Well-Known Member
Darkness. Terrible Pain. And Death. A spreading Death. All attributes of a Sith, yet not like a Sith as a Man is like a Rock.
The stars of the perfect black night offered the only light for miles. Only in the distance did the environment offer relief from the abyssal darkness, and yet even these were a strain upon the Horizon. The Forests of Kashyyyk sat spread for miles on end, trees stretching miles toward the sky, falling only short of escape from the green beauty that is the Wookie homeworld. Miles downward, upon the very surface often forgotten by visitors, stood a Man. The Grass under his boot was green and fresh, flickering only slightly against the gentle night time breeze. A green that in all its tranquil beauty, lasted no longer than a breath. A green that under the pressing weight of the figure's night time shadow, faded. A green, now an orange, now a Black. Only moments ago the green stood tall against the weak breeze, now it crumbled against the breath of an ant. Green, now coal.At the very heart of all that is wrong with the Galaxy, a figure stood. Surrounded by beauty rapidly decaying. He stood under the most peaceful trees. Trees that now felt the weight of a Drain long forgotten, confined to the millennia gone. His cloak betrayed no movement, his hands clasped behind his back. Motionless upon the forest floor the figure remained, consumed in a meditation that gripped the world by the throat, and held on, wrenching its life from its lungs.
A long, drawn out inhale passed through a songsteel Mask, vocoded to a deep, baritone noise.
Here Orex stood, consumed in himself. Lost in the core so ruined. So powerful. He had come here to reflect. To understand and feel precisely what it was that held this Galaxy in its deceitful iron grip. He brought himself and the spirit he carried to the very heart of his hatred, and simply.
In thought.