Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To pull them from Hell....

Nar Shaddaa

Try, try as he might, the Felinoid just couldn't ever fully escape this personal hell of his. This pit, this hive of the vilest sentient beings he'd ever had the misfortune of face the whims of. The drug dens, the brothels, the slave market, and the various, out-of-sight houses of torture. This place, when witnessed in the darkness, in the places the light has no hope of reaches, the disgusting back corridors and locked behind closed doors..... it was truly a hell unlike any other.

A hand, coated in soft black fur, flexed, curling and uncurling digits, his anxiety almost palpable to the two young females accompanying him. His claws visibly extended, before retracting again. Golden eyes snapped open, a sharp breath taken in, before turning to face the padawan. "Kiana.... Naadi.... I'm sorry for rushing the two of you into this mission, but I need your help. I've taught each of you enough to succeed here, and while I trust you, I can only hope I've earned your trust in return." a soft sigh was given, as he turned, gesturing to a large structure they could see clearly from their vantage near an opening to an alleyway. "A large scale slave auction will be happening in that structure, and soon. Among those slaves is a young girl. A Firrerreo girl to be exact. She's sensitive to the Force, and I feel that while we need to free as many of those slaves as we can.... we need to get her in particular back home to Voss."

Looking back to his two pupils, each a glaringly stark contrast to the other, he offered a slightly ashamed smile. "I admit, part of this mission is a somewhat selfish one, and I will not hold it against either of you for wishing to remain with the ship instead of sneaking into that den of villainy.... But, should we languish here for too much longer........" Ryn'Dhal's voice trailed off, both ears beginning to swivel about erratically, as his eyes narrowed. He sensed..... anger..... fury..... and..... righteousness? "We go." he whispered, before darting away from the large structure that the auction was to be held in. "A back entrance. Come."

Weaving about the dark alleyways, the Jedi sprinted, willing the Force ahead of him, an incredible strain upon his limited capabilities, to gently nudge weaker-willed individuals aside, giving them some made-up reasoning to be anyplace other than near Ryn'Dhal, and the path he ran down.

After sprinting through a rapidly emptying bazaar of sorts, Ryn'Dhal was met with a dead-end. But, the threat he sensed that drew him here was close, and ahead. He willed the Force through his being once more, and with a practiced ease that made the effort seem negligible at best, he scaled the ten meter wall to stand upon the roof of the structure impeding his advance.

Reaching the farther edge in a low crouch, he saw a singular woman dispatching a Rodian slaver, violently. She whirled, brandishing her weapon as a small.... well.... battalion.... if Slavers had those.... rounded the corner and leveled their blasters at her. She was out-gunned, out-numbered, and had no where to escape to for cover. A more dire situation Ryn'Dhal couldn't picture.

"Wait here...." he whispered to his Padawan, as he lept off the building silently. Just as the first Gamorean prepared to fire a bolt at the green-skinned woman, the cloaked, hooded Jedi landed. His features were shrouded, and a strange metal staff was held in his hands. Clearing his throat, he prepared to address the threatening firing squad, when they decided two corpses were just as acceptable as one. A volley of blaster-fire lanced out at the cloaked man and the green-skinned woman, but instead of finding soft flesh to bite, they met the powerful metal of the staff, whirling in a masterful dance in the hands of the cloaked man. Searing beams of light were deflected harmlessly into walls, into the ground, and even back into one of the shooter's own weapons, disarming the assailant.

"Perhaps..... assistance would be nice...." the Jedi muttered, before glancing back to the Miralan woman. "We might be of help to one another, after we survive this encounter. The enemy of my enemy...." he trailed off, a dark chuckle offered, as he resumed the defensive rotations of that special quarterstaff about his body, preparing to deflect the next volley, and the one after, as he began a cautious advance upon the enemy.

In the back of his mind he wondered....... when would his two Padawan choose to disobey his instruction to remain behind. A grin cut across his face at the thought.

[member=Meyrit Daal] | [Member=Kianna Auli'i] | [member=Naadi Maaro]​
The mirialan mercenary glared at the building directly in front of her, a mixture of revulsion, anger, and purpose bubbling in her stomach. Nar Shadaa was not a shining bastion for good and moral people, quite the opposite, but this was one pit of scum Meyrit could not overlook. Not today.

Slaves. In this building, a slave auction was to take place involving at least 5 children. Meyrit pulled her mask up over her nose, where it settled, hiding her lower face and most importantly the scars that scrolled across her neck. The mercenary could almost feel the weight of old chains weighing her down. Shrugging the memories and phantom pains away, she stepped away from the wall, one hand firmly grasping the blade tucked in the folds tucked deep in armor.

She strode purposefully towards the doorway, ignoring the two Rodian slavers standing there with blasters drawn and waiting. Head held high, she made it past them, one…two…three steps…

The unmistakable sound of blasters being raised and readied accompanied the Huttese word for “stop”. Meyr released her grip on the blade and raised both hands skyward, turning around, and cocking one hip.

“Gentlemen….is this really necessary? I’m just looking for a slave to work on a new HK unit for my boss.” She scanned the area, noting the two additional slavers joining the group from deeper within the building. More footfalls came from inside as the original two Rodians motioned her to exit the building. Hands still in the air, Meyrit turned and backed out, refusing to allow the blasters to be aimed at her back. If they were going to shoot her, they’d do it to her face. “Gentlemen, I really think this is no way to be conducting a business venture.”

The backup stayed at a distance as the mirialan continued to cooperate. “Invitation only.” The Rodian Meyrit mentally decided to nickname Roadkill kept his blaster pointed directly at her chest while his partner, now nicknamed Bugface, held out a hand for the requested document. The mercenary smiled with all the charm she could muster and started to lower one hand. Both guns now aimed steadily at her heart, she froze again.

“I can’t very well produce your papers if I can’t lower my hands now can I?” She allowed a little irritation to leak into her voice, mentally calculating the odds of drawing now, with two so close and backup nearby. Worth it… she decided to take the risk. When Bugface motioned for her to lower her hands to grab her invitation, she reached into her utility belt and produced a folded piece of well faded paper. Handing it over, she waited until Bugface grabbed it and lower his weapon. The moment the two enforcers where distracted, she pulled the blade hidden in her vest and lunged, sliding it between two ribs with expert precision. Grabbing the bleeding out Rodian, she swung him around, using him as a shield for the blaster shots to come.

The shouts of Bugface and Roadkill roused the rest of Rodians hiding in the shadows. Cursing under her breath, Meyrit mentally prepared to be in a lot of pain very quickly. Well, it was nice while it lasted… No sooner had the thought crossed her mind but the sound of multiple triggers being pulled followed closely by a large shape landing in front of her. Spinning his staff to deftly deflect the shots safely away from them. Meyr pulled her blade from the corpse she was still holding and tossed the body to the ground.

We might be of help to one another, after we survive this encounter. The enemy of my enemy...."

She kept her eyes on the growing battalion of angry slavers and took up a defensive stance. “…is still my enemy. I just may not shoot him as quickly.”
Naadi was right behind Ryn'Dhal, sprinting and leaping to follow her master as best she could. Making it to the roof in a trio of force-enhanced jumps, she grabbed hold of the edge of the building and rather stylishly flip-rolled onto the roof of the building, ready for anything. She was exuding edgy excitement, the primal Thrill of the Hunt running through her blood. She also suspected that Ryn was also feeling similarly, but wasn't sure about Ryn's other other Padawan, Kianna, and glanced over at her. [member="Kianna Auli'i"]

"Wait here...." he whispered to his Padawan, as he lept off the building silently. Naadi looked at Kianna, with an obvious gleeful expression "He's gonna need help, im going...." and with that, she stalked over to the other edge of the building, and silently slipped off, to vanish into the streets down below.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Perhaps..... assistance would be nice...." Ryn muttered, before glancing back to the Mirialan woman. "We might be of help to one another, after we survive this encounter. The enemy of my enemy...." he trailed off, a dark chuckle offered, as he resumed the defensive rotations of that special quarterstaff about his body, preparing to deflect the next volley, and the one after, as he began a cautious advance upon the enemy. “…is still my enemy. I just may not shoot him as quickly.” the green woman replied smarmily while taking up a defensive stance.

Suddenly, a blue-white lightsaber blade lit up behind the battalion of slavers, catching several dozen of them off guard. It was Naadi and her training saber. Training lightsabers, when tweaked abit, were very effective non-lethal weapons; they did not exude near as much heat as a 'live' lightsaber, but opponents could still be quite badly scalded and electrocuted indo unconsciousness. This is because instead of a crystal within the training lightsaber, there was a series of thick transparisteel lenses within the hilt of the saber, putting a significant damper on what would otherwise be a Live lightsaber. They were also more or less Mass-produced, which was a good thing, because some padawans kept on losing their training sabers in various ways. Naadi was particularly notorious for this, so far.

Unleashing her righteous fury upon the slavers, Naadi swung and blocked to and fro, scalding, tasing, claw-grabbing, and kicking the slavers into the unconscious piles of Shtako that they were.

​The group of slavers, caught between two rightfully angry jedi, were definitely outclassed.

Kianna was so confused over this mission. Confused meaning more of many different emotions, as so many things went through her mind. On her way there, she had thought of many different things. She thought of how they were getting in, where she would be, what she would do, etc. She hadn't rescued many people in her lifetime so far, but when she did, she left her marks and she left quietly, but still made sure to have a little bit of fun with it. Nar Shaada wasn't the greatest place in the galaxy anyway, but she'd be able to make some noise here and ruffle some feathers. Hearing what Ryn was saying, Kianna respected him. She was glad and appreciative to have him as a master. His newest Padawan, Naadi seemed nice too. She'd met her more recently, but she proved to have an interesting personality. Kianna loved personalities.

She followed Ryn and Naadi as they ran through the streets that seemed to clear for them as they went. This running was a breeze for Kianna. Ryn and her did races sometimes and they were always testing their speed, so Kianna was trained well with running long distances. She heard that they would probably be freeing multiple slaves which Kianna was perfectly fine with. People deserved better lives than being beaten with whips and fists.

As they went to the rooftops, Kianna could sense Naadi's excitement building within her. Kianna ran quickly, jumping when the roofs split. Once they came to where Ryn told them to stay, she looked to Naadi and smirked.

"He doesn't think we're just going to sit here, does he?"

she asked her sarcastically. Naadi then said she was going, all the more proving her point. Not long after Naadi jumped down, Kianna followed her taking a running start and flipped through the air, pulling the hilts of her sabers out and landed soflty next to Naadi in a ready position as she then ignited her two blades, holding them in a reverse style and when the action started, she blocked laser fire and helped take a few men out.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Naadi Maaro"] ; [member="Meyrit Daal"] ~
A laugh, almost musical in its tone, left the cloaked figure, at the Miralan's retort. "Friend, I like you. Don't get shot here." he responded, as his Padawan dropped down upon the Slavers from behind.

"Advantage, us...." he stated, smirking, as he launched forth in a blur of motion. The ringing sound of metal against skull rang out, three times in a burst, as three Rodians dropped. Turning, allowing the green skinned woman to have her share of the action, Ryn'Dhal reached with the Force.

As the three women finished subduing the remaining Slavers, the cloaked Jedi pulled back his cowl, revealing his overly dramatic feline features. "There is a young girl, a Firerreo. She is my primary target in this rescue.... but we don't leave until every cell in emptied of slaves, and refilled with captors." he declared, looking to the three women.

Turning to face the Miralan properly, a polite bow would be given. "I am Master Ryn'Dhal, of the Silver Jedi. These are my apprentices, Kianna and Naadi." he introduced them all, gesturing to each padawan in turn as he stated their names.

"And judging by your intent to enter the slave auction, and your willingness to fight them.... we're likely allies in our desire to free the slaves. If that is the case, let us go. I'll draw their attention. I am the biggest target, after all." he stated, as the sound of reinforcements could be heard in the distance....

[member="Meyrit Daal"] | [member="Naadi Maaro"] | [member="Kianna Auli'i"]​
Meyrit took in the flurry of activity around her, watching the lightning fast swirl of light sabers for a short moment before launching into movement herself. Without the aid of a saber, she chose instead to target the soft flesh of rib cages and temples with her blade and blade hilt. Caring neither for which slavers lived or were merely incapacitated, she tore through the crowd with the help of her uninvited allies.

As the Jedi introduced himself and his padawans, the Mirialan cleaned her blade on the fabric of her pants, caring not for the blood and gore that now stained them. Tucking the blade back into its sheath, the turned back towards the building. Almost as an afterthought, she introduced herself."Meyrit."

Drawing her small blaster and concealing it against her thigh, the merc strode towards the building. "You can take all the blaster fire you want, just don't get in my way." At the first sign of movement, Meyr brought her gun up and fired, not bothering to aim, but trusting in her abilities to see the shot go true. "And you can save whomever you'd like, as long as you aren't lying about saving them all." Under her breath she finished, "If you don't, I will."
"There is a young girl, a Firrerreo. She is my primary target in this rescue.... but we don't leave until every cell in emptied of slaves, and refilled with captors." he declared, looking to the three women. "Good thing some of these Shtako are still alive then, they can have a sore nap in the holding cells." Naadi said, flippantly waving at the downed slavers they just took care of.

Turning to face the Mirialan properly, Ryn politely bowed. "I am Master Ryn'Dhal, of the Silver Jedi. These are my apprentices, Kianna and Naadi." he introduced them all, gesturing to each padawan in turn as he stated their names. Naadi curtsy-bowed when gestured to, still excited and now purring with anticipation.

After wiping the bloody sword on her pants, the Mirialan woman introduced herself."Meyrit."

The sound of Slaver reinforcements could be heard in the distance.... Naadi looked at Ryn and Kianna "So, this is where the fun begins." she cheerfully said, smiling and still holding her training saber in hand.
Hearing Ryn's declaration to put the captors of the slaves in the cells, Kianna smirked. This was most definitely going to be fun. Being a princess, she had to make tough decisions, but this was one without a doubt that she would do without holding back. These slavers deserved some payback and not the kind that involved credits, but pain. She would make sure everyone got out and that all of the slavers were put in.

"Sounds easy enough to me. This is the action I've been waiting for for a long time.."

she responded, her smirk growing ever so slightly. Kianna wondered how they would get these men that they just took down into cells, but she figured they would get them last after they got everyone out. As Naadi turned to the Mirialan woman, Kianna did as well, placing her sabers back on her belt in the process. When Ryn introduced Kianna, a bow of her head was given as response.

"Pleasure to meet you."

she said to Meyrit. Interesting name, but either way, she liked it. Kianna could hear purring coming from Naadi. More excitement came from her in waves and Kianna slightly fed off of it, feeling energized and so ready to start moving. By the time Kianna would be knocking more slavers out, it would be no doubt that she would be smooth, quick and fluid.

Then they heard the sound of reinforcements coming in. She looked between everybody, hearing Naadi's statement and she smirked with a slight giggle before looking back to Ryn.

"Master.. if you're planning anything, we better move now.."

she said to Ryn. Kianna wanted to get into the action as soon as possible, but slaves' lives were on the line as well and if they didn't move, she was worried that they would end up losing some of them.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Naadi Maaro"] ; [member="Meyrit Daal"] ~
Charging forth with a laugh, the felinoid Jedi lead them into the next batch of Slavers. Meyrit began picking a few off, while sweeping motions of that quarterstaff sent hostile blaster bolts awry harmlessly.

The Jedi suddenly dropped into a slide, a volley of bolts narrowly passing over his head, as he thrust a hand forwards, unseen tendrils of the Force tethering a near-human slaver in its grip. With dramatic sweeping swings of his arm, the gripped man was saying wildly through the air, being used as a weapon to bludgeon several of his compatriots, himself included, into submission.

This caused a break in the enemy formation, enabling his Padawan and the Miralan to close the gap to mop up the rest. In the settling dust, post melee, Ryn motioned for them to gather near him, in a shadows alcove inside the structure the sale was to take place in.

"This structure is circular, with multiple tiers. Buyers can examine potential purchasers at their leisure, the slaves kept in cages lining the outer wall of this facility." he began explaining, revealing on a small datapad the schematics of the structure. "Women and children are held and sold on the bottom level. Men, and strong worker races are kept on the second level. Unique, exotic, or otherwise give value slaves are kept on the highest level."

He let them examine the hologram a moment longer before deactivating it and pocketing the datapad. "I will take the top floor, you the take the bottom two however you wish to divvy the load."

He'd take a step, when the inevitable question as to how he had such knowledge of this location came. "Well.... it's only natural I know this place well. I was sold here once." was his reply, as he began sprinting away at breakneck speeds. Time was no longer their ally in this adventure.

[member="Meyrit Daal"] | [member="Kianna Auli'i"] | [member="Naadi Maaro"]​
Meyrit gathered close enough to the Jedi to hear, but kept her gaze on the passageway leading deeper into the building. Her trigger finger twitched to stay in action, even the slight pause causing her mind to whirl.

"This structure is circular, with multiple tiers. Buyers can examine potential purchasers at their leisure, the slaves kept in cages lining the outer wall of this facility. Women and children are held and sold on the bottom level. Men, and strong worker races are kept on the second level. Unique, exotic, or otherwise give value slaves are kept on the highest level." Meyrit studied the plans from the datapad intently, focusing on side hallways and potential escape routes. "I will take the top floor, you the take the bottom two however you wish to divvy the load. Well.... it's only natural I know this place well. I was sold here once"

Meyrit furrowed her brow and shot the Jedi a sidelong look at the mention of his past. Choosing not to comment the mercenary put her blaster away and unsheathed her blade once more. Stealth would be their friend in this endeavor. "I've got the bottom level." She didn't wait for the padawans to respond and watched the retreating back of Ryn'Dhal, moving in a different direction towards a side corridor she'd spotted on the plans.

Hugging close to the walls and staying in the shadows, the Mirialan made her way from the entry of the building into the lower level. Encountering one lone guard on her way in, she quickly knocked him into unconsciousness with a well placed jab of her blade hilt against his temple. Kicking the limp form away, she debated doing more, but her purpose led her deeper into the building instead. She could always come back for him later.
"This structure is circular, with multiple tiers. Buyers can examine potential purchasers at their leisure, the slaves kept in cages lining the outer wall of this facility." he began explaining, revealing on a small datapad the schematics of the structure. "Women and children are held and sold on the bottom level. Men, and strong worker races are kept on the second level. Unique, exotic, or otherwise give value slaves are kept on the highest level." Naadi noted the architecture features in the hologram. "I shall help with the base level."

"Well.... it's only natural I know this place well. I was sold here once." And then he sprinted away. Naadi stood there, stunned and appalled at the concept of Ryn having been a slave. She simply couldn't imagine it.

Shaking it off, she followed after Ryn and entered the shadowy building, resisting the heavy feeling of woe and despair that hung about the place like thick rancid slime.
Kianna listened carefully as Ryn explained the layout of the building. Multiple tiers, circular, got it. She could do this. Kianna was about to lend help with the bottom, but then.. Meyrit took the bottom and she looked to Naadi who then volunteered as well to get the bottom level. She had a plan, but she guessed that she' have to do it on her own.

"Alright, well then I guess I'll take the second level.."

she responded and then took off after Ryn, into the building, pulling her lightsabers out and going through the plan in her head. This just had to work. She had two choices of her plan, but she'd have to roll with whatever came to her at that moment. Before they left to go in, Kianna was slightly surprised to hear Ryn say something about being here once, but then she remembered that he may have told her once. She couldn't exactly remember.

Quickly moving, she looked for a staircase or a lift and only found stairs, so she went double time, skipping one or two stairs on the way up, until she was on the second level. Checking for guards, it seemed as if the level was unguarded.. dumb on their part. Kianna looked around once more before moving forward, but as she did, one of the men caught her attention. He was a Zabrak. He seemed to be part human as well, as he still had horns, but there was hair on his head as well.

"Could it be?? Kianna Auli'i? Princess of Maridun?"

he asked. Surprise was evident in his voice of a royal appearing in a place like this. Kianna walked over to his cell and gave a slight smile.

"Shh.. keep your voice down. Lets not get everyone cheering. I'm here to rescue you guys. I'm going to unlock the doors, obviously they'll open, but wait until I'm back here and then let's move."

she responded. Then igniting her blade, she broke the lock on the door and did the same to all of the others.
Ground Level

The two women moved unseen, the one green skinned, the other furred. Or,at least they hoped and assumed they were unseen.

As they slunk about the cages, the women and children held within endeavored to keep the glimmer of hope in their eyes from drawing too much attention. Moving about the containment areas were three pairings of guards. A motley crew of various races. Twi'lek, Rodian, and various near-human species. All were armed with either a blast pistol or rifle, and a stun baton.

An unknown, and imperceptible shadow skulked, his presence masked by the Art of the Small. The stalker smirked, their visage hidden by a mask.

The two women below would hear a particularly unsavory comment from one of the guards, involving unpleasant actions they featured to enact upon one of the captives. The kind of comment that would make any decent sentient's blood boil......


Second Level

Unlike the level below, no women or children were held in these cells. Instead, only males, young adult to almost middle aged, working ages, we're contained. Also, only two pairs of guards worked this level. Two Rodians, a near-human, and one Twi'lek. But, the biggest contrast, was when an iconic snap-hiss of a lightsaber caught everyone's attention.

The four guards turned in unison, sitting the lone Kianna, who found herself bathed in a sinister, crimson glow,the source of which originated behind her. Upon turning, a slender, thoroughly cloaked figure could be seen. An abnormally long lightsaber hilt was held in their gloves hands, a single, crimson blade ignited in a threatening display.

A taunting, unnerving chuckle was given. "Now now, young padawan.... didn't your Master teach you any sense? It is never wise to rush into an enemy stronghold all alone...." the dark-sider taunted, as they flourished their saber, the second blade igniting of the saberstaff.


Third Level

Silently, and efficiently Ryn'Dhal dispatched of a pair of heavily armed gamorrean guards. It felt almost too easy as he opened the first cell. Muffled whimpers from behind were his only warning, before pain wracked his body. Force Lightening leapt from his assailants fingers, dropping the Jedi Master to his knees momentarily.

After recovering, he turned, eyes locking on the bearer of a crimson bladed saber. "Release her, and I may yet show you mercy...." he ordered the dark-sider.

A laugh was what he received in reply. "Jedi, you are in no place to make demands! Defend yourself, because I refuse to show you mercy!"

[member="Kianna Auli'i"] | [member="Naadi Maaro"] | [member="Meyrit Daal"]​
Meyrit stopped as the bottom level opened up in front of her. Cages littered the floor, filled with woman and children of various ages and races. Her hands clinched around the handle of her blade until her knuckles were white. Her eyes lingered on groups of children huddled in the back of their cages, eyes swollen from unyielding tears, hands and feet gritty with dirt that was long caked on. She watched as one Twi'lek child, slightly older than the others, stood sentinel over a group of sleeping children. Her eyes were filled with fear and yet anger hardened her features. She watched the guards' patrol, turning to stay between them and her charges.

A corner of the Mirialan's mouth turned up in an approving smile, as she made for the far set of prisons. As each group of slaves noticed the two newcomers, she motioned for quiet and secrecy. A few of the captured souls nodded their acknowledgement slightly, taking charge of their own groups. Meyrit inspected the closest group of patrols, eyeing two humans, a twi'lek, and a Rodian. She glanced back at Naadi, motioning her willingness to dispatch this particular group on her own.

The feeling of being watched sent chills down her arms, the pinpricks of two eyes a presence between her shoulder blades. Something was in this room, something that set the energy field alight with sparks of power. She frowned and surveyed the room again, looking for the source of power crawling across her skin. The room and its inhabitants seemed utterly unaffected by the sensation. The girl shook her head to clear it and focused on the task at hand. The feeling passing over her could be a lingering memory of a Force user who had passed through these halls hours ago, or even a remnant of power leaking from another floor. She wouldn't concern herself with it until she had to.

It was at that moment that the group of guards decided to vocalize their intentions with a slave. Most likely meant to cow ad insight fear in their captives, the threats infuriated the merc. Sithspawn, Meyr smirked as she drew her second blade and crouched. She'd see how well they could act on their threats with a blade buried in their guts.

As soon as the group turned their backs to her, she launched herself near silently at the rear guard. Her blade sliced cleanly through the soft flesh, downing the human before even so much as a scream could be elicited. Without waiting for the body to fall, she used her lasting momentum to spin and bury her second blade in the ribcage of the Twi'lek guard. She smiled wickedly as the other three turned with weapons drawn and launched into another flurry of attacks.

[member="Naadi Maaro"]
[member="Kianna Auli'i"]
Kianna undid the lock for the man's door that she had just previously been talking to. She then turned back to him real quick getting his name, so she'd at least be able to address him properly. His name was Nakao. Just before Kianna turned around, the guards rounded the corner, but then something came over her. It was almost as if she was being drowned by the dark waters of the black sea. Kianna looked to her friend to see a look of fear in his eyes just as the sound of a snap-hiss of a saber sounded from behind her.

Taking a deep breath as her back straightened, Kianna would turn around to see a fully cloaked, black figure before her with a red saber in their hand. At first appearance of Kianna, she wore a simple outfit that resembled an essence of the Jedi and her hair was pulled back simply, just to be kept out of the way. Pulling a hidden blaster from her boot, she handed it to Nakao and told him quickly to go help free the others. She then turned back to the black figure.

"You think I'm alone??"

she asked quizzically. Kianna then ignited her blue and green blades and spun them into a reverse hold, waiting to see what would happen next. Her first thoughts were of Ryn, wondering what was going on with him, but then Naadi and Meyrit.. How were they coming along? No matter, she had to focus on the here and now. Kianna apparently had her own battle to fight.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Naadi Maaro"] ; [member="Meyrit Daal"] ~
Naadi was busy unlocking the cages, and beating and tasing whatever guards she came across, into unconsciousness. After afew batches of guards were out cold, she handed out keys and weapons to the (former) slaves. "I am Naadi Maaro, a Jedi of the Silver Order, here with two other Jedi and a Gunfighter. Please do what you can to release the others and defend yourselves as needed, However, you must stay close, a Ship is on its way to take us off world.... Also, put the slavers in the cages and re-lock them, and tell others what i have told you." Naadi watched with glee as the concept of hope and freedom alighted in their eyes, the fire within them re-igniting like candles. She got a warm fuzzy feeling from it, and purred some as she looked around.

"I shall Return to lead you out." And then, Naadi turned and went to do what she did best. She went Hunting, for the rest of the guards.

~ ~ ~​
Finding another squad of guards about to beat on a slave, a silver-skinned terrified and weeping youngling in raggedy clothes, with striped hair, and streaks of darker gunmetal scars. "TELL US YOUR NAME !" one of the guards bellowed, a long pipe in his hand. Naadi gave pause, and did a mental checklist; they were also here for a Firrerreo, the youngling before her was metallic colored and had contrasting hair, and, last but not least, the youngling would not give her name to the slavers.

As the slaver, a trandoshan, raised the pipe to deliver another blow, Naadi sprinted forward in a blur and appeared between the youngling and the lizard. Catching the pipe in her hand, she growled "Her name is -" and was interrupted by several hard thumps on the back of her head.

(smash cut to black)
Ground Level

As the green skinned woman dispatched the last of her immediate targets, bloodied messes slumping to the floor, a pair of gloved hands could be heard slapping together. "Well done, my dear. Well done indeed. I could find great use in one such as yourself.... would you consider selling your services?" the masked individual inquired, his husky voice carrying unspoken illicit promises, as he emerged from the shadows.

A subtle tug could be felt upon Meyrit's mind, as the dark sider attempted to use the Force to manipulate her. As he spoke, behind him, the Miralan could see Naadi being deposited into a containment cell.

"Though, should you decline....." he began, as a crimson blade ignited in his hand, his ominous threat hanging in the air....


Second Level

"It matters not that you arrived with friends... it matters that here and now, you stand alone against me! I shall see you broken, on bended knee, Jedi!" The masked adversary screeched, before slinging a large metal canister with a grand gesture of telekinesis in Kianna's direction, before following the object themselves. A dramatic, acrobatic tumble was followed by a series of violent, sweeping strikes, an attempt to throw the Jedi's guards off, in order to try to land blow beneath her blades. The style was violent, and aggressive, oriented to keep the target on the defence, unable to launch an effective counter-offensive.


Third Level

The clash was violent and swift, blades ringing out in rapid blows, time and again each combatant found themselves almost taking the advantage, only to have victory swept away at the last moment.

The Jedi would soon finds himself slung aside by the opponents violent strike, Ryn's quarterstaff dislodged from his grip. A desperate measure, gripping a canister with the Force, the object was thrown at the Dark sider at close range. As the crimson blade bit into the metal, the heat caused the combustible materials within to react violently.

The resulting explosion rocked the entire structure, Ryn'Dhal's body impacting with the duraplast wall with such force that he excited from the top level, soon finding himself slamming into the ground below.

Slowly rising to his feet, his tattered and burnt robes were discarded, revealing his horrifically scared torso, along with his twin saber hilts. As the Dark sider descended to face the Jedi, twin silver blades ignited.

"So, it seems you're ready to play for keeps...."

"So it seems....."

[member="Kianna Auli'i"] | [member="Naadi Maaro"] | [member="Meyrit Daal"]​
On the first level, the structure of the building shuddered, as if a seismic tremor occurred. Naadi jerked awake - and immediately regretted it, as a star destroyer sized headache smashed into her brain, shattering her thoughts and causing the feline to grasp both sides of her head and mewl in dizzy pain. She was currently unconcerned with being in a cell, for now. Slowly laying back down and weeping, Naadi waited for the pain and dizziness to pass.

~ ~ ~

In other parts of the slave building, the now armed and freed slaves were fighting with the slavers, defeating some and killing afew. Slavers that did survive, were dragged by tender body parts into a slave holding cell, and locked in.
The merc spun at the sound of hands clapping behind her, blades ready. The masked and robed figure was a daunting silhouette standing between her and an ally who was currently unconscious and being locked in a cell. Great, one more thing she had to accomplish before she got out of here.

His voice slithered over her, a shudder rolling down her spine and a low growl pull form her throat. As his saber ignited, her eyes flashed with anticipation, as she reversed her hold on the blades until they were parallel to her forearms.

"I'm not for sale, period." But for a moment she hesitated, thoughts drifting to the power in his voice and the possibilities. Her blades and posture relaxed as she felt a sense of calm acceptance roll over her.

It was the calm that broke her from her reverie. She was never calm, never accepting. She snarled and launched into an attack.

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Kianna Auli'i"] | [member="Naadi Maaro"]
"Not if I can help it!"

Hearing the figure's claim, Kianna scoffed. There was no way that she was going to be found on one knee, bowing before some black figured coward. Then all of a sudden, a metal canister was thrown her way and dodging it to the point where she was laying on her back, it just missed her nose and went right over her head.

Then getting up without the help of her hands, she kept her eyes on the figure, watching his moves. As he came following the canister, she still watched him as he then went off in a flurry of attacks, clearly not caring if he killed her or not. Blocking most of the strikes as they seemed more deemed to serve as a distraction, she herself used an acrobatic style known to most as Ataru.

All of a sudden, the building shook violently of an explosion from somewhere in the building, taking her attention briefly off of her opponent and proved fatal for Kianna. She stumbled and the smell of burning flesh filled the air as the crimson blood colored saber slashed through her arm and back. It was a move that did take her to one knee as she let out a scream of pain, but Kianna didn't quit. The strike wasn't as fatal as it could have been only leaving a big black mark going from the outside of her bicep and onto her back.

Getting back up, she continued blocking, dodging and jumping strikes that were aimed low. It would only take one move that she needed to have that would take her on the offensive, but she couldn't find the right timing to be able to perform it.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Meyrit Daal"] ; [member="Naadi Maaro"] ~

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