Silver Shroud
Nar Shaddaa
Try, try as he might, the Felinoid just couldn't ever fully escape this personal hell of his. This pit, this hive of the vilest sentient beings he'd ever had the misfortune of face the whims of. The drug dens, the brothels, the slave market, and the various, out-of-sight houses of torture. This place, when witnessed in the darkness, in the places the light has no hope of reaches, the disgusting back corridors and locked behind closed doors..... it was truly a hell unlike any other.
A hand, coated in soft black fur, flexed, curling and uncurling digits, his anxiety almost palpable to the two young females accompanying him. His claws visibly extended, before retracting again. Golden eyes snapped open, a sharp breath taken in, before turning to face the padawan. "Kiana.... Naadi.... I'm sorry for rushing the two of you into this mission, but I need your help. I've taught each of you enough to succeed here, and while I trust you, I can only hope I've earned your trust in return." a soft sigh was given, as he turned, gesturing to a large structure they could see clearly from their vantage near an opening to an alleyway. "A large scale slave auction will be happening in that structure, and soon. Among those slaves is a young girl. A Firrerreo girl to be exact. She's sensitive to the Force, and I feel that while we need to free as many of those slaves as we can.... we need to get her in particular back home to Voss."
Looking back to his two pupils, each a glaringly stark contrast to the other, he offered a slightly ashamed smile. "I admit, part of this mission is a somewhat selfish one, and I will not hold it against either of you for wishing to remain with the ship instead of sneaking into that den of villainy.... But, should we languish here for too much longer........" Ryn'Dhal's voice trailed off, both ears beginning to swivel about erratically, as his eyes narrowed. He sensed..... anger..... fury..... and..... righteousness? "We go." he whispered, before darting away from the large structure that the auction was to be held in. "A back entrance. Come."
Weaving about the dark alleyways, the Jedi sprinted, willing the Force ahead of him, an incredible strain upon his limited capabilities, to gently nudge weaker-willed individuals aside, giving them some made-up reasoning to be anyplace other than near Ryn'Dhal, and the path he ran down.
After sprinting through a rapidly emptying bazaar of sorts, Ryn'Dhal was met with a dead-end. But, the threat he sensed that drew him here was close, and ahead. He willed the Force through his being once more, and with a practiced ease that made the effort seem negligible at best, he scaled the ten meter wall to stand upon the roof of the structure impeding his advance.
Reaching the farther edge in a low crouch, he saw a singular woman dispatching a Rodian slaver, violently. She whirled, brandishing her weapon as a small.... well.... battalion.... if Slavers had those.... rounded the corner and leveled their blasters at her. She was out-gunned, out-numbered, and had no where to escape to for cover. A more dire situation Ryn'Dhal couldn't picture.
"Wait here...." he whispered to his Padawan, as he lept off the building silently. Just as the first Gamorean prepared to fire a bolt at the green-skinned woman, the cloaked, hooded Jedi landed. His features were shrouded, and a strange metal staff was held in his hands. Clearing his throat, he prepared to address the threatening firing squad, when they decided two corpses were just as acceptable as one. A volley of blaster-fire lanced out at the cloaked man and the green-skinned woman, but instead of finding soft flesh to bite, they met the powerful metal of the staff, whirling in a masterful dance in the hands of the cloaked man. Searing beams of light were deflected harmlessly into walls, into the ground, and even back into one of the shooter's own weapons, disarming the assailant.
"Perhaps..... assistance would be nice...." the Jedi muttered, before glancing back to the Miralan woman. "We might be of help to one another, after we survive this encounter. The enemy of my enemy...." he trailed off, a dark chuckle offered, as he resumed the defensive rotations of that special quarterstaff about his body, preparing to deflect the next volley, and the one after, as he began a cautious advance upon the enemy.
In the back of his mind he wondered....... when would his two Padawan choose to disobey his instruction to remain behind. A grin cut across his face at the thought.
[member=Meyrit Daal] | [Member=Kianna Auli'i] | [member=Naadi Maaro]