Khael Vhijaric
The Screaming Blade
What am I doing here?
Khael could not control the negative thoughts that forced their way into his conscious mind, demanding answers he could not give, asking questions he could not contemplate. Beaten, bruised, broken bones still recovering from his fight with the Jedi, shattered psyche still recovering from that...whatever it was. He had spent a few months aboard the Solar Vanguard, mostly healing his battered body but also aiding his newfound allies in their endeavours. It was an interesting thing, to make what Khael was hesitant to call friends so soon after the destruction of the only family he had known his entire life. It still seemed that if he were to accept they were friends, something tragic would happen to them soon after. There was his reason for being here.
He was cursed. Undeserving of friends, family or hope. The only spark he still clung to, just as tightly as he now gripped the handrail of the transport shuttle's debarkation bay, was the visit from Runi Kuryida , coincidentally just before he almost lost his life to the Jedi. She had heard of him, through rumours passed by the members of the Enclave he had run into on Scarif, and tracked him down to offer her help. It was fair to say Khael had been an ass, too obstinate to admit to terrifying truths staring him in the face, too stubborn to back down from the suicidal mission he had set himself, too proud to accept that he was dar'manda.
He stepped out of the transport onto the soft earth, dawn still budding and casting a wan orange glow over the picturesque village of Resa. The pilot of the shuttle had agreed to ferry Khael to Resa from Tor Valum for no payment once Khael informed him he was there to seek out Runi. The pilot had asked no reason of Khael in explanation, which had brought a sigh of relief from the Chiss. - he did not know how people would react to his status as dar'manda, the longer he could keep that quiet the better. Khael had been dropped off outside of the village, however, and would have to trek several miles to reach the marketplace. With his jetpack, or had he been at his usual fitness level, that would have been a simple matter. He had refused to don his beskar'gam ever since waking up in the med bay of the Vanguard, however, and he was far from recovered. Instead, with his entire life stuffed into a few heavy duffel bags and sling-bags, Dha'kumura sheathed across his back, Khael began the long walk to the village centre. He should arrive just before mid-day, and would see what this shaman whose reputation preceded her had to say.
Khael didn't dare hope for much.