Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Create something New

Harbinger class Cathedral Ship - The Tasgetius
The vessel was one of five commissioned for the Holy Order and now it served House Syrush and the Free Worlds Coalition. Its sister vessels slowly patrolling the extend of the Free Worlds, the Tasgetius though was currently in orbit around Alderaan. For the moment, at least until House Syrush reclaimed Aldraig IV, it would serve as the seat of House Syrush. In the darkened room the woman stood silently, her golden hues upon the world below as a soft smirk crossed her lips. She thought back to when she first arrived on Alderaan all those years ago and how in the following eons everything had changed. It was difficult to fathom that it had been destroyed previously when the world was there before her very eyes.


Her moment of quiet was ended with that single word, bringing her attention to the individual at the far end of the room. Slowly turning away from the large window, she nodded quietly.

"She's here ma'am. Shall I send her in?"

"Yes. Please."

Amelia spoke as she stepped forward, her gown hugging to her figure as she let out a soft sigh. She moved gracefully towards the large display case on the other side of the room, her hand lightly pressing at the glass case edge to open the door. Her eyes slowly moving over the various bottles of wines and liquor that lay before her.

Carefully pulling a wine glass from where it hung, she set it down before her hands slowly freed a bottle of Blossom Wine from where it had lain. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she looked over it before setting the bottle down. Looking back to the shelve, she didn't look over her shoulder, merely spoke as she addressed her guest.

"May I offer you a drink Doctor?"

The Knight Commander of the Righteous flame of Syrush House requested her presence aboard one of her ships. It was a fairly large ship, of what kind, the doctor couldn’t tell you. She dressed tastefully half way between a doctor/scientist and a noble. It was unclear what the invitation pertained to but one does not ignore an invitation like this.

She had noted that the knight commander had an unusual combination of biological phenomenon that the curious scientist in her could not figure out from outward appearance. That was a side curiosity. She was treated with a great amount of courtesy as she docked and came aboard. It wasn’t entirely military stuffy. The temperature of the ship was colder than she would have liked but the raven haired doctor persevered.

She was shown into the room as the door was solidly shut behind her as she strode into the large room. Those light ice blue eyes took in the room before her eyes was resting on her hostess. Who was offering her a drink before her eyes settled into the darkness of the room.

“Certainly, Knight Commander. I must say your invitation came at a surprise.” Rashae had been diligently working on getting the hospital build started and moving forward. The queen had ideas and plans. The science and medical part she could handle.

She spotted a likely cushioned chair and sat down. Rashae was dressed in a light blue. She tended to favor blues. The lovely young doctor smiled politely as her hostess brought the drink to her.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Taking a moment, she set the bottle back into its place before pulling out another one. A soft blow seemed to push a bit of dust off of the outside of the crystal decanter that she held. A small smile crossing her lips as she lightly set it aside. Carefully removing another decanter, her nimble fingers snatched up two glasses before she turned back towards her guest. With the decanters and glasses in hand, she made a gracefully fluid motion towards the table, as if she were gliding upon the air.

Setting down the glasses first, the decanters followed behind. Keeping her golden hues upon her guest, Amelia carefully removed the stopper before pouring the wine from its crystal container. Filling the glass to the appropriate point, she set the decanter down, once more slipping its stopper into its rightful place.

"Its a Blossom Wine from Naboo, roughly 32 BBY I believe."

Amelia said with a soft smile before she took her own seat. Leaning forward she unplugged the stopper from the second decanter and poured the more thick sanguine colored liquid into her own glass. Setting its vessel aside, she smirked and leaned back in her seat. Her hand holding the glass with its stem between her fingers whilst she slipped one leg over the other.

"This on the other hand requires a specific taste to handle."

When she smirked a hint of her fangs were revealed before she took a small sip from the glass, enjoying her drink. Closing her eyes for a moment, the golden hues once more fell upon the Doctor before her. Her other hand rest on the end of the arm rest, her finger lightly tapping as she kept her attention focused forward.

"Now then, I've a proposal for you Minister of Medicine of Alderaan."

There was an appreciative raise of the eyebrow ever so slowly upon revealing the vintage and type of the wine provided. ’32 bby’. Rashae took the crystal glass neatly and swirled the wine in the glass slightly as she placed her nose lightly over it to ever so delicately inhale the bouquet. A rare vintage and its honey floral notes were complex. The initial sip she let rest on her tongue before letting it slide slowly down her throat.

“Lovely vintage. I wasn’t aware that any of that vintage existed. “ Rashae said in a speculative velvet voice.

The young doctor lifted the wine up to catch what little light was in the room to see the color. The flavor was sweet but clean. She had been schooled on a variety of topics as a rising debutant. The lady of House Lovous did appreciate fine wines. Rashae looked at her hostess directly into those unsettling golden predatory eyes with her own ice blues. There was a certain bravery to the scientist, a hidden reserve of will that marked the young lady apart from most. What set her the most apart was that tinge of unpredictable nature.

One does not pull out a vintage like this unless it was to impress, engage something important or to soften a deal. A fairly significant deal at that. What was the Knight-Commander’s game? The wheels in the raven haired beauty’s mind started turning, analyzing. Never mind the noted glint of light off of a fang and the flawless pale to almost a snow complexion. Even the way Amelia walked spoke of something uncanny, something this galaxy rarely has seen.

“I will take your word for it. “ Came that svelt velvet voice that may not match the iciness of the eyes. Rashae remained steady and guarded. Then there it was presented. She had to hand It it to Amelia as she didn’t waste time. The Minister liked that.

“Proposal?” There was a pause as she took a delicate sip of the Blossom wine. One does not just drink wine like that. The flavor was so complex that a little sip filled your mouth to a symphony of taste. Just a little dab will do you per sip.

“Interesting, What is this proposal you wish to speak of, Knight Commander. “ The doctor ventured forward to dip a foot in. What was on this woman’s mind?

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"There are a few bottles laying around the Galaxy, one merely needs to know where to look to find them."

Amelia said with a soft smile, raising her own glass for a moment before taking another sip of her own sanguine liquid before setting the glass down. Her own golden hues remained upon the Minister, watching her closely and admiring the woman. Had they been there for any other reason she may have even decided to attempt to flatter the woman, though her mind was kept on focus.

Leaning forward once more, she lightly tapped on the glass of the table. The image of a pulsing world slipping up and appearing from beneath the glass. The blue hue causing it to shimmer slightly as Amelia motioned to the image.

"This is Aldraig IV, and I've already been given permission in a way by the Queen to reclaim it for the Free Worlds Coalition. However there is a small problem that has arisen to my attention."

She leaned back, her hand gracefully cupping her glass again and holding it. Slowly she swirled the sanguine liquid within before taking another sip. Savoring its own metallic taste, she smirked softly before returning her attention to the good Doctor.

"The Holy Order of the Righteous Flame is limited in its numbers, and so too is House Syrush not recovered or prepared for such an endeavor, that is why you are here."

Taking a soft breath, she let out a low sigh before continuing.

"The proposal is simple. As I can not request that the worlds of the FWC send their own to their deaths on an unknown world against a Sith Cult, I must look elsewhere. I want you to aid me in the creation of a clone army, to work with an Arkanian and turn the Duros and Neimoidians into something more."

There was a cynical smile at the mention of knowing where to look. “You could make a fortune in what’s left in this bottle if you chose.” The act of providing such a costly refreshment was not lost on the young scientist.

There was an idle curiosity of what was in her glass. It moved like blood but that was speculation at this point and it would be rude for her to bring out a scanner at this time. The Vampirica species was not common in the usual medical text. In the more obscure Xeno text, yes. That particular strain did something to the dna to change the flesh to accommodate the ‘change ‘ to its host. That may not be entirely accurate, but was what the text said. It left much to be desired and a great deal unanswered. It was not adequate in the least to this detail oriented doctor.

Those eyes flicked to the image of Aldraig IV. Initial thoughts of it being reclaimed was neutral. Alright, the knight commander wanted to reclaim the system. She claims for the coalition, but there had to be something in it for herself. No one would do something for nothing. Those ice blue eyes looked directly into the Amelia’s daunting, even intimidating eyes directly. For a doctor and a scientist, Rashae had a rather distinct underlying bravery beneath the icy fire she gave to the public at large.

“Clones? Full body clones?” She wanted an army of clones. She could make almost every part of the body minus bones, but she hadn’t made a full humanoid clone. Plant clones, insectoid type species to help with pollination, small animals but she hadn’t worked up to full body clones. It would be a leap in her research to do so. She was working up towards that. If nothing more than to fix genetic issues caused by environment, birth defects or invasive change, such as vong applications in whole body genetic therapy.

“Arkanians are not known to take to partners, especially a non Arkanian. “ Arkanians thought themselves far more superior intellectually than the rest of the galaxy. Their egos are huge, sometimes insanely so. “What made you think of me to work on this project?”

“Since you are being so direct, I shall do you the favor in return. My work was working towards full body therapies for repairing genetic damage via reverse osmosis techniques of what essentially is an uncloning – cloning process. “ There was a technical term for it but she was not going to be rude by going into genetic jargon. “That project is barely in its first stages of research. I could put Gentech resources to assist, but in the end, what’s in it for me? ”

“There is also the matter of my duties as Minister. I must be able to take care of Alderaan and our allies.” This was said in a way to be non-negotiable. “When is the first clones projected to be ready?”

A thought occurred to her. “We do have allies, knight commander. Resources can be pooled to assist house Syrush and the Holy order. “ her eyes narrowed as she looked at Amelia right in the eyes.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"I very well could, though what is the point of selling that which is meant to be enjoyed? Are you not enjoying it more sip by sip than if it were sitting locked away in some collectors vault?"

The woman smirked softly as she took a sip of her own drink, setting the glass down. A soft push slipped it forward, almost as if she were offering the woman the temptation of tasting what it was that she herself was drinking. Her own thoughts of what she would think of the drink had piqued her own curiosity, though it was something that wasn't need to be answered just then and there. Musing to herself, she leaned back in her seat and listened, her eyes closing for a moment.

She was in fact not sleeping, nor was it a meditation, it was that unusual of traits that didn't seem to be present in many these days. She was listening to the words, taking in the information that she was provided. When the question was brought up her eyes slowly opened. Those golden hues falling upon the woman again as she leaned forward.

"I doubt that the royal house would place just any individual into such a prestigeous position without knowing of their own qualifications or otherwise knowing that individual personally. The faith that they've placed in you by offering you the position as Minister of Medicine was enough for me to decided to call upon you."

It was a simple answer, no round about back patting or otherwise flattering of the woman. There was no need nor time for such words, as there was much to be done in what little time they had. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she placed and chose her words carefully before speaking once more.

"I believe that there was a misunderstanding. I am talking about the creation of a new species, altering the Duros and Nemoidian genomes to produce a species that would benefit from their standing traits. In short the first clones are not expect as first we need to create the template."

Amelia permitted a soft smirk to cross her lips, for there was always that point when the question would arise. She was waiting for that question, and it was something that everyone at some point had mused, and she was right to ask what was in it for her.

"House Syrush is ready to fund your projects for the next decade. As for the Arkanian, allow me to worry about whom they will work with and share the credit with."


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