Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Forge a deal

Thalera Isianthar
Val'hala, Governor's Office

Thalera mindlessly clicks the pen against desk; Restlessly awaiting a Human man of little prominence but what importance he did hold pertained to the document pinned to the fine Oak desk beneath Thalera's Elbows. It is an unexecuted First Order Government contract for this man's company to provide body armour for the First Order Auxillary and ongoing technical support in training on the product's use, worth a handsome amount of credits; Thalera inwardly felt the contract was above the executive's worth for she had never heard of him. Albeit that would surprise none given the brief period of time the Eldorai had formed part of the Galaxy's massive community. Over the bridge of Thalera's nose sits a transparent rebreather filling the space between the nose and lips with a steady cloud of gas that perspires into a moisture against the Mask, connected via hose to some little box connected to belt; Such was the Eldorai's physiology this was a demand for her on any world that wasn't Kaeshana, leading to some Humans to mistake her for some grievously ill Sephi while the truth was far from it. Thalera is a cunning tactician and skilled orator who had personally reviewed the Contract's fine-print to ensure its' terms were to the First Order's benefit. Leaving little loopholes for potential exploitation, she is after all a qualified Surgeon so the reading time did not bother Thalera.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

First Order Space. Again.

Business. As usual.

This time he was alone, June was back on the other side of the galaxy taking care of his administrative duties in the Vorzyd system. The same system that was indirectly connected with what was to be done today.

The First Order wanted more of what he had to offer and Avendahl was gladly appreciating the opportunity. He still enjoyed the sweet taste of reaching new heights in his career and achieving more. Vitor wondered if his former master, Lord Fa, had any idea of his activities. Quite possibly, considering Akash Guul, Fa's Spymaster, often assisted Vitor in his endeavors.

After a brief interaction with the secretary the doors slid open to reveal an exquisite office that was in complete contrast to what usual First Order style looked like. At least to Vitor eyes. Certainly, he was no artist.

A pale skinned alien female sat on a masterfully crafted desk. The bridge of her nose covered with a rebreather of some sorts that Avendahl did not understand.


Not human, for sure. He wondered what had happened with the humanocentric policies of the Order. Not that he was a humanocentric or had any inherent hate to non-humans, it just surprised him.

Sephi? No. Or-

He mentally smiled.

Eldorai. Had she been made governor to rub salt into those that had been defeated on Kaeshana?

It did not matter but the Sith certainly dabbled for a moment with these thoughts.

Vitor approached the woman and extended his hand in a greeting. "Vitor. Vitor Avendahl. Director of Sales of Corondex Arms."

[member="Thalera Isianthar"]

Thalera Isianthar
Val'hala, Governor's Office

Thalera's ominous sanguine-coloured spheres rise from the paper, the pen in Thalera's left-hand is depressed for a final time thrusting an ink-covered peak towards the ceiling. She carefully places the fine instrument down against the contract before hands clasp together steadily. Over both of the grey uniform wearing woman's shoulders are tall grand laminated bookshelves; home to a collection of distinctly alien texts for Humans. Their spines were legible not in High Galactic or even Galactic Basic, the runic text would be too closely grouped together and abstract for a foreigner to take any meaning from the myriad of symbols. The language was Eldorai and the books themselves had not seen themselves outside of Kaeshana's border until very recently their contents ranged from prayers to Ashira and Ilyria; Goddesses of Wisdom and Death, historical books and everything in-between. Thalera bothers not to rise for the man as he extends his hand in what she'd observed as a Human gesture but begrudgingly offers an Eldorai sign of mutual respect in response. Thalera's left hand rises and covers across breast for a moment before slowly sweeping in Vitor's direction with her sanguine eyes locked unflinchingly onto his spheres. "Governor-General Thalera Isianthar of Val'hala." Thalera's voice carries no warmth but does not yet drip with the venom of misandry that she was capable of expelling when irritated, she'd had her daily fill of chocolate and it would keep her placated long enough to carry her throughout the conversation hopefully. Instead, Thalera's voice has a certain metallic quality of it, attributable to the respirator fitted to her face. Thalera's introduction carried both of her official title of 'Governor' though also that of 'General' a self-appointment taken to reflect the history she held proudly with the Eldorai Army prior to the Cataclysm.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Alien traditions and alien manners. Something Vitor would probably never learn. His social skills were subpar among Humans, let alone among aliens.

But he was here for business and both parties needed each other so semantics were not important. Thus, Vitor sat on the chair beside him and leaned forward towards the Governor's desk.

"So, governor, I see you need some help." Vitor said deliberately. Through the Force he had felt her distaste or rather underestimation of Vitor or perhaps the whole deal. Nonetheless, it was thanks to the Force that he could discern features otherwise hidden. He could see her seeing her own self on a pedestal way above him.

"How may I help you?"

[member="Thalera Isianthar"]​

Thalera Isianthar
Val'hala, Governor's Office

Thalera's pallor pulls into a gentle scowl, sanguine eyes look towards the man unflinchingly. "It's not about me but the First Order. It's a matter pertaining to a new military branch in desperate need of equipment." Thalera's voice explains calmly, sparing a glance towards the transparisteel window. With a stylish pair of shutters hanging from the ceiling in front of them; Revealing a charming view of the streets below. Looking back to Vitor coldly, she blinks. "This is why I contacted Corondex Arms on behalf of the First Order Government, there are a number of auxillary troops; Particularly Eldorai who require a body armour system developed specifically to support their physiology and provide more than adequate protection for whatever foreign battlefields have to throw at them." Thalera pauses for a moment, reclining back in her chair she looks upon Vitor with head tilted back as if she were the great lady of Val'hala. "Now can Corondex arms produce this product or have we been wasting one another's time?" Thalera's right-hand rises from the chair's leather-wrapped arm and gestures to the contact sitting inert on her desk.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]
Vitor followed her lead in cutting the small talk short and leaned forward to grab the contract that laid on her desk. Granted, he had a rough idea of what it had to be but going through the actual thing he was to sign was necessary.

"Yes." Avendahl curtly answered, his eyes not leaving the paper before he set it back on the desk and looked back at the Governor. They might need a bit more investment to expand their factories even more. Corondex had grown massively since they had started up long ago in that rented small apartment on Etti IV.

"So armor for your kind but not for the rest in the auxiliary?" He asked.

[member="Thalera Isianthar"]​

Thalera Isianthar
Val'hala, Governor's Office

Thalera turns the contract around with a single-hand and goes to gentle push it towards Vitor for his perusal. "That is correct, as the auxiliary is a diverse organisation. One product cannot necessarily be used across its' entirety for all combatants and non-combatants." Thalera's sanguine spheres roll around in their almond shaped sockets and gives a gentle shake of her head before index finger goes to draw Vitor's gaze to the contract's proposed value. "The contract is worth several million credits over three years where you provide the product and ongoing support and training for the auxiliary units equipped with it." Thalera heaves back and goes to rise from her seat, placing a hand on chair rounding it towards a tall oak shelf lined with full bottles of alcohol; Varying from spirits to ciders. Collecting a glass and then pausing a moment before reluctantly retrieving a second not caring for the low-hanging sun on the horizon signalling a brisk morning. "Tell me Avendahl, do you enjoy wines?"

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]
Vitor nodded to her as she explained to him in summary what the contract defined. His eyes followed her standing up to retrieve a delicate wine glass before asking the obvious question.

"I do." Came his curt reply.

Whenever, he would receive his glass, Vitor would take a sip before asking the woman a question that more or less lingered in his head. Besides, mind games in business were nothing new.

"Tell me, governor." The Sith began before tactfully pausing and continuing a moment later. "How does a non-Human reach such a prestigious position within the First Order?"

[member="Thalera Isianthar"]​

Thalera Isianthar
Val'hala, Governor's Office

Thalera provides Vitor with a wine glass brim-filled with some white wine; The Eldorai woman was not a fan of crimson-coloured wine which might strike one as odd if they knew given how much the colour red features in her outward appearance. Wheeling around back to her chair she gently slides it over the fine rug atop which it sits on the desk before taking a seat on the cushioned comfort, she leans back into the seat with right elbow perched on the armrest while left-hand softly holds the wine-glass looking at Vitor. Thalera listens to his question and she offers him a nod of acknowledgement followed by a long pause; she was no politician. But still, she'd exercise an officerly tact when answering the unexpected question carefully. But with a light scowl as a product of Thalera's ire for being referred to as 'Non-Human' It seemed as if everything in the universe was measured against Humans. "By demonstrating some measure of skill or talent that is considered commendable, I suspect Mr. Avendahl" Thalera answers vaguely taking a cool sip of the wine, her tone is dry speaking matter-of-fact but also rings true of a certain philosophy held by Thalera; Merit should determine who held leadership and nothing else, she is not the daughter of some noble and secretly she held contempt for people who inherited positions of power instead of earning them.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

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