Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To live in the place where Dreams go


Terminal City, Terminus, Western Outer Rim

He lounged in his penthouse suite, lazily taking in the swirling canopy of cloud cover that swam beneath him like an ocean. It was breathtaking, a modern marvel that made him question anything he had ever thought beautiful in his life back home. Today, he had foregone wine: overindulgence led to a dull head, and he had let himself come close several times now.

A sleep twenty thousand years long was enough to awaken a deep and mighty thirst in any man. He did not fault himself for the desire to drink, especially after waking up under the circumstances he had. The Rakata were no more, but how that boded for his people...

The King deigned to stop thinking about it. He'd come back to his apartment to clear his head, and a message from one of the many people he'd met during his tenure as Judge pinged his Holo. He accepted it.

A request to meet from the Companion, Shae, who he'd only shared drinks twice, and very briefly at that. It seemed she had taken an interest in him, and she seemed like someone who had connections. Someone who knew many people.

He returned to her an invitation, to meet with him here on Terminus. The codes to access the penthouse landing pad were securely enclosed as well.



Enlil Enlil

Shae had not at all expected a response to her invitation, so when the comm in front of her eyes beeped violently, she was more than a little surprised.
Her ship swerved, heading for the coordinates that Enlil had sent her. Terminal City. Somewhere Shae hadn’t had much of a chance to frequent. She was mostly found on planets like Naboo, or Serenno. Somewhere where the clients and the credits flow freely. Nevertheless, she was always grateful for a chance to explore somewhere, or rather someone, new.
The console chirped again, letting her know that they were close to arrival. Codes for the landing pad had been included in her invitation, which were sent to a man who asked for them in a rather grumpy tone of voice. No matter, she wasn’t here to see him. The ship shuddered as it grounded itself, gears falling into place until the great hunk of metal was settled on the landing pad. It was a short walk from the ship to the front door of the penthouse, to which Shae was promptly invited in. As she followed the nervous looking servant, she found herself passively thinking on the man she was just about to meet.
What, on that first night on Hoth, had intrigued her so about the mysterious man garbed in finery? Perhaps it was the way he had carelessly paid for cheap wine with hunks of solid gold, or the lavish clothes hidden beneath the thick wool coat, or the manner in which he spoke. Far too eloquent and articulate for just a judge. There was something mystifying about him, something secret. It was a demanding part of his personality, one which the companion acknowledged played a large part in her curiosity.
Standing just beyond the threshold of where Enlil sat, Shae placed a knowing smile on her face. One that illuminated her pale features as brightly as the fluorescent lights that chased away the shadow in the room. “No work today?” The heel of her shoes clicked lightly on the tiled floor as she drew closer to him. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in such a… relaxed setting.”
From on high, even the storms of Terminus felt insignificant. It was easy to become lost in the rhythmic fluster of lightning and faint rumble that never quite shook the tower. At the apex of all the world, the King looked down at the tops of dark clouds where electricity danced and remembered a different time.

His was a world where the sky was denied to man. The very thought that they might navigate the stars themselves was a pipe dream, and now having experienced that dream, there was a certain disenchantment that followed. Enlil heard the telltale clatter of footsteps and turned to regard his guest.

"There is always work," he replied, "only, some work does not require a man to leave his home. I am certain you understand this concept well."

The King rose from his seat to greet her. She was here on his invitation, after all. "May I offer you a drink?" he asked, lithe steps carrying him the distance between them. His hand gestured toward the aether and a service droid appeared from behind the dry bar. It hurriedly rushed to the pair.

"Feel free to make yourself at home," he added.


Shae could not help but offer a soft titter at his words. “I’m afraid I don’t grasp the concept at all.” Casting a rather knowing glance his way, she continued. “All my work requires me to leave home.” It wasn't as though she even had a home to leave. Not many would have considered a ship a place to live, but that was where Shae rested her head when she didn't have a client to visit. It was as good a place as any to her.
When he moved to greet her, Shae moved with him in unison. Close enough to be able to pick out the finer details of his face, but not close enough to incite any awkward behaviour.
“I would love a drink.” Her gaze flitted from her debonair host to the nervous droid. Could droids even be nervous? Shae had no idea, but this bot seemed to be. Fingers with bird-like bones danced leisurely over the choice of drinks on the tray, until they landed on a suitable glass filled to the brim with a bright scarlet liquid.
At his request to make herself at home, Shae did exactly that. Her lithe frame found a suitable seat to stretch out over, as comfortable and cosy as if it were her own home. With the glass now steady in her elegant grasp, she took the first sip of sweet wine. “If I’m permitted to be a little curious…” Her eyes found his face once more, her soft features holding an inquisitive expression. “What type of work requires a judge to stay at home?”
He leaned forward slightly, intrigued. Many of the courtesans he had known had their own residences, and their own places of business. The establishments all had firm rules, and clients came from all the world over to simply drink in the beauty of a renowned woman. Shae seemed to think it a woman's work to journey to a man.

Had so much truly changed? Coin still glowed, but the traffic varied in direction. How amusing, the King thought as he looked the woman over. She was skilled in comfort and leisure, and knew how to quickly adjust to her clientele. At least the professionals retained their craft.

Enlil poured his own wine and glanced sidelong toward the Droid, which in turn made itself scarce. "Fascinating how much the world can change while a man sleeps," he mused idly as she sipped her wine.

"I will permit it," he made a broad, sweeping gesture to punctuate his dismissal, the courtly allowance by a King for a being of lower stature to have leave to speak freely.

"The workload of a Judge is as much arbitration as it is administration," he told her, "and prior to my tenure, the Outer Rim had precious little in the way of organization, especially the Judges. I have been working on streamlining efforts and creating an actual system."


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