Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Remove the Blindfold




LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


The beams of light that were stars in hyperspace bounced against the amber irises of the Sovereign as though they were liquid gold mirrors. Alone in the confines of the ship's chamber, Palm sat, her back curved forward as one of her elbows rested on her knee, pensive hand clasping at her chin. Her other hand toyed lazely with the gleaming stones of her geminian gem mask, for the moment abandonned on top of her other knee. It had been a long, long time.

She was returning to the galaxy a changed woman. The first time she had left Geminidae, she had done so believing to know what her purpose was. What her very identity was. It took no more than days to prove to the then Ambassador that she had still had too much space for growth. Uncomfortable, often indescribably painful, growth. She returned to her home with broken perceptions, no answers, and the fate of her people in the balance. It had been hard to silently and secretly leave behind a life that in her eyes and despite its shortness, had already seemed so much larger than her or anything she had ever stood for. This, she now understood, had been her mistake.

Palm had forgotten her purpose, her people. And they had suffered because of it.

The geminaie queen, in the eyes of her peers and subjects, had done more than enough to rectify her wrongs - but Palm found it quite difficult to show such kindness to herself. These moments of thoughtful contrition had become much too frequent for the ruler. Her hounds, the fur on their muzzles beginning to show tinges of grey, slept nearby. Palm only came out of her trance when she felt a hand be placed on her shoulder, and a pair of lips upon the crown of her head. The geminaie response was swift but gentle, she turned her head allowing her cheek to rest over the fingers on her shoulder while letting out a deep sigh, drinking in the comfort provided by the man now standing behind her.

"We'll be arriving shortly." He did not use her title.

"Perhaps I should not have come." Her response was quick, concern lacing her voice. The woman reached for the hand in her shoulder, giving it a small and gentle tap before rising to her feet, turning her head to meet the familiar emerald gaze. "It is much too soon."

"Our home is safe. You've made it so. Now, we trust you to make it stronger." He wasn't oblivious to the fact that the weight put on her shoulders was immense. "In any case, I'll be returning as soon as you make your arrival. You've said it yourself, sister, you are needed out here." Natramn was right. She was only doubting herself. Palm offered him a nod, and a small smile. The Force bound them tightly, as it did all geminaie siblings, and she was grateful for having him by her side.

"Very well. I'll see you upon my return."


Two rows of Ambassadors began their decent down the landing ramp of the shuttle that had delivered them to Hielburn estate. Onderon was a beautiful planet, a compliment the geminaie did not dispense easily. The estate itself was quite grand, its architecture differed greatly from what they were used to, but it only made it more interesting. Palm had already had a chance to see the galaxy as had the Ambassadors, but there were many in her company whom had just left the Consors System for the very first time. The new Sovereign was determined to do things differently, better.

After the Ambassadors, both nejax hounds emerged from the shuttle. Their muscular bodies wrapped in vests that sported the geminian crest on their chests. Right behind them came Palm-Imer. Her tall and stalwart frame was drapped in dark fabrics with gold accents. The attire was formal and neat, fashionable, but still practical and modest. Her face, as were those of her Ambassadors, were hidden behind the gem-masks they sported, sunlight bouncing off of them as soon as they made it past the shuttle's gate. Her dark hair flowed freely down her back, twirling in the breeze. Her eyes scanned the welcoming party as those that had come before her gave way. The Sovereign then approached the young man that had extended his hospitality to them today, Crown Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak of House Hervet of Onderon.

Her amber eyes were quite the contrast against the transparent gems that were obscuring the rest of her face, and they met the Prince's gaze directly. They looked upon him with a certain kindness, or at the very least, amicableness. "Your Highness," she adressed him, offering her a small bow of her head before extending her hand to him. "We thank you for receiving our host today, it is an honor to be welcomed into your esteemed estate."

Her eyes drifted momentarily, taking in the sights around her.

"Onderon's beauty is truly a sight to behold, I am eager to explore the possibilities that lie in cooperation between our peoples."

After all, the pattern of the prodigal had always remained the same: rebellion, ruin, repentance, reconciliation, restoration. The Sovereign believed the Consors System would not be restored nor reach its full glory, until it made peace with the galaxy it had renounced. It was time to remove the blindfold.

To Remove the Blindfold
Welcoming the Geminidae delegation spearheaded by Sovereign Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

Dark clouds had formed on the horizon to the south whilst sunshine lit up the area around the Estate, allowing its colours to remain vibrant despite what seemed to brew beyond. Summer was drawing to and end at the Heilburn: While the trees still kept their green crowns and animals who would hibernate during winter still roamed the woods, subtle signs could be spotted all over. Migratory birds had gathered in large flocks, some of which flew high above the tidy Estate grounds. The water seemed to have shifted to a darker and colder nuance and the soft summer grass had turned stiff. Still, the air was fresh and a leisurely time spent on the large lake remained as tempting as ever.

Soldiers could be found standing guard along the - by now outdated - walls whilst the impressive Onderonian anti-air emplacements appeared to be as vigilant as ever. More men and women of uniform could be found on guard in two rows by the clover-like installation which extended from the coast edge out onto the lake. The installation served as a landing pad with five separate branches for ships to land on: The centre one was occupied by the Royal Shuttle whilst the one to the far side also stood occupied by an Onderonian ship.

The two rows of guards stood by the sides of the central pathway leading from the clover's center back onto the main pathway leading to the Estate. Unlike the guards by the walls who wore white shawls on top of prim deep blue uniforms, these once wore a mainly white scheme with golden accentuations, clearly meant for show, rather than combat.

At the center of the clover formation, stood the Onderonian delegation of dignitaries and representatives from various parts of the planet. Seasoned business leaders, weathered military officials and silver foxes with decades of experience governing vast regions of the planet had gathered. In front, stood the Crown Prince. With a built physique carrying a particularly well decorated parade uniform and hands clasped behind his back, he truly seemed to project the formidability, dignification and traditionalism to match what one might expect from an Onderonian Royal welcome. But then his facial features projected something completely different. Compared to the delegation that stood with him, Vince was but a pup. With a pleasant smiling resting face and faithful blue eyes, he saliently expressed a warmth and compassion that might have been more suited for someone hoping to make a new friend.

His already smiling lips twitched up as the ship arrived and the delegation disembarked. First, he offered the ambassadors polite nods as they fanned out to stand face to face with his own delegation. Then, his eyes ventured to the ruler of the Geminidae. He matched her response and offered a stale bow of the head "Sovereign." His hand went to meet hers for a shake whilst the other rested on the pommel of the officer's sabre which went with the parade uniform.

Warmth could be heard in his voice as he continued "You are welcome. It will be a pleasure and an honour to host you and the delegation of the Consors system. The Queen extends her well wishes. She speaks highly of the wares your people had to offer before we lost contact."

The exchange appeared to continue in a positive spirit. While she offered praise on the beauty of the planet and remarks on future cooperation, a subtle sign with the Prince's sword hand opened the floor for the remainder of the Onderonian delegation to engage with the Ambassadors of the visitors. While there would be time for official greetings at a later point, local customs allowed for informal mingling to start without too much delay. If the visitors reciprocated, the atmosphere would soon turn to one of pleasant conversation on the seaside installation.

"We appreciate the kind words. We are eager to open talks about trade, diplomacy, and should you so desire, easing your reentry onto the galactic stage." The Crown Prince's words might have been formal but the way in which he said it and the bounce in his tone indicated sincere enthusiasm backing them up - there was little in the way he spoke that reflected on his command within the military and his prowess as a warrior.

Kind eyes scanned the woman's features and her expression. She appeared to be amicable, strong and determined. His gaze then fell as if searching for a piece of stored information before it soon returned up to her. With a squint a clear compassionate look flashed by his features "I hope you and your people are well." The two of them both knew the degree of their self imposed isolation: Had they not, the statement would likely have been most offensive.

The brief moment of closeness would draw to an end quickly. The Royal's hand rose from the pommel and pointed up to the pathway. It was lined with vibrant flowerbeds and well trimmed hedges. Right between the landingpad and the Estate stood a very large statue with a former King looking to the ruined - and now desolate - Beast Rider village across the lake. The Onderonian dignitaries' attention was quickly drawn to the arm and a pause in the mingle followed. "Come, let us continue. There are refreshments prepared at the Southern Wing."



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


Palm-Imer took in the sight of the Onderonian delegation with a practiced, serene expression, her amber eyes flicking across each dignitary before settling on Crown Prince Vince once more. Palm returned the Prince's handshake, her own grip gentle, but steady and assured. "I have gratitude for the Queen's well wishes and her fond memories of our past relations. It's heartening to hear our wares have been remembered even after our long silence." Her voice was calm and measured, but it was delivered with a genuine smile beneath the glimmering gems of her mask.

As the Prince's gesture invited the rest of the delegations to mingle, Palm observed the interactions with a soft eye. She could sense the anticipation and curiosity among her own ambassadors, many of whom had been too long away from their usual responsibilitites. The Ambassadors gracefully mingled with the Onderonian representatives, their movements smooth and confident. Each of them carried the aura of seasoned diplomats, well-versed in the subtleties of such encounters. They exchanged warm greetings and small tokens of appreciation with the Onderonian dignitaries, effortlessly weaving into the tapestry of conversation that began to unfold on the landing pad. It gladdened her heart to see it.

Palm-Imer couldn't help but take note of the concern in Prince Vince's eyes as he expressed his hope for the well-being of her people. It was a subtle gesture, yet it spoke volumes about his empathy and genuine nature. The Sovereign felt a flicker of warmth, a small comfort in the often cold and calculating world of politics. It was not common for leaders to show such unguarded compassion, especially in the formal setting of diplomatic proceedings.

Her gaze softened, and she allowed a brief, introspective pause. The memories of Geminidae's recent past were still vivid in her mind, a tapestry that had been woven with threads of rebellion, sacrifice, loss, but also resilience. The civil war had been a time of great upheaval, a fight against a tyrannical Sovereign who had brought suffering and despair to their world. Palm had been at the forefront of that rebellion, leading her people through the storm and into a new dawn. It had been a battle not just for freedom but for the very soul and identity of their nation. One it was time to begin defining again.

"Your concern is deeply appreciated, Your Highness," she replied, her voice laced with a quiet strength. "Geminidae's most recent chapter has not been an easy one, but it has brought about the change we desperately needed. Our people are healing, and we are on a path to recovery and renewal."

Her words, so light, would suffice to provide confirmation that indeed something dark had befallen the Consors System - but this was a topic unfit for the very public, and now warm and enjoyable, atmosphere that had been nestled among their delegations.

However, she did address the Prince once more. The Sovereign was quite impressed with the young man, and she was a firm believer that one must nurture that which is good. Even if only through an expression of gratitude. "Thank you for your kind words. They mean more than you know."

"Please, led the way."

To Remove the Blindfold
Welcoming the Geminidae delegation spearheaded by Sovereign Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

Powerful winds had the clouds up high move at a fast pace. One would not need to be a meteorologist to know that the dark clouds from the south were heading towards the Heilburn estate. Whether it would be one hour or three was hard to tell, but the groundkeeping staff had already begun moving cushions and tea sets inside. Meanwhile, the weather down at the estate proper did not reflect the storm that was likely brewing in the slightest. Instead, the wind was barely present. Peaceful chirps emanated from the treetops and the water surface allowed for pristine reflections to play upon the barely notable waves.

It was a good setting for the Geminidae leader, and the leader-to-be of Onderon to exchange a few gentle words. A concerned frown momentarily penetrated the young Prince's usually positive expression as she indicated that the system's most recent history had been troubled. Understanding eyes lingered by hers as she spoke.

Once she was finished, his arm rose fore a brief moment to reach for a jacket pocket before falling down, back onto the pommel of the sword once more. Instead of action, he offered words; at least for the time being. "Of course. My grandfather always used to speak of how the unity that stems from hardship was the best balm any King could hope for." Although he did not overtly presume too much about her situation, the content of his words were just as applicable to Onderon as any other system. A soft smile was offered as his gaze fell: Onderon was now ruled by a Queen. "I recently came to realise that he was more correct than I could ever have imagined. The Dark Empire's attack taught us many valuable lessons."

With her go-ahead, the Crown Prince brought his other arm to gesture towards the main walkway, indicating for her to walk with him. A path emerged as dignitaries stepped aside for the duo to pass before joining in on the cortege behind them. As they were about to pass the first Guard, the Prince offered the Captain a quick salute and received a sharp and well-practiced one in return.

Light conversation carried on behind them as they moved up along the central pathway. Vibrantly green hedges and beautiful flowerbeds lined the walkway. Pillars for torches stood without neither torch nor flame as the groundskeepers had already brought them inside. As they approached the middle point between the Estate and the landing pad, the Royal's eyes went up to the statue which forced the pathway to diverge into two.

He nodded to the statue as the moved closer "King Semnet the Builder. Not only did he build these fortifications, but he also founded the Nazlet and expanded infrastructure between Iziz and the other walled cities of the continent." As they made their way around the statue on the path to the right, Vince took advantage of the fact that the wind wouldn't bring what they said to the attention of those walking behind them. His right arm ventured up to the jacket pocket he had reached for earlier and produced a comms unit which looked to have been produced a few decades ago. "He also laid the groundworks for this."

Handing it to her, he then proceeded to close the pocket once more. "It is nothing all too unique. I have a corresponding one in my possession. It is a long range, and high precision comms-link. By sacrificing the capacity to call anyone, they ensured that it would be able to reach it's twin safely, almost anywhere."



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


The clouds in the distance did nothing, yet, to change the summery setting around them. Palm glanced at the sky momentarily, but then they slipped from her mind's eye as soon as the colors and sounds of the estate took precedence again. As they continued their walk, the Sovereign listened attentively to Prince Vince's words. The peacefulness of their surroundings seemed to echo that of their own interaction - he was easy to communicate with and his thoughtfulness continued to impress her, watering the roots of respect.

When Vince mentioned his grandfather's wisdom about unity forged through hardship, Palm could only offer a bittersweet smile.

She was intrigued by the Prince's mention of the Dark Empire's attack on Onderon, understanding the shared experience of external threats and internal resilience. As they neared the statue of King Semnet, Palm admired the craftsmanship and the history it represented. Vince's recounting of the King's contributions, all leaders had some form of legacy - and his to run deep and rich.

Palm's curiosity piqued as Vince reached into his pocket and produced a comms unit. She accepted the device with a soft smile, examining it briefly before meeting his eyes. "It's an impressive piece of technology," she remarked, holding the comms unit delicately. "It reminds me of my own people, really. As you may know, geminaie are born in pairs. Our bond to our twins, if nurtured, can bridge any distance." For the first time, there was tenderness in her golden gaze. She was thinking of Natramn. Gently, she returned the device to Vince.

She paused, her expression growing more contemplative. "I pray I prove myself as succesful and ingenious as your late King, as I endeavor to rebuild what was lost in our planets." she began, forlorn smile curving the edges of her lips. The civil war left scars, not just on her people but on their infrastructure, not to speak of their already few and delicate relations with the galaxy. "We've been working diligently to restore, and to forge new alliances that can help us heal and grow."

Palm glanced at the Prince, her amber eyes reflecting a mix of determination and hope. "Your invitation to Onderon is a step towards that goal. It shows a willingness to look beyond the past and work towards a better future. I appreciate that deeply."

Perhaps, as they journeyed down these paths shaped to honor the prince's history, they could find common ground and mutual understanding. The legacies they built today would shape the future for our nations.

She turned to Vince, offering a genuine smile. "I'm curious, Your Highness, how has Onderon been faring with its own challenges?"

Far from trying to pry, Palm hoped her words would encourage Vince to share more about his own experiences and perspectives, fostering a dialogue that led to deeper understanding and collaboration. The Sovereign had a genuine interest in the Prince's insights, their current histories with one too many points of comparison between them. The Dark Empire's attack must have been a harrowing experience - one the Sovereign understood all too well.
To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

As you may know - Vince leaned his head to the side with a grimace 'no'. Although he had been present during a meeting between his mother and a duo of ambassadors of the Consors system and their similarities being hard to miss, the Prince still claimed ignorance. Still, his expression showed a clear flash of realisation as she spoke of the powerful bond between twins of her species.

When she handed the device back, his gaze fell down to it and hovered for a few brief moments before raising a hand to accept it back. His eyes would remain fixed on it as she continued, only to look up when she mentioned how her ambitions were aligned to King Semnet's own achievements. A fond memory seemed to flash by as a fleeting twitch of the lips formed a temporary smile - it was soft in nature and faded by the time she had completed the sentence. It was followed by a subtle frown and compassionate eyes, for her words confirmed a concern which a couple of diplomatic aides had aired when preparing for the meeting.

Right before she could continue, his hand reached back to her with the old comms unit pinched between his thumb and his index finger. "Hold on to it" his voice was low, almost like he was providing a mere parenthesis to the talks at large. "I have a feeling we could both use someone to talk to" His eyes, blue, youthful and still filled with hope, lingered on hers. Finally, he nodded, ushering her to accept the gift and to continue saying whatever it was that he interrupted.

A few nods and encouraging smiles were offered as she continued and eventually asked about the state of his home. "Heal and grow" he echoed her words silently. For his standards, he had been reserved for a relatively long time by now. And it did not seem like it was about to stop. But his tone did rise, grow stronger and direct "Sovereign:: I am no King and I my part of the recovery has been more symbolic than anything else. When the Sith invaded, I stood with my people on the frontlines - and that is how they see me. We all have different roles to play. And mine has been to be there for them when they need someone to find hope in." The glimmer in his eyes revealed that the hope he held was real - it was no mere spectacle for the masses to him.

The young Prince's enthusiasm seemed to be returning. The grand doors of the estate soon swung open for them, welcoming them into a massive hall. At the back of it, five steps which reached from one end of the room to another lead to a large scene before continuing up to another set of grand doors farther up. Those following news from Onderon would recognise the room as where multiple press conferences had been held with the Queen and other galactic leaders descending from the stairs above to say their piece on the scene below. With another pointed arm, Vince directed them to a door on the side of the room.

"Rebuilding is not something one does alone. Aid has been received from across the galaxy, from the Galactic Alliance to the worlds of the old Silver Sphere. The destruction was relatively well confined, the Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Development guided funds with a firm hand: We weren't building new towns here, we were allowing people to reclaim what they had lost. But then, in a brutal attack like this one; people lose way more than a home or a place of work." A paused briefly. With a soft smile on his lips and eyes - once more carrying the hopeful glint - locking into hers "We heal slowly. Little by little. But we heal."



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


For the first time since their introduction, the Prince elicited a full smile from the Sovereign. As they stepped inside, she accepted the comms unit with a gentle nod, admiring it once more before slipping it into a hidden pocket of her attire. "Thank you, Your Highness. I will treasure it," Her voice was warm, and there was a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "And you're right, having someone to talk to, especially in these trying times, is invaluable."

As the grand doors of the estate opened, revealing the impressive hall, Palm felt a sense of... gravity in the air—This was a place where significant decisions had been made, and she always thought that any place were strong voices had affirmed a course in history had a manner of retaining the weight of those past moments. It was a reminder of the kind of responsibility she now bore. She turned back to Vince, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"In times of crisis, the roles we play become even more crucial, just as more fluid. Hope, as many other things symbolic, can sometimes be even more important than anything else." she began, her tone sincere. "Standing with them through the darkest times, it's a role that not everyone can take on, there's great pride in that."

Palm paused, allowing her words to resonate and a small smile graced her lips. "In Geminidae, we believe that each leader has one of three cores. Some guide with wisdom, others with strength, and some with compassion. Finding balance between them is their duty. You may not be a ruler yet, Prince, but I believe, you could already teach a thing or two in this regard," He had certainly shown her all three already.

As they walked towards the side door, Palm continued, her voice carrying a blend of respect and curiosity. "It's admirable how your government has managed to confine the destruction and focus on helping people reclaim their lives. In many ways, it mirrors our own efforts back home."

As they neared the door, Palm's tone grew more personal, her gaze locking onto Vince's. "Healing, as you said, is a slow process. But with allies by our side, the journey becomes a little less daunting." She knew soon the formal negotiations would commence, and she had liked the young man enough to wish to express it directly, and also lighten the mood, before they proceeded. "I am both grateful and happy for this opportunity to connect with you and learn more about Onderon. I believe you and I have much in common." Palm smiled. "It is refreshing to speak so candidly." In their positions, it was somewhat rare to find moments of genuine connection.

To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

After their moment of tenderness had passed and the conversation moved on, Vince would allow the Sovereign to say her piece without interruption. Naturally, he couldn't help but to offer a grateful smile whilst his forehead furrowed in a humble sense of denial upon being deemed someone to have the right qualities of a ruler.

Before long, her pace slowed as they neared the their destination. The Prince quickly adjusted his pace to match hers and brought up the arm resting on the saber to motion for the delegates behind them to continue on ahead. An Onderonian Governor walking by the front together with an Ambassador offered a small bow and used his own left arm to gesture to the Ambassador to continue on. With that, the delegates continued into the chamber where they would all finally get to sit down for longer talks. It would not be long before the two of them stood alone in the Grand Hall whilst the others were taking their seats on respective sides of a long table in the chamber they had just entered.

For a few moments, the Prince appeared to consider her words before letting out a simple "Maybe we are" The words carried a positive undertone and a smile was offered. "Your feelings about this meeting are mutual. Hearing of the reemergence of the Geminaie was good." a brief pause followed and sorrow flashed by his usually hopeful eyes. Once more, the words he were to offer carried a deeper meaning than the superficial one. While still young, hopeful and naive, the young Royal showed clear indications of intelligence. "And having talked to you for this brief time, I can already tell that cooperation between our peoples will do much good in many ways." With a smile to hide the pain, he once more gestured for them to enter the chamber.

Inside, a long table with cutlery for a three course meal had been set. The room had nuances of light gray and blue with pastel coloured flowers decorating the table. Wooden walls were beautifully decorated with careful patterns and motifs created by a master craftsman. Vince walked onto the side on which the Onderonian delegation had sat down: There was a spot in the center which they had left for him to occupy. A servant would approach the Sovereign, offering to help her with the chair as she was about to sit down: In these sort of settings, it was hardly something which would be practical for the Prince to do himself.

"Going back to what you said earlier, I wanted to point out that we have many worlds to thank for the limited destruction and aid in rebuilding. The Galactic Alliance came to our rescue when the Sith struck, and worlds all around us poured in resources to help us as we recovered. It is not a process to go through alone." Kind eyes looked to hers with a hint of hesitation. Then, a deeper - more warm and less youthful - voice was allowed to ask an indirect question "Sovereign, I hope you don't mind me asking: How similar are the challenges we faced to the ones that you are dealing with?"



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


Palm followed Vince into the chamber, the shift in atmosphere palpable as they left the grand hall behind. The setting within was elegant, with a long table set for a formal meal, the soft hues of light gray and blue creating a serene backdrop. As they approached the table, a servant stepped forward to assist Palm with her chair. She offered a polite nod of thanks, settling into the seat with the practiced ease of someone accustomed to such formalities.

She let her eyes wander briefly over the beautifully set table, the careful arrangement of flowers, and the exquisite craftsmanship of the room. A faint smile touched her lips as she acknowledged the effort and care that had gone into preparing this setting for their discussions.

When Vince asked his question, Palm paused, taking a moment to compose herself. She reached up to remove the gem mask that had concealed her features, revealing her full face for the first time. The gesture was deliberate, symbolizing the trust she was willing to extend - this was not protocolar of her.

Placing the mask gently on the table, she began, her voice calm and steady. "The challenges we faced were… multifaceted," she started, her gaze meeting Vince's. She was very measured with the amount of detail provided, this was no moment to let her own feelings and experiences with their story shine through. "Our previous Sovereign, Feyd-Serit, was a leader of great potential. But as time passed, her rule became increasingly erratic. She lost her way, and in her madness, she began to commit grave crimes against our own people. The rebellion was inevitable, but it was not a choice made lightly."

Palm's expression grew more somber as she continued, careful not to delve too deeply into the painful memories. "It was a long and arduous struggle. It was a fight for our survival and for the very concept of who we had been and are going to be. And when it was over, the scars it left behind were not just physical. The trust between our people and their leaders was deeply shaken."

She took a breath, her tone softening as she looked back at Vince. "That's why this moment is so important to me, to us. We are not just rebuilding our infrastructure; we are rebuilding trust, hope, and a future that looks beyond the shadows of its past. This is why I am here, to forge new alliances, to find new ways forward, and to ensure that what was lost is not just restored, but made stronger."

Palm's gaze held Vince's with a mixture of determination and sincerity. "Our challenges may differ in their specifics, but the essence of what we seek is the same. A future where our people can thrive, free from the fear of the past, and where new bonds can be formed to help us all grow stronger together."

With that, she offered a final, warm smile, signaling that she had said what needed to be said and was ready to move forward with their discussions.

To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

There were no attempts to hide it. As soon as she took the mask off, his eyes scanned her features with a number of quick and effective moves . He then offered a grateful smile and a nod. The symbolic gesture of appearing from behind a mask was one which nobility across the galaxy seemed fond of. Perhaps it was a cultural bridge where the Geminaie were otherwise distinct in many ways.

Although his positivity did not seem to fade, the Crown Prince did seem to fall into deep contemplation upon hearing of the civil war and Feyd-Serit's apparent downfall. It was clear for the Sovereign to see, for with his elbows on the table and hands clasped together with index fingers brushing up against his mouth and nose. A furrowed forehead worked as further indication to that fact. His eyes had fallen onto a bouquet but soon rose to meet hers once more. In a way, the hopeful young Royal almost looked lost as he searched her eyes until he finally allowed his hands to fall and retracted the elbows from the table with a smile.

For the remainder, there were no further items which the Prince seemed to react to. Instead, his resting smiling face persisted as he offered a few encouraging nods here and there.

"It sounds like your people have suffered deeply" he stated the obvious whist shifting his weight in the seat, leaning forward, closer to her.

Soon, he shook his head "There is one significant difference which should likely impact the comparisons between our situations. While the Imperial attack on Onderon brought us together, the rebellion might have worked to sow discord."

His eyes fell into contemplation once more "We had the luxury of pouring all resources into rebuilding, and rebuilding quickly. That would likely help your people too. But to truly bring them together, the reconstruction would have to be made theirs." A sight escaped him and young brows flew up as he honestly blabbered out what seemed like an apology and escape "But this is not something which my expertise covers. We do not wish to give you poor advice: My part in our reconstructions have mostly been symbolic. The right person to turn to for this is not me. But we shall do what we can to reach an agreement which brings your people what they need."



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


Palm listened intently as Vince shared his thoughts, noting the differences between their experiences. His concern and honesty were clear, and she appreciated his willingness to engage with her on such a complex topic. As he leaned forward, his posture reflecting the weight of their discussion, Palm met his gaze with a soft, understanding smile.

"You're right," she began, her tone gentle but firm. "The rebellion has indeed left its marks on us, and while it unified our people in the fight against tyranny, it has also brought fear and caution. I need to forge a new path forward, one that can unite our people in purpose and hope." She paused briefly, her expression thoughtful. "But I believe that with the right steps, we can turn these scars into a foundation for something stronger."

Palm leaned back slightly, her demeanor shifting to something more formal and composed as she transitioned the conversation to the proposal Geminidae was bringing to the table. "Prince Vince, our meeting today marks a significant step for my people. For centuries, Geminidae has adhered to a strict policy of isolationism, one that has kept us insular and mistrustful. But the events of the past years have shown us that there is strength in unity, and that the time has come for us to open our doors to new opportunities."

She paused, allowing her words to settle before continuing. "To that end, I am pleased to present a proposal that we believe will not only strengthen the bonds between our two worlds but also pave the way for a future of cooperation."

Palm's voice remained formal and clear in tone as she proceeded to outline the key points of the proposal. "First, we propose a student exchange pact. For too long have we found ways to benefit from exterior cultures, without sharing any of our own." She herself had been a part of this, after all, it had been the main mission of the Ambassadors she formed a part of. "Under this agreement, students from Onderon will be welcomed into our academies, where they will receive education and training within our caste systems—Ambassadors, Politicians, Soldiers, and Novitae. In return, we will send our own students to Onderon, where they can learn from your esteemed institutions."

She allowed a brief pause for the idea to resonate before continuing. "I assure you this proposal has been presented and discussed before our tribunals, and counts with the support of our people." This was a necessary clarification, given the turmoil she had just exposed. "Additionally, Geminidae is prepared to take an unprecedented step in our history. We want to invite Onderon to open the very first embassy on Geminos soil, within a territory that has, until now, been forbidden to any outsider. This is our commitment to transparency and trust between our worlds."

Her eyes met Vince's as she delivered the next part of the offer. She herself could not believe the day had come in which she was laying such terms, and the spark of happiness behind her eyes was hard to dampen no matter how practiced she was. "In support of Onderon's efforts to protect its people and rebuild, Geminidae will provide Zenith Mesh, a unique material of our making with properties that can aid your forces in their defense and war efforts. Alongside this, we will offer a variety of minerals, mined from our own reserves, to further bolster your resources."

Palm's tone softened slightly as she concluded. "Finally, we likewise propose the establishment of a Geminian embassy on Onderon. So that a direct and open line of communication may never be missed again."

With the proposal laid out, Palm offered Vince a sincere smile. "We believe that these steps will not only benefit both our peoples but also set a precedent for the kind of future the Consors System wishes to build together."

A future were they were stronger, united, and prepared to face the challenges to come.

To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

Vince was an eager young man. But he was also trained to say his piece in the right moment. For the entire duration of her proposal, he remained silent, offering appreciative nods and smiles upon hearing her ambitions without necessarily indicating too much on his stances on her proposals. Of course, the proposals would not go unanswered, but they would not be responded to by means of mere gestures. As she spoke, the Royal took a few notes by hand but did not seem to send or forward the notes anywhere.

Mirroring her, the eager and earnest glint in his eyes were pushed back as a more official voice was employed. It was not a complete change in personality; instead, it was more like the young Royal tried to behave appropriately to the situation. "Sovereign, the Crown appreciates your proposal and the spirit in which it is made. It would be an honour to establish an Embassy in the Consors system. We have an idea on how significant this step would be, and pledge to conduct ourselves with honour and respect. And of course, you will be welcome to set up an Embassy here on Onderon. We will coordinate with our team who will be able to send you a few locations which would be appropriate for an embassy. If you wish to find a good location on your own, you are, of course, also very welcome to do that."

His eyes lingered on hers for a while, happiness and sincerity marked the gaze. He then offered a friendly nod whilst patting the inner chest pocket of his jacket where he had once stored the comms device. They were indeed setting up means to keep in touch.

"An exchange programme is a marvelous idea. We shall instruct the Royal University of Technology, the Iziz School of Galactic Politics, Economics and Sociology, the Onderon Shipwright's Institute and the Chaussidier Academy of Warfare to prepare for this programme. Our staff will reach out to private institutions and get in touch with your side about further cooperation." Vince paused for a moment and looked down to his notes whilst writing a few more before looking back up to the Sovereign "We thank you for the pledge to deliver metals and the Geminaie Zentih Mesh. It will be put to good use."

The Onderonian economy and society was not quite like that of the Geminidae. In some instances, the Crown could point with the entire arm and things would have to move in that direction. In other instances, a gentler touch would have to be applied: One with quid pro quos and exercise of influence. In this instance, it would become obvious which path that the Crown Prince had intended to take. "As for the Onderonian side, We hope to personally be able to help you form connections around the galaxy. The Onderonian Diplomatic Corps will be but a call away. As for the material segment, we wish to introduce you to Admiral Durant Chaussidier."

With that, he placed a small and elegant holo-device onto the table and pushed the button to activate it. The pickup was almost immediate as a uniformed Mon Calamari Officer showed up and nodded his head in a deep bow "Your Highness, we are forwarding the call to the Admiral now. Please hold."

Soon, an elderly man appeared. His features weathered and old. But there was still an unmistakable sharpness in his eyes the his uniform and posture appeared as clean and proper as ever. With a curt and minimalistic bow of the head, he spoke "Your Highness" The voice carried the authority of someone who had commanded countless of battles in the past. It was deep and old. The pronunciation was precise and effective without any utterances of 'uhm' 'ehm' or 'hmm'.

"Admiral. Allow me to introduce the Sovereign Palm Imer of the Consors system. Our talks have progressed well. We hoped to see what you might be able to do in a reconstruction effort, such as the one we went through recently." Having spoken those words, the young Royal redirected the holodevice for the receptor to face the Sovereign, putting her into the Admiral's field of view.

For a brief moment, the seasoned commander's eyes narrowed. It was hard for anyone to notice: For it was far from the first time he had been involved in diplomatic talks. He spoke a respectful "Sovereign" but almost seemed to trail off towards the end as he looked back to someone behind him to his right, outside of the holoprojector's field of view. Although muffled, he could be heard asking "This is her?" and then offering a sharp nod upon having received the answer to his question.

Then, he looked back to the former Ambassador. "I have heard of your exploits, Sovereign. It would be my pleasure to provide your people with what assistance I can." With a mere glance to a side monitor, the elder continued, as if knowing precisely what his course of action would be "I will direct a production line on Manaan to produce Pikets and Haulers. They will be routed to our facilities on Telti where we will redirect two production lines to manufacture building components and home appliances. My CEO will reach out to your contact point and work out the specifics. The Pikets will then head for the Consors system where they will be transferred to your people. We will employ PULS to coordinate these efforts. If you will have them, I will send over a team of cyberspecialists to help your people acquaint themselves with it. At some point, we will work out details for me to turn a profit on this, but for now, we will focus on getting people back on their feet."
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LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


Palm listened attentively to Prince Vince, appreciating the sincerity and thoughtfulness in his words. His agreement to establish embassies and his enthusiasm for the exchange program were promising steps toward a fruitful partnership. She met his gaze with a warm, approving smile, feeling a growing respect and fondness for the young prince.

"Prince Vince," she began, her voice carrying on warmth, "your willingness to embark on this journey with us is deeply appreciated. The establishment of our embassies marks not just a diplomatic formality, but the beginning of a partnership that I believe will bring great prosperity to both our worlds. Our students and scholars will benefit immensely from this exchange, and I look forward to seeing the new perspectives and knowledge they will bring back to our respective societies."

As the holographic image of Admiral Chaussidier appeared, Palm's attention shifted to the seasoned officer. His sharp gaze and the subtle way he engaged with someone off-camera—asking, "Is this her?"—sparked a flicker of curiosity within her. The recognition in his voice was unexpected, but rather than feeling uneasy, Palm found herself intrigued. What connection, she wondered, lay between them that she was not yet aware of?

Nevertheless, she maintained her composed demeanor and offered the Admiral a respectful nod. "Admiral Chaussidier, it is an honor to meet you. Your reputation as a leader and strategist is well-known, and I am grateful for your willingness to assist us in our efforts. The production lines on Manaan and Telti, as well as the expertise of your cyberspecialists, will be invaluable to us. We look forward to working closely with you to see these plans come to fruition."

Palm's curiosity lingered, but she pushed it aside for now, focusing instead on the present moment. With a sincere smile, she turned back to Prince Vince. "In the spirit of this new alliance, and as a token of our deep appreciation, Geminidae wishes to present Onderon with gifts that reflect the uniqueness and innovation of our world."

With a sincere smile, Palm turned back to Vince. She gestured, and her aides began to bring forward the gifts, each one carefully chosen to represent the finest of Geminidae. A set of crystallized Celestine Artifacts, glowing softly with the energy of her homeland, was placed before the prince, followed by the luminescent Fabrith fibers, their delicate threads catching the light in a way that spoke of both elegance and innovation. The first were said to absorb the very energy of her planet, and if one allowed themselves to focus on them, the noises of geminian birds, or even the smell of its flowers could reach the senses. The second, was silk crafted by the very finest hands in her homeworld, catching the light and transforming it, perpetually emmitting a dusk-like glow in many shades. These, of course, were samples of the larger cargaments that had been delivered after the entrance of her cohort.

These gifts, symbols of the alliance they were forging, were presented with silent reverence, allowing their beauty and significance to speak for themselves. Palm's gaze lingered on Vince, her thoughts already turning to the personal gift she would present him later—a gesture she had not planned, but that the Prince's disposition had made her want to extend.

As the gifts were unveiled, Palm met the eyes of both Vince and Chaussidier, her expression steady and filled with purpose. "I believe today is the beginning of something truly remarkable."

To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

Before Vince moved on to bring out the holodevice to introduce the Admiral, Palm spoke of a bright future. The young Royal kept his posture as it was: Leaned forward and listening with. A content look spread across his features as he offered a couple of nods as she spoke. "I could not have put it better myself, Sovereign. It is hard to understate how important it is to spend time among foreign cultures. My time spent with the Beast Riders during my youth did more than most thought was possible to bridge some gaps which had lingered for generations. The people of Geminidae and Onderon do not have ancient divides to close. We are convinced that this will strengthen our bonds of friendship."


Just like the Prince, Chaussidier listened until the woman had said her piece. Matter-of-factly, he spoke a respectful "It will not be the cyberspecialists who do the heavy lifting, Sovereign. It will be PULS. We shall see to it that your people has the opportunity to familiarise themselves with it. There is potential for them to operate it on their own, should our plans come to fruition. Further details will be worked out as plans meet reality" an ancient and sly smirk grew on his thin lips as a memory seemed to surface in the elderly Admiral's mind.

Upon hearing the Sovereign speak of gifts, Chaussidier turned around to where he presumed the Prince was and produced a subtle but far from hidden nod. When Palm had beaconed for her aides to bring the gifts forth, the Admiral filled the silence with his departure. "I will take my leave. Sovereign, your highness." he looked to the two of them, offering each one a sharp nod. Vince would wait for Palm to say goodbye before offering his own "Thank you, Admiral" before the last syllable had been fully uttered, the old commander produced another nonchalant bow with his head before turning to march back to his command console.

Vince's eyes followed the elder's steps as he gradually disappeared from the holodevice's displayed projection. His gaze still lingered for a little bit before he picked the device up and pocketed it, offering the woman a fond glance. For a few brief moments, he looked to her as if wishing to say something before apparently giving up on the idea and instead gesturing to the butler standing by a side-door. With a nod, the man disappeared in behind the door.

Whilst waiting for the Onderonian gifts to be produced, the ones from the Consors system had arrived. Unlike the silver foxes of his own delegation, the Crown Prince rose from his seat. With his official parade officer's uniform worn snuggly, a subtle reminder was offered: This noble was more of a warrior than anything else. But then, just as quickly, he erased those same images as he eagerly moved around the long table and crouched down by the gifts the Sovereign had offered.

There, he gave each item their due attention. But he lingered by the crystallized Celestine Artefacts the longest. Hearing her comment, he looked up to her with a deep voiced, but still youthful "Indeed, Sovereign. We believe it is."

Soon, the butler entered the room with a small traditional wheeled cart. "By now, we know better than to give flora and fauna." his voice was warm as he mentioned the parts of Onderon that he was likely the most fond of. "Instead, we offer you this: Porcelain from the Royal Foundry with roots in the era of the Old Republic. One of the Pencils our former Queen used to sign the ascension documents to enter the Silver Sphere and 'The Peacebringer" by my uncle, Duke Lazahar - this sculpture is one of my personal favourites.

Just as the Prince thought he was finished, the Butler approached and whispered something in his ear. Once being given the go-ahead, the man produced a simple metallic box from the cart and handed it to Vince who then approached Palm to hand it to her with both hands. "And this gift, is to you. We do not know what it is, but it was prepared by the Admiral. He suggested that you open it after we have concluded our meeting."



LOCATION: Hielburn Estate, Onderon.
EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal dual lightsabers.
COMPANIONS: Maro and Nekran.
TAG: Vince Vince


Palm’s gaze softened with genuine appreciation as she observed the Prince's and Admiral's responses. The gifts from Onderon had been received with a heartfelt gratitude that mirrored her own feelings.

“Prince Vince,” Palm began, her voice carrying a note of warmth, “your gifts are received with profound thanks. The porcelain from the Royal Foundry is exquisite, and I can see why the ‘The Peacebringer’ is one of your favorites. It is beautiful." Sometimes the simple, every day words did more to describe a feeling than any obscure, intellectual-sounding expression could. "We value the thoughtfulness behind these presents, and they will be displayed with the honor they deserve.”

She then glanced at the small metallic box, curiosity sparking in her eyes as she gently took it. Her eyebrows rose, a smile playing at her lips, “I must say, I am beyond intrigued - but I shall respect your request to open it after our meeting is over.” For a moment, the mighty Sovereign let out a glimpse of a much younger, much more relaxed Palm-Imer. One who found it very hard to be patient in the face of curiosity.

She then looked at Vince again, a second of silence settling between them. "There is one more thing I would like to give you, your Highness. I do need to clarify that I had not planned for it, and it is much less grand than any of this - but I would like you to keep it, if you will have it." Her voice was softer now, as if indicating only with that that this was not about the treaty they had just discussed, not a play for favor. She was offering him a gift, entirely, and simply because she wanted to. Her head turned towards her aides again, and some words were spoken in her mothertongue.

It did not take them long to return, passing the object to Palm herself, which took it with a polite and humble thank you. The Sovereign turned towards Vince again, now extending her hands towards him to make her gift fully visible. It was a sphere of some kind, not only a work of art, with its delicate filigree and luminescent inlays, but it also had a practical function. However, she began with a story. "When I first sat my throne I found anxious-filled days and sleepless nights. No matter how much preparation I had had, I realized nothing was comparable to feeling that weight descend upon my shoulders. I had just come out of a war, I had made many bad choices. I often felt like I could not find my own thoughts or feelings, and therefore did not trust myself with the responsibility I had been given." She spoke freely, with no shame.

"This is a Venaxii sphere. It contains a small, self-sustaining bioluminescent ecosystem within. The glow it emits changes subtly based on the emotions and thoughts of its holder, creating a visual map of light that reflects your inner state. It's both a work of art and a personal companion. It has served me well, during the times I could not even find the words to speak to myself." Her smile widened, her next words and the added lightness to her tone serving to break a bit of the tension her story would undoubtedly create. "And it has helped me solve many inner puzzles, I assure you." She handed the sphere for him to take.

"Onderon is very lucky to have you, Prince Vince."

To Remove the Blindfold
Talking to Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

The closed-mouth smile revealed some teeth as it opened whilst he offered nods upon hearing the praise she had for the gifts offered by the Crown. "We are very pleased that you are fond of these gifts, Sovereign. For when we saw the ones you presented, we were not sure if ours did you any justice." These were not the words a wiser and more skilled diplomat would have chosen. Still, they were delivered with the same sincerity that the Prince always carried as he spoke.

She declared that she would honour the Admiral's recommendation to which Vince offered another nod.

A curious look along with an almost involuntary "Oh?" were sent her way as she spoke of an unplanned gift. As Palm turned back from her aide, it was clear that Vince was trying to find words as his mouth kept opening and closing as he attempted to formulate a proper sentence without breaching any unwritten rules. "You have given us so much already" he said as they waited for the gift to arrive. The words attracted a concerned look from an regional governor: Both well aware that declining a gift would be against what was considered well mannered. "You honour us" he continued with a deep bow of the head.

When it arrived, Vince listened intently to what she had to say about the orb. Anticipatory fear and recognition filled his expression as she spoke of her own past. The warrior Prince's strong jaw clenched down hard as to hide emotions but his eyes still gave her a rather direct insight as to how he felt. His poker face had never been known as a good one - particularly when he felt strongly about something. A bit of hope started to seep in as she continued by describing the orb's properties.

He took the Orb when it was offered and allowed his head and gaze to fall down to study it. A laughter was skillfully suppressed but a smile quickly appeared as she said that Onderon was lucky to have him. His head remained low and shook a few times. His body language said no, but when he looked back up at her, he simply offered a "Thank you. We are sure that the Consors system's fate has changed for the better with you on the throne." A small pause, then "Sovereign, Palm-Imer, we are truly grateful for this gift. We are not sure if you realise how much this means to us, but please, know that it will be treasured."

A few more words would be able to be exchanged before the Butler would come back in and declare that dinner was about to be served in the other chamber.

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