Darth Vornskr the Second
Finnce - Unknown Regions
- 30 C. degrees and light flurries.
130 out of 168 hours remaining until nightfall.
A small collection of gunships gathered around one of the many ice pillars on the ice planet of Finnce in the unknown regions. While the planet was largely made up of frozen water, it was devoid of sentient life, or so they presumed based on scans. In truth, the icy terrain made it difficult to tell with absolute certainty that there was no sentient life present. They could barely even tell if there was life present at all. Which, in truth, suited the Sith perfectly.
38 standard hours after the break of dawn, the temperature had climbed to -30 C and the surface was considered habitable for short periods of time. It was at this point the gunships landed on the frozen planet. Snowflakes danced feverishly in the air, glistening with the reflected light of the sun as the gunships opened and the champions of Fire emerged.
Joycelyn Zambrano, known as Darth Vornskr the Second, was one.
Unarmed, unarmoured, but wrapped in a long, black cloak she stepped off her vessel and breathed in the frigid air. The fur trim on her hood tickled the side of her face and warmed the interior, but she knew she would not be enjoying it for long. Two champions of fire had come to this place to test themselves against one another in a hostile environment: What better than a world of ice and snow, where water would freeze in seconds even in the gaze of the sun atthe height of day.
No, she would not be bundled nice and warm.
She would be burning up from the furnace she kept in her soul. The power of Vahl would be proven on Finnce