Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Overcome the Krayt

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Viceroy, had its privileges. Aya could not deny that in the slightest, as she ran her hands along the plates of her Saint's armor, ensuring no one plate was even slightly out of place. This was to be a genuine exercise today, as she walked across the sands of Geonosis. There were many perks her title held, including the ability to find and send requests to most any member of the Confederacy, save those higher than herself or outside the normal methods.

Yes there were perks, she chuckled to herself as she lowered to her knees in the sands. Where she was was irrelevant, it sufficed to say that they were going to be away from civilizations, from prying eyes. A place where the only restraint was that of the mortal blow, for they both had tales yet to be woven with the Confederacy's future. It also helped that [member="Lace Vi'dreya"] had helped narrow a choice few opponents among the many, opponents worthy enough to test her knowledge against. Hours spent in her free time, studying, practicing. She wished to be sure that this would work, that she could become ready to give Lace a genuine bout.

Aya's role in her Faith had its perks as well. Even as she clasped her hands together, in front of her heart and head bowed down. Contemplative prayer, daily, served to focus her mind. Since returning to this reality, freed from what had once held her comatose, she found comfort in the scriptures. Reading them in her mind, alongside reciting every intricacy of combat, focused her soul and had the unknown benefit of covering her mind in powerful surface thoughts and emotions. It was hard to read that which refused to waver.

Perks indeed... she hummed, waiting patiently for her partner now to arrive. Today was to be a day of discovery, if she could handle these powerful fighters.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
It hadn't been long since Uthixo had joined the Confederacy but in that short amount of time his place had been made known to him. Not on the part of anyone else but through the circumstances in which he thrived. Those specific circumstances all surrounding combat, whether it was his battles in the arena on Kerkoidia, or the mission on M'haeli the Sandali had managed to exceed expectations in combat against his foes. This was the reason he believed he'd been called here today, and was forced to march through the sand of Geonosis far from civilization.

Dreads pulled back into a ponytail the sable-skinned warrior pushed on through the sand having chosen to simply walk instead of taking a speeder. It gave him time to prepare, to think. The Sandali hadn't dealt with any of the higher ranking members of the Confederacy, as such didn't know how to conduct himself in their presence. Should he treat them like royalty? Like an officer? Where did they truly stand on the level of respect he should show? In the end, Uthixo settled on treating them in the same way he wished to be treated. That was the best and simplest policy in the man's mind.

Coming upon the kneeling figure, their head bowed, Uthixo raised a brow. This was an awkward time for one to decide to pray, especially in the center of a dessert away from any form of idols or temples of devoutness. Clearing his throat to alert Aya she was no longer alone Uthixo spoke: "It is a pleasure to meet you Mistress Clarke, and I am honored to have been chosen by you."

Looking around in every direction all the Sandali could see was sand that seemed to stretch to the horizon itself, the sun above beating down on his dark skin. “Couldn’t have picked a better world, could you?” Uthixo asked a hand rising up to cover his eyes as he cast a single glance to Geonosis’ primary above. “Why so much secrecy?”

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
"Please Master Nazim, you need not be so formal." Aya kept her head bowed as she spoke, finishing first her quiet prayer. Perhaps indeed it was odd to find one so far in the desert as he had, prayer to their deity. Such however misunderstood religion, Aya had no need for idles or temples. Her soul itself was sufficient, as was the soul of any warrior. The man that stood before her as she rose to her feet was as much a temple as any building, as she was. Combat within a temple then demanded prayer, and forgiveness. Or at the least, proper preparations.

"It is not a matter of secrecy. As a Viceroy there are many an eye upon me at home and abroad. I would much rather these eyes not behold the absolute lengths of my capability. 'Tis poor form to let all be recorded, sold, and used against the people I protect. As the Capitol world, this land is one of few no wandering eyes will find odd, and so far from civilization we are free of restraint." She ran her gauntlets down her cape, dusting off some sand as she moved to a more appropriate distance from the man, close enough they could shake hands without being so close it became uncomfortable.

"Which is why we must be here. There are many who would underestimate me, for I feel not the call of the Force. Many who would hold themselves back, and lack genuine effort. Some fear the repercussions of harming a Viceroy even at their request, be it of them or those who may observe it. There are some who would feel afraid to harm a former General in case of war. And there are others still who would fear harming one of the Vicelord's students, for fear of his wrath. Here, those are thoughts and feelings unimportant. There is after all, just two to witness what may come."

"Master Nazim, can I trust you understand what it is I mean to say?"
There was a small smile on Aya's face, as she looked up at the man. He seemed somewhat young, though she had little experience with the myriad of species of the galaxy. Perhaps he was some three thousand year old elder of hers, perhaps he was but a few months old. What was there really to tell her otherwise? Still, the woman felt she held at least one card over the man then..

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
Despite, Aya's assurances that he did not need to be so formal, Uthixo noticed that she herself continued to use a somewhat official title with him. Despite how vastly incorrect it was, as much as Uthixo wished he was a master in anything he did not feel comfortable taking the title when he knew true masters. A slight shifting of the Sandali's feet was the only sign of discomfort he allowed to show so as to not be rude to her highness.

Taking more notice of what Aya was wearing Uthixo finally took notice of the armor pieces she was wearing, she'd truly come for a fight. The words she spoke displayed just how much Aya meant to embark on this adventure and better herself. Head tilting slightly Uthixo did an overall glance of the royalty that stood before him, many would allow their people to fight before them while standing behind walls of troops and durasteel for safety. Here this one woman was more than willing to step forward and put her life on the line against individuals that wielded odd and otherworldly abilities. It was admirable at the very least and inspirational to the Sandali at the most.

Those dark eyes locked with Aya's hazel ones as her words came to a close. "I understand what you wish to accomplish and what you want to take place here." Inclining his head forward in a small bow Uthixo leaned back up taking in a full breath the weight of the meeting finally falling off his shoulders. This was not some snobby child that pretended or favored themselves a warrior, but what stood before him was a woman with the heart of a true warrior.

“I will ensure that this session is not a waste of your time.” Taking a few steps back to where there was at least a meter of distance between himself and Aya, Uthixo reached to his belt grabbing the two cylindrical hilts that sat there. The hilts of a weapon that he currently relied on in combat. With a flick of his thumbs both the blades activated with a faint snap-hiss. Gold blades escaped from their confinement within the hilt, their glow lost amongst the orangish sands of Geonosis. What Aya would notice about his weapons is that instead of two full lightsabers Uthixo wielded a regular length saber in his right hand, while in the left sat a shortened version what people referred to as a Shoto. Left leg shifting forward a slight bend in the knee, Uthixo’s right foot slid back slightly angling the warrior's body. “Come.”

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Then there was naught more to say was there? Aya gave an appreciative nod of her head to the man, as he placed a meter between them, and withdrew his two blades. Brilliant golds, their glare against the orange sands was not as lost as one may think. They had their own light, fitting against the natural glare, and contrasted against the shadows their bodies created. Still, that alone could be a problem, if she was not paying attention. It would be something to consider, as she reached to her waistline, to the false scabbard, from which she detached her own lightsaber hilt. In her head, before she had even fully taken hold, she considered the clues to the man's style as she set it to a non-lethal mode.

He was tall, strong most likely. That meant the most likely forms were Djem So, or Juyo. Depending on which, she would have to deal with different problems, different sources of strength, but that was assuming he was indeed taking advantage of personal strength. Any other form could be his preferred, as his stance betrayed nothing. As her thumb ran over the ignition, and the brilliant blue of Aya's blade sprung forth from the phrik crossguard, she considered what she could of his secondary form. Jar'kai it was called, two sabers wielded together. Each one was limited in the strength that could be brought to bear, as one hand could not produce the full might of one person. How strong was he then, without a second hand? Beyond that the shorter weapon resembled an exceptionally long dagger, which might pose a problem.

Her fingers wrapped around her blade's hilt, and she brought the weapon up to a Roof with stance, the blade angled up into the air, hilt by the right side of her head. Her feet took a natural stance, with the right foot back and angled fourty five degrees to the right, knees and elbows neither locked nor weak. If he would not reveal any of his style, she would force him to. He had given her a precious gift, the first strike, the lead. Confidence, perhaps not wishing to be rude. The lead was the natural place to be within a duel, and more oft than not they who lead consistently win their combats.

"Very well then, Master Nazim. Kue dei milkan!" She was still too many steps away, and so first shifted forward. The left foot first, then the right, keeping stable on her platform. If this became a duel of vicious acrobatics and movement so be it, but she would treat him to a proper first strike. Perhaps the only strike. She had faith he had prepared for a non fatal duel, within the brief moments before drawing his sabers as she had herself. Hopefully he had, unlike a wooden sword these could prove quite, dangerous in full speed contact. As she may prove, when at last she was within a single step.

Rather swiftly, she stepped forward, changing her stance to mirror itself one step forward, in the same motion as she brought her sword down and to her left side. From straight up, down across to rest at her waist with the blade still angled at him, a plow stance. Since she didn't need to worry about the edge, this was made all the easier. If Nazim was able to block the strike, as he almost certainly could with his enhanced senses, she may have to thrust forward the moment of impact. Though truth be told, be she ending in thrust or stance, she sought only the clue to his form she desperately needed.

[Translation: On your guard]

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
To be a politician and royalty Aya seemed to have more confidence in her compact form than Uthixo had expected. Watching as she took her own opening stance Uthixo waited debating his own maneuver, in a true fight it was akin to a game of chess. One always trying to trap the other and Uthixo had no plans on being the one trapped first. If he was this would be a humbling lesson.

Every second that passed felt like hours as hot gusts of wind assaulted the two figures that stood in the desert. Sweat beginning to bead on the top of the sable-skinned man's brow he simply kept his focus on his enemy not letting it waver for even a second. The fact that she was a non-force user and was wielding a lightsaber and with such confidence, she perhaps knew her way around dueling as much Uthixo himself.

Aya had been televising her strike from the very beginning and Uthixo obliged her by responding to the attack as it came down. With her height, compared to his the Sandali had a far greater reach and while using two weapons did indeed limit the strength he could put behind each of his blows Uthixo had already found ways to compensate for it.

As the blow came Uthixo's right leg slid forwards, his left sliding in line with it, both the feet pointing to the left as he raised both blades simultaneously to meet the blow. This was the way one should properly block when dual-wielding weapons as it would allow Uthixo to utilize the strength from both his arms and halt the momentum of Aya's blade. Leaving his left hand up to lock the royals saber, the right broke off in a slash from left to right aimed at the center of Aya's chest. A counterstrike to the one she'd just thrown in hopes of either creating space or dealing what would be a lethal blow to an unarmored enemy.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
As expected, the strike was stopped before the man could be struck. This was as to be expected, her opening cut was not one which would be unexpected. What came next was the response of the man to swiftly disengage one saber after using both to block hers, and bring it into a quick swing of his own. A mistake, he went for a cut at her chest rather than a slice at the hand. There was more time to react, as his hips and chest tensed slightly to betray the movement, her trained eyes watching his every minute detail as she possibly could. Even without her HUD from contacts, she had an idea what he would do, and the moment she felt she knew the motion she went into action.

With an unholy scraping of lightsaber on lightsaber, she pulled her blade down and back, shifting her shoulders back to avoid contact. With barely any time to spare, the gold blade would be within what had to be mere centimeters away from her, had she been but a moment slower to react she would have been struck quite thoroughly. As it was, she had barely the time to lower enough of the blade to catch his betwixt blade and phrik crossguard, silently thankful for the design of her weapon. With the potential crisis averted, she retaliated at the man, reversing her pull and pushing the blade forward, in an attempt to drive his saber away from her and hers at him. He was certainly able to stop her strikes with both blades, but could he force her back to disengage, when he couldn't make the classic cross block of jar'kai?

Strength and counterattacks.. Djem So perhaps? It would make sense, though the form was more suited to a single blade for reasons of power. She would need more to be certain, but he had not gone on a violent offensive as with Juyo, nor an acrobatic assault with Ataru. The first three were unlikely, as Shii-Cho focused on wider swings with Makashi fencing... not to mention this was hardly the defensive wall of Soresu. Yes one of the latters, perhaps even Niman? She had a strong guess but, of course, could not be certain.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
Sparks flew as Aya's saber ground against the shoto the blades causing an intense light to shine during the lock that was soon broken. With that done Uthixo's left arm was already pulling back, elbow near his ribs much like a shockboxer would to protect his sides but the blade's tip pointed to the sky awaiting its time to reenter the fray.

All the while the royal had used her weapon to completely negate Uthixo's own attack catching his blade, a smart tactic one that would've spelled the doom of someone with a physical blade but for a lightsaber this was a relative non-issue so as she pulled her shoulders back and thrust forward Uthixo simply shut off his saber removing all sense of resistance that Aya expected to meet when thrusting forward. Right arm pulling back Uthixo resigned to the fact that his first offensive had failed to drive Aya back the way he had wished. But it had led her into creating yet another opening that the warrior planned to exploit for his own benefit. The lethal singing of her saber approached threatening the Sandali with lethal consequences the adrenaline within him starting to build and that's when the Sandali acted.

Left foot shifting forward slightly Uthixo's body was slightly angled once more but this time with his right side slightly closer to Aya. Left blade raising, the golden tip of the saber pointing to the right the Sandali brought it up to collide with the bottom of Aya's saber pushing her thrust up and away from his own body. In this instance, he did not need both blades due to Aya’s force being focused on a thrust moreso than a slash meaning the golden blade required less force to push it off course from below. Right arm now thrusting forward the saber activated with a flick of Uthixo's thumb the gold blade shooting out the hilt as the thrust came up aimed for the center of her chest while her arms were extended from her thrust. Its hum creating its own symphony as it cut through the air, the faint scent of ozone once more filling the air between the two.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
A... miscalculation. She was not used to an opponent's weapon being shut off, even among Force Users, which meant the sudden disengage of the golden blade and lack of resistance was indeed a serious weakness. She almost cursed aloud that she let herself be so open so quickly, as she couldn't possibly pull herself back in time to avoid the deflection. So her weapon was sent up and to her right, as the man intended. Her heart was still calm, however, even as its pace accelerated to match the violent flow of this moment. His arm back, thrusting forward. She could never hope to avoid the instant speed of that ignition, she had no choice.

She let go with her left hand, and dropped it down to her chest. Phrik was not lightsaber proof, but she could last brief contact certainly. Still she could feel the heat of the lightsaber even through the palm of her hand, as she moved it to press against the side. It hurt, greatly, and she couldn't help a small shout expressing as much as the microrepulsors kicked into action. As an act of desperation, they flared to life and sent a small blast of repulsion energy directly at the side of the blade to send it aside and away from her. The entire while her arm was circling back around to a low guard, angled back at the floor.

Her brain lacing with twinges of exertion and pain, she reached back down and swung up from her low 'guard' at his legs and waist. If he was Djem So, he was not the only one who could use redirection. Oh how she loved this moment, the moment of first pain. Would she fall to his powers and early victories, or would she be able to come out atop? It would be a short and vicious duel of this she had little doubt, with luck it would not be the only duel, however.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
The first hit of the battle had gone to Uthixo, a hit that if Aya did not wear armor that was resistant to the effects of a lightsaber may have spelled her demise. The royals movement had been one she'd used in that instant and was a brilliant strategy. Uthixo felt a small pang of regret for causing her such pain. Yet this is what Aya had asked for, she did not want him to hold back so he wasn't at least not physically. The Obsidian knight had yet to even think of using the force in this engagement preferring to keep it in reserve for moments when necessary.

The sudden force pushing his right arm out wide to the right caught Uthixo off-guard. Aya had said she wasn't able to communicate with the force yet had basically performed an act similar to what another would've done. Yet there wasn't a shifting in the everpresent energy. Perhaps a mechanical creation? Right arm pulling back, elbow once more returning to his ribs on that side Uthixo was already moving in preparation for his foes counter attack.

The reason Uthixo had adopted such an odd footing when dueling was for situations such as this, as her blow came from beneath all the Sandali had to do was bring his left leg back to the position it had been previously. In line with his right, both feet pointing to the left which turned Uthixo's body making him a smaller target. As Aya's saber rose his right arm thrust forward once more aimed at her torso yet again, or at least what it seemed to be. Expecting a reaction similar to last time Uthixo turned his wrist moving it so the blade pointed for the underarm on Aya's left side an area that she'd opened in her attack.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
The exchanges, the minute details each fighter gave to watch one another, seeking each and every opening to exploit. She knew she was leaving herself open to a number of strikes, with him still holding the reach advantage. She had to end that swiftly to get a blow in, knowing he would not permit it easily. He retreated back a step, again thrusting forward. In the horn stance, with her blade angled at him up by her head there was little she could do. Left side had her weapon, and her left underarm was open, and she was in no position to easily handle the strike. She would have to drop into a plow stance and pray he did not strike with the left weapon to take advantage. That was if he had struck after her swing...

As she was already swinging, she continued, aiming at his arm but angling to intercept his thrust even still. She then voided, stepping slightly to her right to try and straight avoid the strike even as she made her attempt to deflect blows with her own. Optimally, the change in angle would strike his hand, in this case causing no more than severe pain with the saber in a safe mode. If he would drop the saber, all the better. Normally she would end this strike in the horn stance, but instead she swiftly pulled it up into the Roof, and brought it down with a second step closer to Uthixo. The gap had to be closed, if she could just get within a better distance she would weaken his position significantly.

The whole while her soul felt as though glaring bright within her, even a peaceful Lady such as herself could not deny how it felt to engage a foe like this. The exhilaration ignited her, made her feel more alive than ever. Her soul demanded more, that this moment be stretched to what felt the distant future. To face a superior opponent and even hold a glimmer of hope was the moment those like her lived for, that precious chance to be something truly... greater than one's self. Mayhaps she would buy this man a drink, once she was satisfied.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
They say when one engaged in combat with another it was akin to a dance, one that was lethal and would often end with one of the participants dead. Yet in a fight one could see deeply into their opponent without a word being said, their movements giving their thoughts away. The excitement being told by both their facial expressions and at times the intensity in which they fought. Geonosis' primary beamed down on the two as their dance continued.

With Aya dropping into plow stance again to avoid another of his thrusts Uthixo's right leg began to slide back as she swung once more. His hand was in the path of her blow but that's what the second blade was for, to make up for the deficiencies one had when on the defense. Left-arm moving over as his right leg shifted back the golden shoto saber intercepted the swing of Aya, a bright flash as the lightsabers clashed the beams of plasma battling each other for supremacy.

Right leg now in line with the left Uthixo's left side now faced Aya his body a smaller target, a counterattack could've been thrown in return but the Sandali had a different plan in mind, as Aya moved forward to close the gap her saber swinging down that's when Uthixo brought both of the sabers up, his elbows pointed to the left as he did not meet the clash head-on strength to strength. Instead, he allowed Aya's saber to glance off the twin sabers, a parry as the shoto within his left hand broke off. Elbow straightening the blade came down from Aya's right aimed for the part of her armor between the shoulder and neck. While his right arm pulled back to its defensive position.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
The shorter saber was far too nimble to be dealt with like this, the longer the fight progressed the more Aya understood. He may not be able to bring the full weight of each blow to bear but with the nimble second blade, he had little need. He would be able to deflect and retaliate without issue, absolutely a form V user. Djem So in a truest sense of the ideal, he counterattacked swiftly and viciously. He had her respect for adapting the sense into less of a brute force method, however, and into something so simple, even as she thought hard on how to end this fight in her favor. Rapidly she was running out of options, as her strike was blocked, and her overhead swing deflected.

The short saber coming for her neck was no less heartpounding than the realization he was countering her blow for blow. Not wishing to take a serious injury (or death, as she may very quickly learn after the bout), she did the only option she believed capable of sparing her. Following through with the deflected strike, she lowered her head, and raised her right arm and shoulder to try and catch the blade. Again searing pain went through her as she felt the heat coming off the impact, but as this part of her armor had yet to be hit it held firm. She buckled under the blow slightly, before rising back up and throwing her arms to the right, to try and fling the bladed weapon aside. From left plow, to right plow, aimed to strike.

But instead of thrusting, she continued the thread of desperation, direly aching to strike this man with the training mode saber. Her hands were not the only microrepulsors in her suit, and in an instant the repulsors on her back and feet were powered on at full blast. Her intent? She buckled down behind her left shoulder, and shot her own body forward both with her own feet and with the assistance of the repulsors. Her shoulder aimed at Uthixo's midsection, her saber angled to impact just to the right, likely in such it would go 'through' the intestines. In sword combat, a fatal blow within a few months...

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
Sparks shot up as the golden shoto blade came into contact with Aya's armor, once more Uthixo had to remember to apologize to the woman for everything that was happening in these moments of combat. This is not what the warrior had been prepared for, never in his wildest dreams did he imagine a woman as small as Aya fighting as she did. Taking hits when necessary and turning them into her openings with the skill of a practiced saber user. Left arms swinging off as his saber was batted away from Aya's neck, Uthixo marveled at the woman. The move wild, desperate but enough to cause Uthixo's arm to have to return to its side.

In the next moments the faint whirring of technology grew louder, the range between them too small for Uthixo to completely dodge both the blade and shoulder aimed at him, instead, he used the one tactic his change in footwork to the form had allotted him. A way to quickly shift left leg and right instantly shifting positions as Uthixo bounced on the balls of his feet, them barely leaving the ground. His right side now facing Aya's shoulder he raised both his sabers up in what appeared to be a "T" shape with the shoto's tip facing the sky, Uthixo's regular saber crossed over it. Aya's blade gliding against it caused them to spark as the blades of plasma collided in a blinding flash of colors.

The "T" guard was little more than a useless technique but there was another reason Uthixo had done it. For in her charging forward Aya's head was directly in line with Uthixo's elbow. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. For her shoulder charge Uthixo would allow Aya to use all that speed she propelled herself forward with to become his weapon. When the impact came oxygen evacuated the Sandali's lungs, his side radiating with pain from the armored figure ramming him.

Lifted from his feet and flung a few feet away Uthixo deactivated his sabers as he met the ground rolling through the sand kicking up dust and the like where he came to a stop akin to a large feline predator, on all fours staring at Aya wondering if the elbow had done much to her or hurt her at all.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Even one strike like this, it felt like a great victory. Even as the elbow of Uthixo smashed into her face, she felt her shoulder crashing into him, and felt them both being lifted from the ground. Her weapon disengaged just as his had, and it felt as though the moment froze as a picture, warrior engaged with warrior in brutal combat... Perhaps as she too was sent flying, rolling on impact to the sand, he would hear her laughing lightly. Oh it felt so good to be alive, to be hurt, to bleed. She had gone a much further distance, as she rolled significantly more and lacked anything resembling the grace of landing Uthixo had. There was the unmistakable feeling of a trickle of blood from her nose, where his elbow had impacted her, while she went about slowly pushing herself up onto her knees. Arms, face, sore, her weapon laying in the sand not far from her.

She lifted a hand, and the microrepulsors drew the hilt into her hand, letting her clutch her weapon again and rise slowly to her feet. She stumbled, a moment, as her head tried to focus on the area and keep her stable. She had hit his elbow quite hard, and it rattled her. Uthixo had very much won that exchange in the end, but she still felt that victorious high for having struck him even once. She thumbed the activation switch, the brilliant blue igniting again, and she started to approach Uthixo where he found himself. Every couple of steps, she would half pause, and there were little eye twitches as though she was trying to focus.

Push the advantage. He's on the ground, finish him. Kill him.

The words existed only in her head, were pushed aside when she reached a combat distance again. Rather than strike, she simply waited. "Your weapons, Master Nazim. It would violate the code of Knighthood to fight an unarmed individual." She had brought her weapon down in both hands, angled forward and down to her left casually. While not in a proper stance it was still distinctly, clearly, a guard. A Fool's guard, in fact. Something she could easily maintain while waiting to see if Uthixo had more fight left in him, even if she herself was rapidly reaching limits.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
Where a bruise should show up on Uthixo's side later there would be none due to the natural healing factor of the Sandali, even in the moments after the blow it was working against what damage had been done. Slowly but still doing what it needed to. Licking his lips that had grown dry during their time in the dessert Uthixo began to rise, his hands reaching out to pluck up the hilts of his weapons from where they sat in the sand. He'd been expecting Aya to press the advantage but the fact that she hadn't proved the honor the woman had.

"Showing such compassion and mercy to a true foe could end up with you dead, your highness." Rising to his feet, Uthixo's body shifted. His right foot moving to the rear, his left forward presenting the same side to Aya. Resting on the balls of his feet Uthixo took in another breath as a wind passed them by, its breeze enough to cool the Sandali as it met his sweat covered shirt. "And for the last time, I am far from a master." These words said with a ghost of a smile on the warriors face.

From the way Aya stood, her form, she seemed to want him to attack first. Not wanting to deny the royalty, Uthixo moved. His left foot moving forward bring him closer, his right close behind more so bouncing on the balls of his feet not letting them lift from the ground too much as he approached. Reaching out with the shoto saber Uthixo extended his arm, the inside of his wrist facing the sky as he brought the Shoto around in a slash at Aya's right shoulder. A simple strike but one on the complete opposite end of her form. Now that he was on the offense Uthixo was forced to think more on his decisions, be more careful to not leave vast openings that Aya could capitalize on.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
"Then I will die better than most. To live without my Code is no life I wish to live." She put her feet into a proper stance when he took a stance himself. The Fool's Guard was a bait, a classic bait, to draw an opponent into a strike. She hoped he would attack hard, violently, and overextend himself. Instead, he moved confidently and struck with an appropriate amount of caution... He claimed to be far from a Master but he held himself appropriately. She kept a grin on her lips as she lifted her hilt up, rapidly moving into a hanging guard and stepping again to her right. She could only imagine a handful of ways she could win this, and they mostly revolved around disabling that Shoto.

When the two impacted, her own saber bounced a moment off her armored elbow, as she hadn't a proper grip for it. Weak, you are weak. She blinked, and tried to twist her weapon around properly to bring the blade up. Take his arm, end him. She blinked again and brought the blade down, aiming to swing through his wrist. At his back, with luck he wouldn't be able to properly act. Turn the saber to fatal, you have to win. Victory...

Silence. She hadn't realized how hard her breathing had come, and how heavy her weapon had become. She'd held back, halfway through the swing. Why had she... Why hadn't she swung? It was the space of less than a second, but he'd surely notice the sudden restraint. Another blink, clearing her thoughts quickly, and she tried to draw the blade down across his arm. Her pause made a full cut impossible, so hopefully drawing the blade across the arm would work. With luck, he'd think this was the purpose of the pause, and ignore the cold sweat on the back of her neck.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
Honor, honor was what codes were based on many times, codes that could lead one to death in an attempt to uphold it. Many had said honor was a fool's prize and in many ways it was. Aya and Uthixo inhabited a galaxy rife with corruption, death, and those who didn't believe in honorable combat. Ones that would sooner poison you than clash blades. Uthixo did not want such a fate for Aya, but if that was the path the woman wished to follow he could only respect her decision.

The two blades impacted the blow sounded off the sabers bouncing off one another, yet even as she stepped to the right, Uthixo was pivoting. His right foot coming forward, left falling to the rear in line with it. What would've been an opportune strike at Uthixo's left arm was swiftly shifted into Aya having to face Uthixo's right side. Right saber coming up, the Sandali's arm bent at the elbow. Golden tip of the blade facing and angled towards the ground Uthixo used his own hanging guard.

Aya proving herself to be just as cunning on defense as she was offense. A brilliant maneuver against someone who used the sturdy stance that Djem so practitioners usually took, not so against one who waited on the balls of their feet for any reason to shift positions. Yet and still there was a pause in her move, a pause that made little sense in the grand scheme of combat. Why had Aya paused? Left saber raising to bolster the right's attempt Uthixo's right leg pulled back, knee raising and then lashed out with a kick at the right side of Aya's knee. A weak spot intended to make the woman lose her footing and possibly even send her spiraling to the sand while her saber met Uthixo's guard.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
The heat of the desert was scorching, she could feel the sweat forming on her head. Breathe, breathe, Aya had to breathe. Her weapon was heavy, bulky in her hands now, and she watched her opponent take a better stance, a better guard. He was much better, cunning, trained. Smart. He didn't stay flat footed, he kept ready to change stance as needed, and she watched blue meet gold in a cascade of sparks. Time seemed slower now, like it was being stretched unto infinity. The sparks, she could almost count them she thought, as she saw, then felt his leg kick at hers. She hadn't moved it, normally she would have. Why was she...

Weak. You're weak, holding back. Victory at any cost Aya, you must win. Was she falling? No not yet, she was still being kicked. What about this was so familiar? Blistering heat, intense fighting. A physically superior opponent... This feeling was too familiar to be ignored even amidst combat. So much pain and... and...


The word was barely under her breath, hollow, empty. Like she wasn't speaking to anyone alive, anyone who could hear. In her heart and mind.. In her heart and mind she always returned to Kalis. The gentle sun, the soft grass, the shifting of soil. So idyllic... it contrasted so horribly with her home in flames. The Knight that stood before her, keeping her from saving them both, condemning them to die.

Aya almost couldn't help it, the fire in her soul couldn't separate then and now. Her love for this fight mixed with fear and anger, by now a decade of regret and hatred and guilt that had eaten away resurfaced. Uthixo was sensitive to the Force, he would almost certainly feel the sudden shift, as Aya let the kick hit, and suddenly strengthened her stance best she could. He was stronger, but her body was flooding itself with adrenaline. She pulled her arm back to her right side, and all but screamed at him as she tried to step forward as she swung at his midsection, as though intending to bisect him then and there. Were her weapon set to fatal perhaps she could've.

Of course moments before it would connect blade or body even slightly, she acted on preemptive prediction. She had one shot, this could only possibly work once. With a subtle motion, she hit the button on her lightsaber, and the blade ceased to exist. For a brief second, there was neither sword nor shield between her and him, and after that moment she hit the button again. Trakata, a trick, the ultimate form of a feint. Hoping to capitalize on her opponent's technical expertise, she prayed her blade would activate into, or just before impacting him. If this worked, she would have won. If not, then never again would this work against him. A wise man once said a sneak attack could only ever work once.

[member="Uthixo Nazim"]
To take a hit to the side of the knee the way she had earned Uthixo's respect. A blow like that at full force could completely shatter one's bones, and even when not at full force could be incredibly painful. The kick had been meant for spacing and yet Aya had stood her ground taking it full on. Yet there was something different about Aya in these moments after the kick, one need not sense it through the force to see it. Her moves had gone from desperate to driven, her muscles tightening as she moved now seeking to claim the offensive. In combat one and their foe were at times more intimate than lovers, the way in which they fought laying out their mentalities, weaknesses, and strengths all in the span on minutes.

In her attempt to take the offensive is where Aya had made her mistake, that one step forward and her pulling her arms to her right abandoned protecting herself in favor of an attack. More importantly, it left one of the most vital areas unprotected, her chin. Having thrown out the straight kick to the side of her knee last time the effort to kick once more was lessened. In the span of an instant and her step forward, it was transformed into a straight kick. Body leaning back slightly, right leg bending at the knee and aiming upwards Uthixo unleashed the strike as quick as a gamorrean sand viper at the bottom of Aya's chin near directly at her pronounced jaw. On the base of his foot, the force built up to be unleashed on impact bolstering the attack in an attempt to send Aya's head rocking back and into unconsciousness due to the trauma such an attack would do to her brain.

This alone would cut her attack short making it to where Aya would have to retreat, or find some other means of continuing her attack less she wanted to suffer the blow to her chin and risk unconsciousness and possibly a concussion. Uthixo had chosen this attack due to how much more difficult it would be for her to counter with both her arms out to her right, and with having stepped forward she'd basically walked directly into the kick.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

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