Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Kill For Fun And Mon's

Once the two were out of the apartment complex they were once again greeted to the sight of the city moon, all the tugs on the side walked were still knocked out. "So this is how well do things, ill be up on the roof tops right their", he said while pointing to a building on the other side of the street, "To make this convincing make yourself look a little weary, like you just faced me in-combat, and came out on top but were hurt, make it look like your headed for the space port but pass their hideout, they should take the chance to try and jump you", "From their ill pop in and it will only a matter of... giving it to them rough from behind". The last statement was made deliberately as a dirty joke, he was having two much fun with this.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
"Thad sounds reasonable" he took out a smal dager, and made a sholow cut in his organic arm barley anof to draw blood, noting Thad would bother him but anof to trick anyone on a galnse Thad he just took a hit from a blade "hope this wil fool them" he laughed at the joke "wel go ahead enjoy giving it to them"

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]
The way [member="Marcus Lund"] faked the attack was a bit odd, he could have just asked him to punch his face, though that might have caused some altercation, "Oh I will they won't see the long shafts until its right in them". He preceded to run across the street entering a back ally, followed by a wall scaling aided by the force, once in position he gave a small wave to Marcus to indicate the start of there rough plan. While waiting for the cyborg to star their act he unsheathed the vido blade's he carried ready for them to taste blood in a while. "Maybe i should write this down as a story some time, nah to cheesy".
he watched as he saw [member="Tanaski Yumi"] get into position, he walked toward the hideout his blaster stil hidden in his pocket, flexing hes mechanical arm making sure it worked properly, as he aproced the hideout a angry frown crept into his face "any of you idiots happen looking fore me?" he asked
Once the thugs saw Marcus they immediately hesitated to attack seeing as how they assumed the cyborg had defeated the assassin sent after him, Though upon noticing the cut and way he walked some of them took the opportunity to rush at him effectively splitting their force in two, perfect for Tanaski to drop in and deal out some sharp justice before they had time to warn the other. "Time to shine girls, let's have yourself a brute buffet".

While Marcus dealt with 5 henchmen of his own he take care of the 4 still guarding the door, once above them he dropped lunging his twin Kodachi into the closest goon. "Hi boys, miss me", As on of the goon looked behind to see the new asalent they were shocked to find the assassin that the boss hired turning on them, "sorry about this, had a change of heart, but don't worry ill make it quick". One fo the thugs brought out a blaster pisolt which was sliced within second on coming to bear before losing this head.

The goon to the left tried to swing a vibro sword at him, only to be blocked by the Tanaski's superiors blades, following this he spun around driving a leg into the mans back before pulling his Kodachi forwards and slicing his neck. The last thug was able to draw his blaster and fire a shot's, only for him to blcok them with his wrist saber's and make them fly back into his skull. No sooner had the blades been activated they were all being sheathed into their respective homes.

"How you doing over they babe". [member="Marcus Lund"]
"oke you bastards lets do this." he said as ,he pulled his blaster from his pocket opening fire on the first thug Thad got in rage wel closing the distance, hitting the tug in the chest, he punched a other in the face, the force of the punch chousing the tungs neck to break whit a audible snap. He shot one mare tug and punched a other in his side chousing his ribs to break, he hit the last tug squarer in the chest sending him flying, hitting the door and chousing it to break and and fal over into the hideout. "geas we won't have to pick to lock" he said whit a smile.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]
"You know me soooo well, and we have only been together for a few minutes, how time fly's", approaching the door he gave it a few playful knocks, before igniting his wrist sabers and proceeded to happily dismantle the door, effectively cutting it to ribbon as it simple fell down. Once fallen he was greeted to several blaster pointed in his direction, some shaky other's well aimed, "Don't mind me, ill just let myself in".

Giving a cocky smile he brought the other wrist saber to bear as a flurry of blaster bolts were fired by the group of thugs, with ease and spped he dodged and weaved around the bolts, the green blades humming with delight from being put to good use finally. He began reflecting the bolts back the their shooter, slowly but surly the number of thugs began to wane.

"I could probably handle this myself but I shouldn't hog all the fun, your up if ya wanna smash some head, or what ever preferred method you have". For the time being he simple sat back a bit deflecting laser but letting the shooter live for [member="Marcus Lund"], to have a go at em.
"Nice job"he said as he saw the door being cut to ribons, he stood back fore a wile as he saw [member="Tanaski Yumi"] getting to work, fiering the occasional blaster-bold fro behind him, "wel i geas i should join in than" he said as he shot one tug in the chest, before lunging forward and hitting an other one whit his mechanical arm sending him flying, he got as close between the tugs as pocibel to make sure they couldn't safely take any shots at him, he punched a other tug sending it flying in the direction of [member="Tanaski Yumi"] "here have yourself some fun whit this one"
The flying thug landed at his feet, roughed up and probably pissing himself at the moment.

"wait don't kill me, I'll do anything just don't kill me", the man begged like a dog, probably was one of the thugs that joined just to make a some credits for himself.

Tanaski decided now was the time to put on the most feminine and comforting voice he could muster "Shhhhhhhhh, it over now, i won't hurt you, just tell me were your boss is and everyone thing will be alright", He stroked th thugs hair an a soothing matter, adding a slight froce persuaion to the mix making him fess-up on the location.

"In the safe room up the back, its blocked off by a midden wall as well as a blast door, are you really not gonna kill me", he had pleading eye, though that was lost on him, but a promise was a promise. "Of course, just a little knock out if in order". Before the thug could respind she batted his forehead with a fist, knocking him out for the time being. "Looks like we got some more work to do, and cutting".

[member="Marcus Lund"]
he looked surprised at [member="Tanaski Yumi"] "were dit Thad mercy come from" he asked confused by the assassins mercy fore the tug, he knocked the last tug out by punching the tug into a wall. he he flexed his shoulders and craked his knuckles, "lets get to it than, it be good to get rid of this bastard" he said as he walked to the back wel knocking softly on the wall until he found a a spot Thad fled different from the fest of the wall, he puled his fist back and punched thru the hidden wall pulverizing it and leaving a very shallow dent in the blast door "oke i found the door"
After knocking the man out he look back a Marcus with a 'you serious face', "My personas have different personalities, they do what they want and what ever they value I do, beside unnecessary killing leads to the dark side and so forth, I may be an assassin but I'm not a ruthless killer. Standing back up he followed the cyborg over to wall indicated by the thug, it look fairly normal, who ever hid the wall did a good job but look always were deceiving. Marcus punched a hole though the fake wall, denting the blast door on the other side, if anyone was on the other side chances were they heard the powerful knock.

"Indeed you have, no lets do some remodeling", once again activating the green blades were activated and he went to work carving out nice pentagon shape in the wall, a bit unnecessary but fun. Upon the blast door coming down again Tanaski was greeted but blaster's though these looked semi military and the garuds holding them wore old phase 2 clone amour, painted in the gangs colors, "there's the little back stabber get her". "awww you guys what a nice surprise party". In the back Mo'koor was cowering behind a desk of sort, he wasn't a fighter just a opportunistic gangster. Once again a hail of blaster fire came towards him, which he decided to doge this time leading their fire away from Marcus.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
he grind "firs im gona take out your fake soldiers than im coming after you" he said firing his blaster hitting one of the guard in the head, he jumbled tru the hole and pounced on one of the guards hitting him hard anof on the head to break the visor of his helmet and chaus the helmet to crack open revealing the guards head he pulled his fist back again preparing to strike the guard but holding back "i would advise you soldier boys to stand down unless you want to get your heads bassed in" he also riaed his blaster at Mo'koor.

He looked back at [member="Tanaski Yumi"] "wana join this part?"
He crouch on top of a create, most likely stolen from some freighter captain, as Marcus took care of 'business' it didn't take long for the few guards left to drop their weapons, it also help that said weapons then came flying out of their hands and into his light-sabers. "Ohhh fun fun".

Jumping down he slowly and 'sexily' strode over to Mo'koor, "Now i know what your gonna say 'bla bla who should you, bla bla we had a dea, bla bla ill pay you double if you let me live, but here the thing, first pay me before the job and second send me after a person who deserve to die, not someone you have a petty grudge against". He gave him a slight slap to the face before looking back at Marcus.

"Do what you want with him, I'm just here for the practice pay and people".

[member="Marcus Lund"]
he walked toward Mo'koor "Thoug i prefer not to kill il make a exemption fore thrash like you" he grabbed him by the neck closing his mechanical hand around it just hard anof to make his breathing more difficult but keep him alive "Since you like ripping people of at the spacport lets see Howe wel you do underneath it" he said as he walked outside toward the spaceport planing to throw him don into the abyss of the city below.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]
As they made out of the compound he gave the remaining guards a 'I'm watching you' look, making sure they stayed put as Marcus disposed of their leader, like a bag of trash. He remain silence as Mo'koor was thrown off the towing sky line, his body plummeting out of sight, bu a fiat thud being heard from below, ensuring his demise.

"Well I guess that wraps thing up hu, id love to stick around but i have other things to attend to, look me up if you want someone dead, silently". She gave him a friendly wave before starting to make headway towards a holo communicator, he had someone in mind to check up on before heading out.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
he smiled slightly as he trew the tug down from the spaceport "thad is one less bastard to prey upon innocent people" he waved to [member="Tanaski Yumi"] "will do, thank fore your help here, as fore you if you ever need something fixed give me a call" he made his way back to his apartment.

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