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The Bilbringi system was a star system in the Inner Rim region of the galaxy, on the Namadii Corridor. The system was the site of the important Bilbringi Shipyards and played a pivotal role in the Thrawn campaign. The Bilbringi system was choked with asteroids and other debris; it lay close to several military shipment lanes. The asteroids of the star system were rich in metals and other natural resources utilized in starship construction, making it a perfect location to place the shipyards. The largest asteroid in the system was Bilbringi VII.
Alli Wren smiled as her new ship the the Nike landed in system. She hadn't thought things this bad. There once was a Republic defense station here but it was clear that it wasn't the case anymore. All the ships she spotted out of the former defense station were pirates. The Nike lurked in the distance waiting for the group she had hired. Their IFF's came in as everything, and upon inspection were mostly stolen or false. She shook her head, this use to be a great shipyard and now look at it. The problem with the Gulag plague and disrepair in general let scum such as these thrive in the middle of republic space.
Alli had plans and those plans needed this place cleared. It would have everything she needed to secure a decent shipyard in Republic space. With their increased demand of her she needed to ensure she could keep up with demand. The Watt's class was a ship that was in high demand and she could barely keep up with production. She sat on her bridge, next to Ashley her HRD that rarely was found away from her master. She just now had to hope that her hired help would arrive, after all she was paying them a pretty penny. They better deliver was all she could think as she awaited their arrival. Scans were being taken of the ships, trying to find the best way to start this foray. She didn't want to lose this fight, it would do her no good. She then smiled, as she spotted half the ships begin a patrol sweep, perfect they were splitting up. This would be easy if help arrived.