Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Do List

Things which need to be done:
  1. Overviews of each Subpath
  2. Force User Roles for each Subpath
  3. Non Force User Roles for each Subpath
  4. Completion of the Nine Great Temples, Specifically:

    - Anil Kesh
    - Bodhi
    - Mahara Kesh
    - Stav Kesh
    - Vur Tepe
  5. Completion of the Meissa System, Specifically:

    - Tem
    - Sek
    - Quan
    - Fenn
    - Karnen
    - Naro
    - Lha Mi
  6. Completion of the Tython Tho Yor, Specifically:

    - Akar Kesh
    - Anil Kesh
    - Bodhi
    - Kaleth
    - Padawan Kesh
  7. The Je'daii Outpost on Iktotch
  8. Additional Missions for the Terminal
Template for Subpaths:
Subpath Emblem Here​
Name: [Known Name]
Specialization: [What does the Subpath focus on?]
Demonym: [What are the Subpath Adherents known as?]

Temple Master: [Je'daii Temple Master Name and Link]
Temple Master Title: [What is the Temple Master known as?]

Temple Steward: [Je'daii Temple Steward Name and Link]
Temple Steward Title: [What is the Temple Steward known as?]

Robe Colour: [What colour robes do adherents wear?]
Lightsaber Colour: [What colour lightsaber do adherents typically wield? This is not set in stone]

Major Locations: [Where do members of this Subpath tend to gather?]

Duties: [List the duties members of this Subpath have]

Specialized Force User Roles: [List specific jobs/roles within the Subpath for FUs]

Specialized Non-Force User Roles: [List specific jobs/roles within the Subpath for NFUs]

Great Journey Examples: [List some examples of Trials for the Great Journey]

Historical Members: [List members from the DotJ series/former Je'daii]

Notable Members: [List present day members of this Subpath]
The Temple of Balance
Name: Akar Kesh
Known As: The Temple of Balance
Specializations: Balance, Meditation, Farsight, Security, and Investigation
Demonym: Je'daii Arbiter

Temple Master: Akro Sicmus
Temple Master Title: The Watchman

Temple Steward: Seamus Valik
Temple Steward Title: The Shadow

Traditional Robe Colour: Yellow
Traditional Lightsaber Colour: White

Major Locations:
Specialized Force User Roles:
  • Seermaster; Je'daii with a focus on utilizing sensory and prophetic Force applications in unison. Seermasters are adept at utilizing the Force in order to glean information concerning future events, while also understanding that what will be is not yet set in stone. They must refrain from becoming too tied to one path, and instead look for all possible outcomes in a situation and guide members of the Order toward one which would be preferred
  • Shademaster; Je'daii with a focus on more covert activities and applications of the Force. Shademasters will often work hand in hand with law enforcement to complete missions of importance. They use investigative techniques in order to solve mysteries, often infiltrating organizations in order to gather intelligence. There is a high emphasis on utilizing non-traditional techniques, weapons, and gadgets, in order to get the job done
  • Datamaster; Je'daii with a focus on security and holosystems. Datamasters work closely with Temple Guards in order to ensure the safety of the Order at large, monitoring for foreign ships, keeping systems up to date with anti-hacking software, while also often learning to slice into consoles and networks themselves. They utilize the information gathered to aid other Je'daii, specifically individuals such as Shademasters whose roles are highly dependent on such sources
  • Equimaster; Je'daii with a focus on maintaining balance and moderation within themselves and their fellows. Equimasters are renown for their levelheadedness and their ability to work with wayward Force Users in order to bring them back toward an equilibrium. They deal with a lot of new Initiates to the Order, helping them to find their feet, and are well versed in the Philosophy of the Je'daii
  • Trancemaster; Je'daii with a focus on meditation and introspection. Trancemasters are known for their ability to sustain themselves through the Force for days at a time, searching for a new level of understanding and meaning for all that they study. Unlike Seermasters these Je'daii focus on more present affairs, finding ways to resolve issues currently facing the Order. They are highly regarded for their wisdom and ability to think outside the box, often discovering methods that otherwise would not have been considered
Specialized Non-Force User Roles:
  • Temple Guard; Men and women who dedicate their lives to the protection of all Je'daii Temples. Most will be posted at one specific Temple for the majority of their professional career, coming to know the ins and outs of each structure and the grounds they sit within in order to better protect it and those housed within
  • Technician; Making up the bulk of the Je'daii's security team, Technicians work closely with the Datamasters in order to keep systems live and servers well maintained. Between them and the Slicers, they can do almost anything the Datamasters can provided the Force is not required, and are regarded just as highly as their Force Sensitive counterparts
  • Slicer; Typically independently hired, though some have permanency within the Order, they work alongside Datamasters and Shademasters in order to provide information that would otherwise be off limits. They also assist in ensuring the anti-hacking software is functional by frequently attempting to slice into Je'daii databases and reporting any known workarounds and bugs
  • Investigator; Working alongside the Shademasters are the Investigators, men and women of differing roles who accompany Je'daii on missions. They are excellent at unearthing sources and information, will often convene with local law enforcement alongside or in place of their Je'daii counterparts, and are seen as invaluable entities when it comes to getting the job done
Great Journey Examples:
  • ​Learn or practice the Ritual of Alchaka (only counts for either Akar Kesh or Stav Kesh, not both)
  • Recruit a new member to the Order (and complete their introduction thread with them - only counts for Akar Kesh or Padawan Kesh, not both)
  • Learn or teach the main concepts of the Je'daii Order, such as Balance, Moderation, and the Je'daii Code
  • Work alongside a localized police force to conduct and complete an investigation
  • Battle the demons of your past, or face your fears for the future, eg: Luke's experience in the Cave of Evil
Historical Members:
Notable Members:
  • Temple Master Akro Sicmus
  • [member='Asha Hex']
  • [member='Atefeh Lorr']
  • [member='Jade The Rogue']
  • [member='Jyn Lorr']
  • [member='Sargon Vynea']
  • [member='Seamus Valik']
  • Akar Kesh
  1. Seermaster (Prophet/Sense)
  2. Shademaster (Covert)
  3. Datamaster (Security)
  4. Equimaster (Balance)
  5. Trancemaster (Meditation)
  • Anil Kesh
  1. Quartermaster (Factory)
  2. Ecomaster (Codex)
  3. Designmaster (Engineer)
  4. Researchmaster (Science)
  5. Spawnmaster (Alchemy)
  6. Flightmaster (Starships)
  7. Pathmaster (Discovery)
  • Bodhi
  1. Craftmaster (Arts)
  2. Sociomaster (Culture)
  3. Musemaster (Creativity)
  • Kaleth
  1. Loremaster (Knowledge)
  2. Sagemaster (Leadership)
  3. Digmaster (Archaeology)
  4. Tactmaster (Diplomacy)
  • Mahara Kesh
  1. Healmaster (Force Healing)
  2. Curemaster (Non-Force Healing)
  3. Counselmaster (Therapy)
  4. Aidmaster (Humanitarian)
  • Padawan Kesh
  1. Trialmaster (Guidance)
  2. Wardmaster (Caregiver)
  3. Studymaster (Teacher)
  4. Draftmaster (Recruitment)
  • Qigong Kesh (A lot of this is subject to change, I may switch it up to focus more on categories like Mentalism, Elementalism, and add in sensory/etc too)
  1. Forcemaster (The Force)
  2. Controlmaster (Control)
  3. Sensemaster (Sense)
  4. Altermaster (Alter)
  5. Ideologymaster (Theory)
  • Stav Kesh
  1. Duelmaster (Duels)
  2. Battlemaster (Larger Battles)
  3. Weaponsmaster (Weapons)
  4. Willmaster (Self-Discipline)
  5. Sabermaster (Forms)
  6. Augmentmaster (Enhancement/Control)
  • Vur Tepe
  1. Forgemaster (Blacksmithing)
  2. Alligaremaster (Alloys)
  3. Imbuemaster (Metallurgy)
The Temple of Science
Name: Anil Kesh
Known As: The Temple of Science
Specializations: Science, Technology, Bioengineering, Starships, and Exploration
Demonym: Je'daii Researcher

Temple Master: Jal Som and Vero Shif
Temple Master Title: The Innovator and The Navigator

Temple Steward: Kyra Sol
Temple Steward Title: The Mechanic

Traditional Robe Colour: Purple
Traditional Lightsaber Colour: Green

Major Locations:
  • Anil Kesh of Tython (Canon)
  • The Silent Workshop of Crystalsong
  • Anil Kesh of Tython (Chaos Canon)
  • Quan of the Meissa System
Specialized Force User Roles:
  • Quartermaster; Factory-Based, develops and distributes new technologies to be tested. Engineers, Shipwrights, etc.
  • Ecomaster; Codex-Based, focus on observing new species and planets discovered by the Pathmasters as well as pre-existing species, flora, and worlds. Has an emphasis on biology.
  • Techmaster; Je'daii who work closely with tech (less develop, more utilize), and often utilize the Force alongside machinery. Mechanics, Mechu Deru/Technomancers. Often use non-Force User tech like blasters.
  • Researchmaster; Generic scientists, observing how the Force interacts with the Galaxy, the effects it has on scientific theories, encompasses physics and chemistry more so than biology
  • Spawnmaster; Biological engineers and alchemists. Focus on developing new species, enhancing existing ones, cloning, etc. Biology based, yet they are less concerned with what already exists and more bothered with what could potentially exist
  • Flightmaster; Pilots, specializing in flying various types of spaceships and air speeders. Often tasked with exploring the Galaxy, discovering new worlds and systems, as well as training Je'daii in flight
  • Pathmaster; Explorers, focused on traversing newly discovered lands in search of hidden cultures, creatures, etc. Often work hand in hand with flightmasters
Specialized Non-Force User Roles:
  • Temple Guard; Men and women who dedicate their lives to the protection of all Je'daii Temples. Most will be posted at one specific Temple for the majority of their professional career, coming to know the ins and outs of each structure and the grounds they sit within in order to better protect it and those housed within
  • Researcher; --
  • Lab Technician; --
  • Flight Crew; --
  • Explorers; --
  • Scientists; Specific sciences: biologists, etc
  • Engineers; --
Great Journey Examples:
  • ​Learn how to utilize a piece of technology not typically preferred by Force Users, eg: Blasters/Slugs, Stealth Generators, etc
  • Learn how to disarm a bomb
  • Learn how to hack systems and technology
  • Construct a lightsaber (and submit it to the Factory if its properties deviate from the standard)
  • Discover a new planet or location (and submit it to the Codex)
  • Discover a new Semi or Non-Sentient Species (and submit it to the Codex - if more than one person discovered it, only one person needs to submit it obviously)
  • Utilize Alchemy to create a new species, eg: Rancor-Dragon (and submit it to the Codex)
  • Create or test a new form of technology, vehicle, or starship for Je'daii use (and submit it to the Factory)Perform a scientific study or examination of a sentient species/individual

  • Perform a scientific study or examination of a semi or non-sentient species/individual

  • Participate in study out in the field, eg: studying the habits of a species, practicing cartography by mapping out an area, etc
Historical Members:
  • TBA
Notable Members:
The Temple of the Arts
Name: Bodhi
Known As: The Temple of the Arts
Specializations: Arts, Culture, and Creativity
Demonym: Je'daii Artisan

Temple Master: Eshezke
Temple Master Title: The Originator

Temple Steward: Sahna Te
Temple Steward Title: The ?

Traditional Robe Colour: Pink
Traditional Lightsaber Colour: ?

Major Locations:
  • Bodhi of Tython (Canon)
  • The Silent College of Zahat'n'ira
  • Bodhi of Tython (Chaos Canon)
  • Karnen of the Meissa System
Specialized Force User Roles:
  • Craftmaster; Arts, Crafts, etc
  • Sociomaster; Culture
  • Musemaster; Creativity; Battle Meditation
Specialized Non-Force User Roles:
  • Temple Guard; Men and women who dedicate their lives to the protection of all Je'daii Temples. Most will be posted at one specific Temple for the majority of their professional career, coming to know the ins and outs of each structure and the grounds they sit within in order to better protect it and those housed within
Great Journey Examples:
  • ​Create or test a personalized set of robes (and submit them to the Factory)
  • Create or construct a piece of art that will encourage a specific response from onlookers, eg: having a calming or invigorating 'aura' (and submit it to the Factory)
  • Research a culture you were previously ignorant to, and spend time among its people
  • Discover a new Sentient Species and learn more of their culture (and submit them to the Codex)
  • Host a festival or cultural celebration for others to participate in
  • Host a theatrical play or musical performance and participate in it somehow, eg: being one of the actors, musicians, etc
Historical Members:
  • TBA
Notable Members:
The Temple of Knowledge
Name: Kaleth
Known As: The Temple of Knowledge
Specializations: Knowledge, Leadership, Archaeology, and Diplomacy
Demonym: Je'daii Scholar

Temple Master: Jeo Dundam
Temple Master Title: The Lorekeeper

Temple Steward: Jyn Lorr
Temple Steward Title: The Archivist

Traditional Robe Colour: Green
Traditional Lightsaber Colour: ?

Major Locations:
Specialized Force User Roles:
  • Loremaster; Knowledge
  • Sagemaster; Leadership
  • Digmaster; Archaeology
  • Tactmaster; Diplomacy
Specialized Non-Force User Roles:
  • Temple Guard; Men and women who dedicate their lives to the protection of all Je'daii Temples. Most will be posted at one specific Temple for the majority of their professional career, coming to know the ins and outs of each structure and the grounds they sit within in order to better protect it and those housed within
Great Journey Examples:
  • Discover a piece of history previously lost or forgotten, eg: an artifact, a holocron, an old stone tablet

  • Participate in an archaeological dig to unearth information about ancient civilizations

  • Add a unique book, datacron, etc, to the Je'daii Archives, after discovering it in the Galaxy

  • Host a lesson or debate on a specific subject which interest you, and allow others to play devils advocate to your beliefs
  • Take the initiative and lead some sort of expedition, task force, or mission
  • Participate in a diplomatic venture, where issues, conflict, or arrangements are resolved without violence
Historical Members:
  • TBA
Notable Members:
  • Temple Master Jeo Dundam
  • [member='Jyn Lorr']
  • [member='Rai Seren']
  • [member='Rex Taff']
  • [member='Teio Konshi']
  • [member='Tom Taff']
The Temple of Healing
Name: Mahara Kesh
Known As: The Temple of Healing
Specializations: Healing, Medicine, Therapy, and Aid
Demonym: Je'daii Physician

Temple Master: Shor Vo
Temple Master Title: The Chief of Medicine

Temple Steward: Lothar Lundgren
Temple Steward Title: The ?

Traditional Robe Colour: Cyan
Traditional Lightsaber Colour: ?

Major Locations:
Specialized Force User Roles:
  • Healmaster; Force Healing
  • Curemaster; Medicine/Non-Force Healing
  • Counselmaster; Therapy/Psychology
  • Aidmaster; Humanitarian Aid
Specialized Non-Force User Roles:
  • Temple Guard; Men and women who dedicate their lives to the protection of all Je'daii Temples. Most will be posted at one specific Temple for the majority of their professional career, coming to know the ins and outs of each structure and the grounds they sit within in order to better protect it and those housed within
Great Journey Examples:
  • Learn, and put into practice, how to heal through the Force
  • Learn, and put into practice, how to administer First Aid
  • Learn, and put into practice, how to provide medical care without the Force or Bacta
  • Discover and make use of an alternative to Bacta and Kolto
  • Render aid to those in need, eg: providing humanitarian aid following a disaster
  • Give indiscriminate aid to the wounded on a battlefield, regardless of which side they fought for
  • Conduct a medical examination on another sentient being/player character
  • Perform a psychological evaluation on another sentient being/player character
  • Provide psychological treatment for a fellow sentient being/player character
Historical Members:
  • TBA
Notable Members:
  • Temple Master Shor Vo
  • [member='Lothar Lundgren']
  • [member='Ao'Kami']
  • [member='Sahna Te']
  • [member='Tom Taff']

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