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Faction To Call the Council (Open to Knights Obsidian Masters)



Deep within the halls of the Citadel, the Master's Council was called to order. Following the proclamation of inquisition made mere hours ago, a meeting of the masters had been summoned. Voph had been wasting no time in bringing this change about. All appointed masters were summoned, regardless of their participation in the meeting of the Viceroyalty. Inquisition was a matter that concerned them all. Voph sat at the table around which the masters had gathered, head bowed in thought. Some of the masters were still arriving. Some might not come at all. But after a while, Voph looked up, and turned his gaze to each and every member of the gathered.​
"My friends. Hours ago, the Vicelord called an inquisition, which has been tasked to us. The Confederacy is ailing, and we have been tasked with curing it. This is not a task I take lightly. Nor is it the first time I have done so. In the time before, I led another inquisition. This, I swear to you, shall be nothing like the atrocities I committed then. Understand first and foremost that we are defenders of the Confederacy. Not harbingers of doom. Those that witnessed my words in the Viceroyalty Chambers already know the truth of my feelings. Leadership is our concern. And so it shall be the concern of this Inquisition to investigate the leadership of our member worlds. You who stand with me, yours will be to seek the truth, and bring your findings to me. You are not Judge nor Jury, and certainly not the executioner. That authority alone rests in the hands of our Vicelord and his Exarchs."
Voph fell silent for a moment, to allow the gathered a moment to think on what he had said, and prepare their responses. "I know that some of you may have your reservations about this. Particularly you, Marshal Yumi, who have publicly spoken out against an inquisition. If I am to lead this venture, I need to know that we are unified in our resolve. I will not think less of you if you choose to wash your hands of this matter, and to continue on in the ways of upholding the status quo. If you have reason to refrain from joining in our Vicelord's Mandate, I shall hear them now. If there are, perhaps, misunderstandings as to our purpose here, I shall enlighten you. But those that stand with me deserve to understand the truth of our calling. And those that refrain deserve to clear their name with this council, that there might be no ill will between us."

Voph gestured to the middle of the table, indicating the floor was open for whomever wished to speak. "So tell me: What say you of this inquisition, and what questions do you have of me?"


The Nightmother stopped outside of the chamber where the Council would meet. Her green eyes turned to regard the towering figures that had accompanied here there. "You will allow the Obsidian Knight Masters and Lords to pass. None other until I or the Lord Commander invites otherwise. If any seek to enter, you will inform me." After all, would it be any surprise what matter would be discussed with such an assembly? It had not been long since the Vicelord had charged the Knights Obsidian with an Inquisition. It would have been folly for the Council to not be convened to discuss the ramification of such a decree. They would need to move quickly -- but not recklessly -- before those they sought would scurry to cover.​
Guards set, the pale Witch strode through the towering doors to find the table awaiting all that would attend. Much as she disliked politics -- especially when the session amounted to little more than bluster and shouting -- Vytal could appreciate a meeting such as this that was to occur. The Mandragora -- and no doubt other chapters -- held meetings of their own among the senior members to set the course. Such a diverse body as the Knights would need to do the same.​
Personally, Vytal was curious what a so-called 'Inquisition' entailed. Not for the same reasons as the Viceroys expressed, however. Perhaps it was arrogance talking, but Vytal felt confident if anyone attempted to dictate over the Witches they would be shown the errors of their ways. As for violating 'freedoms' and 'rights' in order to uncover enemies that lurked in the shadows... a woman of Dathomir, and Nightsister no less, could scarcely care less. One did what must be done. Although, back home a Nightsister could count on her Mother to do what was best for them all and not for personal glorification.​
Vytal trusted Voph in this matter. Well aware of his sordid history, the man was not so tyrannical or consumed by darkness as he once was. Some day, perhaps, it would be a woman leading them -- but that was perhaps the extent of the Nightmother's lament over current affairs. A trivial matter that had no bearing on present circumstance.​
As she sat at the table, her attention was drawn to Voph when he began to speak.​
To what was said, only the matter of action was her silent complaint. It made sense to carefully weigh new information and to establish relations across many worlds before letting the enemy know your blade was near. She would need to think of this as tracking one member of a herd to locate the their resting grounds. Risk losing one to find a far more plentiful catch. There could be some artifacts that might reduce the likelihood of the one from escaping, however.​
"What is the extent of our authority in questioning those within the Confederacy?" Not everyone was going to be forth coming, and undoubtedly some would even claim the Knights were 'exceeding their authority' in asking a particular question in the first place. What was the scope of this Inquisition? What crimes could be brought to bear?​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
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Kurenai had departed from the Viceroy meeting not soon after Kyyrk Kyyrk , making her own way back to the citadel, their order clearly having their own matters to discuss before carrying out their would be orders. Being among the first to take their respect seat at the council as the talks began, promply joined by the Mandragora Night mother, a sect shrouded in mystery from her own point of view.

She had always wondered about their actual purpose within the CIS, as besides certain combat missions she had not really seen their use in the day to day lives of the CIS. Not that is was her place to question it, Metus seemed more then happy to have their unique use of the force at hand and that was good enough for her. The witches magics, after all, was capable of many things, half of which could be performed mile away from their intended target, quite the scary but also an fascinating aspect.

Any further thought about the green skinned women and subordinates was put on hold as Vophs voice began to ring out through the halls, Kurenai directing her undivided attention towards said man. Unsurprising his first query being about her own comments when the inquisition was first announced a quite sigh escaping the women's mouth. "Most of you present here know of my actual age, as such I am sure most of you can reason and imagine what I have lived through in the past 900 years". "Knowing that is it much a surprise that I am taking a careful approach to the use of an inquisition"? From those used by the Galactic empire to the many other authoritative powers in the past, such a name and it's use have gotten quite a reputation.

"Regardless if this order does not want to squander on the rights of other, nor uses the unsavory methods of other inquisition you have to remember peoples perceptions and those of our enemies". "Those wanting to cause harm to the CIS and create more cracks in our current situation will not hesitate to use this new executive orders as ammunition for their own purposes". "Considering your own experience Voph you of all people should realize this too, the CIS and Knights do not need any more potential problems then we already have".

"That being said, I will not go against these orders presented and will carrying them out to the full extent of my ability". "You need not question my loyalty to the CIS or the Knights". If there was one things about Kurenai, is that she wasn't the lying or subversive type, if she had a problem with anything it would be made well known. The only time she express any sort of stealthy behavior was in a war zone and even then it wasn't her strong suit, much preferring a more confrontational approach to things. "That is my reasoning, now I believe we should get back to the matter at hand", Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura doing just that, as she posed the first question of this council meeting".
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Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk , Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi + Masters Council

There was a time Josiah knew the man.

Long before his hair was flecked with gray, a much younger Josiah Denko stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Vicelord. The days of their youth were spent defending this very corner of the Galaxy. In that era of the first Confederacy, Josiah had a good read on the Sith Lord. They were comrades, after all. Respected equals. Yet now, so many years later, the Vicelord had changed. In some ways, Josiah saw that the change was for the better. In others? Well, the man was certainly more Sith than Mandalorian - that was certain. Not that Josiah had any love for the Bucketheads, but at least they weren't known for imperial mindsets.

Josiah trusted Darth Metus - but he no longer knew him.

In the here and now, an Inquisition had been called. A Crusade against corruption of the likes the modern Confederacy had yet to see. The Lightbearer was familiar with how such operations occurred, having launched similiar ventures in the past. They reminded him of the days spent, briefly, as a guardian of the Fel Dynasty. They, though Light, ruthlessly ferreted out corruption from amongst their ranks on the regular. Swaying to the darkness - whether sensitive or insensitive - was unacceptable. Though, Josiah doubted they would be executing any corrupt politicians through their venture. Most likely, arrests and detentions.

As the first step of the Inquisition, a meeting of the Masters Council had been called. Voph, the freshly-appointed Lord Commander, had beckoned them hours after the Viceroyalty session. Time was of the essence, and getting on the same page now meant a smooth operation later. This, the Lightbearer understood.

Upon entering the chambers, Josiah wordlessly took his seat at the table. Typically, his better half Mara Denko would have been at his side. Yet her seat remained vacant. No doubt she had been sucked away to one of her research projects again. The thought alone caused Josiah's lips to twitch with amusement - for this wasn't the first time he'd have to carry an overworked spouse away from a pile of papers. Of course, the musings of marriage ceased in his mind when the new Lord Commander spoke. Josiah leaned one arm upon the table, nodding along as both Voph and the Nightmother began.

"What steps will you be taking to keep the Defense Force out of our way? You and I both know they won't be thrilled in being second to anything Obsidian."

Suffice it to say, Josiah had no trust for the CDF. Not after what had transpired. Those who had survived the assault upon the Obsidian stronghold were mended by his spouse's hands. There were many who succumbed to their injuries - good soldiers for the Obsidian cause slain by CDF hands. A foreign enemy was ultimately to blame for the orders being given...but they still pulled the trigger.​



Tags: Josiah Josiah | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi
Voph listened quietly as the other masters voiced their concerns and opinions. Voph held up a solitary finger towards Marshal Yumi, indicating that he would speak more on her comments in a moment, but wished to address the simpler aspects first. "The Defense Force will see reason. I have reached out to Terrik and Von Sorenn, and will be speaking with them at the agreed upon hour. We are of the same breed. Warriors. If all is well, they shall be brought to understand our situation, and the necessity by which we have arrived here. Surely they will understand an interest in the organization that launched an unfounded and unverified attack against their own people. And how cooperation will go a long way to repairing further damage."
Voph hadn't forgotten Shadow's Point either. Even worse, it was the second time he had lived through a betrayal of that scale. "I would say that Grand Marshal Terrik has much to answer for, considering her role at Shadow's Point. Her cooperation in this matter will greatly affect my reports to the Vicelord, particularly in the matters of our relationship moving forward." Voph left it at that. The CDF was the one thing he was in no position to strong-arm. If he was going to convince them to work together, it would truly be a negotiation. But, he was confident he would find the proper pressure point. And, if worse came to worse, he may actually use it.​
Turning from Josiah to Vytal, he continued. "Strictly speaking, our authority is ultimate. Whatever the Vicelord deems necessary to carry out this task, I too am willing to authorize. That being said." Voph planted his finger on the table for emphasis. "Our questioning is to be limited to ONLY what is necessary, and no more. We are defenders of the people. We always have been, and maker willing we always will be. And I assure each of you that so long as I am the Lord Commander, we shall remain just that: Defenders. I intend that we shall send teams to each planet, investigate the heads of state upon each. Once we have confirmation that the command structure of each planet is working in the best interests of the Confederacy, we equip them with the tools to maintain their own planet's security. And, I suggest it be made abundantly clear to each of them that a misuse of these tools will be...frowned upon."
Voph finally settled back on Yumi, taking a moment to compose his thoughts. "You, Marshal Yumi, are absolutely correct. It is for this reason that as soon as my business on Geonosis has concluded, I intend to travel to the most vocal opposition, and begin our inquest there. For it is there, I believe, that we shall find the most blatant scars of injustice and corruption. The opinions of the people, I do not care for. If they look upon us with shame and disgust, then so be it. We work not for our own glory, but for the betterment of the Confederacy. Understand that I do not for a second doubt your dedication to the Confederacy, nor to the Knights Obsidian. Your hesitation against an Inquisition is well founded, and understood. I share those same doubts, and am adamant that we will not stoop to such depths. However, you are a Lord Marshal within our order. If you speak out against an inquisition, publicly, I will insist that you refrain from joining. That being said, if you would be willing to back this effort on all fronts, I will gladly accept your assistance."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Wearing: xxx

This was his first meeting with the Master’s Council, officially, so Gerwald sat among the members of the body and listened. While he had certain thoughts pertaining to the nature of why the new Lord Commander had called the meeting, the wolf was quiet for now. It seemed the blind Master wanted get right to the heart of those who may find themselves against the Inquisition itself. Odd how stating what was already written as law could raise such concerns. The Viceroyalty knew the Knights Obsidian had access. Even those on the Master’s Council should have known. Theirs was not only to protect the Viceroyalty, the Confederacy, but when the moment called for it, theirs was to investigate.

Gerwald Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , the nightmother, was the first to speak. Gerwald did his best not roll his eyes at the question posed by the woman. The lupine never understood why the Mandragora had been linked with the Knights Obsidian. Most of their users practiced their arts as much as a religion as a way to understand the force. Gerwald had once been connected to a nightmother, his thoughts we painted by what he knew of the Mandragora under her leadership. She had left him, and yet for all her protest, Alwine Gerwald’s sister had also left him. It would seem they both had left their wounds in the wolf.

Vytal wanted to know about authority. It boggled Gerwald’s mind that everyone seemed to be posing something they had the right, and authority to do, as though it was a question that needed to be answered. Gerwald understood the need for balance, as Master Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi pointed out. Though, the wolf was certain her hesitance was more based out of fear than wise counsel. Her position made it seem as though she feared that what had happened in other inquisitions could, and would, happen in this one. Caution was prudent, but not if it was based in fear.

It seemed the lightsided master Josiah Josiah , one whom Gerwald briefly remembered meeting shortly after Naedira’s death, was the only one who did not question the nuances of the law, but rather voiced his concern for potential encumbrance. A smirk tugged at Gerwald’s cheek as he thought about how he would personally handle any who got in his way. Perhaps there was a bit more of the wolf running his thought patterns, or perhaps the sour taste of the Viceroyalty session was still in his mouth, but Gerwald was feeling in the mood to tear into something.

Kyyrk Kyyrk finally spoke again answering each of the questions posed. More talking. Leaning forward with his elbows on the table, Gerwald listened, perking up when the Lord Commander made his ultimatum known. While it was directed to one, Gerwald knew it applied to all. Voph expected full support of the endeavor if one was to participate.

When it seemed the dialogue was over, Gerwald sat up a little more. They were no longer among the Viceroyalty so diplomatic decorum was the last thing on his mind, or in his behavior.

“It bothers me that twice today this Inquisition has been posed as a matter of question. Let us not forget that what has been suggested is well within our purview as Knights Obsidian. I respect the need for balance and caution as we look further into the events of Atrisia.”

Gerwald paused as he thought about how to bring up the next issue on his mind.


Their Viceroy was power hungry and manipulative. He thought he had a way with words, skilled in oration, but his attempts to woo the rest of the chamber seemed as effective as trying to seduce a woman with a bouquet of bantha poodoo. Men like him were the kind to lord over the lesser, a quality that could lead to breaching the most sacred of laws. Gerwald valued all life, and as such, those who displayed evidence that they were intoxicated with their own power concerned him. Would the Viceroy make slaves of his own, not if he was smart, but that did not mean he would afford those beneath him the equality and dignity they deserved either.

“I am concerned for Eriadu. Their Viceroy made it clear today they are more for themselves than the Confederacy. There are many innocents on that planet which will suffer under such a harsh and selfish ruler. His aide, or the puppet master in the mask, concerns me as well. There is something amiss, and while it could be related to Atrisia, I feel it is also a separate issue.”

The Lupine looked to the rest as he leaned back in his seat, evident he was done speaking for the moment.


Kurenai silently listened to Kyyrk Kyyrk words as he responded to both Josiah Josiah and Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura question, said words being easily agreeable so far. To an extent each branch of the knights already held sway to investigate certain areas. This inquisition would just combine their different areas into one over arching act and with help from other sides of the CIS military would make for a much easier time hunting down the infectious people within their borders. The women's head slowly nodding before her own talking points were addressed.

It was the first time her rank held much meaning, the women having to think about it a little. Her actions and own view points would carrying more weight then before, any disagreement with direct orders no doubt sowing extra decent around the Confederacy. After all if one of the higher ranking members in the nights opposed such an inquisition it would cause more reason to make a fuss over it. "I understand your meaning, you will not hear anymore complaints form me, more over I have very vested interest in this investigation".

The attack on her home world being quite a personal matter, if she had the chance to hunt down those partially responsible for it Kurenai wouldn't hesitate to commit herself. With this and her connection with the royal family on Atrisia they CIS would have no issues extending their arm to search for clues if they decided to set their gaze upon the core world. Though speaking of planetary leaders and Viceroys Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner raised a point that would probably be shared by most who had attended the summons not a hour ago.

His appearance along screamed suspicious to anyone with half a brain along with the man being a recent addition to the many governing members that made up the Viceroy. That and along with the words that oozed with deceit that made a Sith Emperor seem like an enjoyable fellow. As the lupine sat back down she took this chance once more to speak out. "Master Lachner raised a good point throughout the entire assembly time and time again that man spoke in a very odd manner, almost bordering treacherous behavior ". "And true while I also did speak out somewhat at first about this inquisition I have a gut feeling the mans reasoning for disagreeing were very different".


The Nightmother patiently turned her eyes toward Gerwald as he made his dissatisfaction. "It is one thing to have authority given to you, and another to exercise that authority. The Lord Commander is wise to council that we should use this authority with care and deliberation. Though by no means should we fear using the tools given to us to ensure the safety of our Sisters and Brothers, be they Knight, Defense Force, civilian, or otherwise." Just because it was written down somewhere or that anyone of them believed they knew it wholeheartedly -- no matter how patently obvious the wording might be -- it was paramount they above all understood both the letter and spirit of that authority. Let the Viceroys rail against it and demand to redefine words to suit their purposes; that would not deter the Knights from what had been given to them to accomplish.​
The woman of Dathomir was perhaps the last person anyone needed to fear being shy at using such broad authority. Nothing had changed as far as Vytal was concerned -- except that exploring matters a Viceroy would otherwise seek to hide had no longer had any ground to seek cover. Not that it would have been a problem before. So many Viceroys had minds her art in Persuasion could handle decidedly. though there were notably exceptions.​
Discussion soon turned toward Eriadu, with one of those exceptions. Or so the case had been until just a few hours ago when the Nargath abruptly resigned in protest.​
Vytal regarded Gerwald and then Kurenai in turn as they spoke on the matter. She was perhaps uniquely aware of certain facets concerning Credius Nargath. Though it would seem unnecessary to simply vomit it all up before the assembled Council -- without reason. "Lord Nargath is a man occupied by a lineage strong in Darkness. He seeks to expand his authority in order to lead the galaxy toward strength; while likewise positioning himself at the top of those leading that charge. You may find he has a great many connections outside of the Confederacy toward that end."

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
The white-haired sorceress let a finger slowly trace around the rim of her wine glass as she slowly raised her eyes to stare across the table at the other master's who had gathered around at the call of the Lord Marshall. It was quite a collection of power, of capability that had been arrayed and was about to be let loose on the Confederacy to bring light to the darkness and scour away the corruption which seemed to weigh heavily on the government. No government was immune to the lure of corruption, to those backroom deals and handshakes that were so much a part of the lubricant that kept the wheels of the government moving.

It was the same wherever you looked, no matter the idealism of a government, no matter the good intentions which you approached it there was always that voice in the back of your mind whispering that there was an easier way to do this. It was the same voice that lured you to take a shortcut, that whispered to you in the middle of a fight how easy it would be to embrace the sheer limits of the power that surrounded you. Use it to end a fight, an argument by any means necessary. It would be so easy to embrace power, to use it for your own betterment...only down that path only horrors lay.

It was the core belief she'd grown up with, that your purpose, your intentions, were the most important part about any situation. While that was true of the Viceroys and the members of the government it was equally true of them. Of the Knights Obsidian who were about to be unleashed on the Confederacy.

"I have to agree with the Nightmother, while we have the authority, the power to investigate and to bring light and justice to those who need it and we should not hesitate we shouldn't look to abuse our power either. Just because someone seems suspicious isn't just cause for making them a scapegoat, or for targeting them. Just because someone happens to disagree with you doesn't mean that they're doing wrong, or are treasonous. To approach an inquisition with those goals, with that mindset won't bring freedom and won't bring justice to our citizens. To approach an inquisition like that only brings fear and anger and we're better than that."

Her crystal blue gaze flicked over to Voph, inclining her head at the new leader of the Knights Obsidian in a gesture of respect. The man had more than earned his accolade, and if there was anyone that she trusted to run something as powerful and dangerous as an inquisition the Miralukan was top of the list.

"Do you have any apparatus in mind, any thoughts on how you want to manage the Knights Obsidian themselves who are employed in the Inquisition? We have broad powers and some kind of apparatus to prevent abuse might not be the worst thing."

Tagging: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Josiah Josiah
The call for an inquisition was a surprise to Djonas Vile, however he cared not for it's purpose. He only had hoped to see that it's process was humane. He wanted to believe it would be, but he has been wrong before. Not many times, but it has happened.

The Thyrsian Obsidian Master stood idly to the side of the room, listening in on the conversation as it went on.

The not so old looking, old broad had clearly opposed this idea. Mostly due to PTSD from other inquisitions held within other nations. Djonas knew of those from his time under the Old Sith Empire. Regardless, the fear is in nothing but the name. Djonas was sure the Confederacy would not go to the lengths of the Sith and other Imperials. At least, that is what he had hoped.

Djonas also noticed the Nightmother's presence. Hard to ignore someone of such high importance and beauty.

Then the hairy guy mentioned Eriadu. Some things that Djonas had not heard of. Then another mentioned him being a Lechner. One of alwine's brothers, no doubt. He hadn't met one before. Only heard stories during their time spent together.

As the conversation went on, Djonas realized that it was less a discussion and more of repeating what another said and making statements that anyone with common sense would have already known. On that note, he just listened quietly and occasionally nodded to show that he was listening.

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Sitting at the table quietly listening, Rylan was more distracted by his thoughts on his own predicament, having only come back very recently from his work scouting the unknown regions, he was slightly ashamed with himself for missing out on so many things here at home.

Snapping his attention back to the conversation at hand, he was very aware that at this moment, he was only now catching up on the Viceroyalty meeting he had missed due to his recent arrival back home, the fact he was even invited to this meeting surprised him greatly, but he wasn't going to argue with the summons. Once finally catching up on what was being said, Rylan's eyes traveled from once master to the next as they spoke, he understood the fear that some here felt but, also understood the fact it was in their mandate to do as such, the order was built with it in mind.

He just leaned back in his seat and continued to listen, while he was a veteran of the order, being one of the masters in it now, he decided it best to stay quiet until spoken too, so, for now, he would wait to be addressed, for his only concern at this point was for the well being of the knights who served under him in his role and how this would affect them.

Tags; Kyyrk Kyyrk | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | Josiah Josiah | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Djonas Vile Djonas Vile
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Taramaz Arcturus

Armour: Sean-Olc Robes
Weapons: Pride and Freedom
Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Lunara Azure Lunara Azure Josiah Josiah Rylan Kordel Rylan Kordel Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Djonas Vile Djonas Vile


Black leather soles tapped firmly against the floor of the Citadel, echoing through the empty halls. An echo soon that soon filled the Council Chambers as the Lord Marshal's feet carried him down the curved staircase, though the echo was quickly quietened by the voices of the Masters Council, both asking and answering in equal measure. He wore the traditional, ceremonial outfit of the Royal Council of his homeworld, the synth-silk fabric hugging his and leather mix hugged his form, defining his athletic and masculine build while leaving the details obscured. Symbolic of the Royal Council's purpose, to provide an idea while purposefully hiding the details to those entrusted with them.

Taramaz had, admittedly, not given the meeting the haste he would give any other duty. Council Meetings held no excitement, no opportunity to exchange smiles or a drink, no heartiness or cheer, a lesson he had learnt from his own Council, and the Obsidian Master's Council. The fact that it was called on a matter that hardly concerned him hardly helped the fact. The meetings were necessary, if not vital, to the smooth running of the order, that he did not question.

He swiftly made his way to the seat reserved for him by the Lord Commander, his gait smooth and effortless, not a hint of the reluctance he hid to be here. Taramaz sat down in the seat, pressing his back against it's tall back. The Lord Marshal had not been foolish enough to walk in on the meeting mid-way through, but merely to join it while it had begun, rather than waiting around.

The meeting was focused around the Inquisition, the Vicelord invoking the original powers and purpose of the Knights Obsidian; to root out corruption and treachery within the Confederacy. Had they truly not performed this duty in so long that they needed to convene on how to truly do so? Or was it merely a result of his younger step-brother, Isley the Vicelord, commanding it?

It was a meeting that should not have been needed. Truthfully, he had favoured the idea of a militant Knights Obsidian, a sister to the Confederate Defense Force, but he had not meant an order that forgot it's original purpose. It was not surprising though, it was a fate that preyed upon all Orders such as this, particularly those with a noble purpose.

His stone-grey eyes gazed upon each as the spoke their piece, some questions aimed at the limits of the Knights abilities in this Inquisition, some focused around the interference of other factions within the CIS, both useful but ultimately self-explanatory. The question that truly peaked his interest was that of his fellow Lord Marshal, Lunara Azure. A question regarding the abuse of the powers handed to the Knights, and how to prevent it. Perhaps the best question yet.

Yet it was the least of Taramaz' concerns. He fully intended to make a point very clear, evident by the authority in which he cleared his voice to speak.

"I will make it clear and evident now that I will not be participating in this Inquisition, on the basis of my familial relations with our Vicelord, aswell as my position as the Captain of his Guard. These complement my inner disinterest and ineptitude of questioning and investigation the Inquisition will be performing. Subsequently, I will be keeping myself silent throughout this meeting."

He quietened his voice at the end of his address, and pressed himself back in his chair. He turned his gaze towards Master Lechner, he was familiar with the master, albeit not on a first name basis. His gaze sought the masters eyes, hoping to sympathise with him in their shared opinion of the meeting.




Voph listened quietly as the gathered Masters spoke, asking questions of the new Lord Commander, and suggesting their first target: Eriadu. Voph first gestured to Taramaz Arcturus and lifted a hand in acknowledgement. "A valid reason to recuse yourself, Lord Marshal. If you wish to make no further comment on the proceedings, then you may remain for what you see fit, and depart when more pressing matters call you." Voph's words were spoken with understanding, indicating that if the Lord Marshal was not to participate then he was not obligated to remain, but he could stay and listen to the council of the other masters for as long as he wished. Voph also understood the desire to refrain from the Inquisition. He knew from experience that such work was not readily undertaken by all. Particularly not those with more pressing duties.​
Voph turned to the collective of Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura and Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner to address their point. "Nargath is no longer a concern of ours. Not immediately. If he does have grand designs to bring down the Confederacy from within, they will be found, as Master Lechner observes, on Eriadu. I concur that our first task should be the investigation of the planet, and whomever takes the role of acting Viceroy in Credius's absence. If Nargath chooses to show his face, then so be it. We shall deal with that when the need arises."
Finally, Voph turned to Lunara Azure Lunara Azure and spoke to her question. "I will see to it that any Knights operating within the Inquisition will be given a strict code to abide by. No Inquisitor shall be permitted to work on their own, either. We keep each other accountable for our actions. To begin, I plan to vet each and every knight we will have serving as member of the Inquisition. And further, I do not plan to pursue action against our targets directly. The Inquisition shall only attack when attacked, and will otherwise go, observe, and report. They are to take no action unless authorized by the office of the Vicelord, or myself."
Voph paused for a moment to let this sink in before he changed the subject. "But, if we are all in agreement, then I feel there are other, more pressing matters to tend to. Namely, the fact that our dear Nightmother stands alone." Voph gestured to Vytal as he said this. "Of the four School Heads, only one currently sits among our number. I task you, masters, to find us guidance in these times, and to bring forth the names of those you think worthy of being the embodiment of our ideals. For now, I would welcome Master Rylan back to our fold. Word of his exploits has reached my ears, and I think that he would be a more than adequate fit for the seat I have just left as Lord Vizier. As for the Lord Vigilant and Lord Executor, if there are any you wish to nominate, speak with me and we will discuss. Now, with that being said, I open the floor to you, Masters. What say you of the Knights Obsidian, its state, and its purpose? What think you of our goals and our progress? Speak freely, please."

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