form, or two, could potentially help her over that invisible bump in the road. Ataru would always be her first, but if she could possibly incorporate another form, or even create a form through combing two forms together; the results could have long term success for her. She began to feel hopeful that her experience and skill with a lightsaber was on the verge of taking a turn for the better.


TAG: Aska Vaak

"All you needed to do was ask." Jonyna responded with a sly smile. "I assume you know the basics of Shii-Cho, yes? Form One?" It was usually the first thing younglings were taught, but very few seemed to master it. Jonyna had trained under Sylvar herself with it back during the days of the Rebellion, making it her default until she began dipping into Ataru.

"A crystal should be just as much a part of you as your arms and legs." Jonyna continued as they kept walking, Jonyna leading them past the lobby to the west wing of the temple, both of them smelling the nearby forge. "I have 5 now. I spent a lot of time meditating with them when I can, and they have become extensions of me. Bonded to my being. Have you done any meditation with your crystal?"


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