Geneviève Lasedri
Fascists hate her!
Geneviève's coat served for more than symbolism or personal style on today's venture to Chazwa, the Republic's new capital world. They had arrived in this world's winter--perhaps appropriately so.
Aboard her modified CR90, the Prime Minister would initiate the conversation of the government's imminent takeover and retrofitting of Iritsa's civic facilities. The Corellian Corvette was docked near the center of the sprawling spaceport that was the first indicator the commercial importance of the planet's capital, seconded by the monstrous warehouses visible just a few klicks to the west. Many of those storage buildings would most likely be transformed into military barracks and ammunition depots, though they would need to be careful about disrupting the economy of their hosts. Military bases hardly ever paid the bills for citizens.
According to the holoprojected map feeds she had been scanning, the world was no longer so much a military world as its past had seen it, though its other structures were quite suitable for moving into without much trouble at all. Warehouses abounded, and the world of sports had not neglected to expand to this world either. The spacious, indoor limmie arena had been scouted out for the Senate Security Act's purposes and found ideal to serve as the temporary Senate headquarters, provided some extra defensive extras were constructed inside and about the premises.
The Prime Minister took her seat at the head of the glistening white conference table, gaze immediately directed towards the undoubtedly most informed member of their committee with regards to what was already available to them and what would need to be improved upon. "From what I've understood, Senator Colen, your world has had an honorable history as a fortress world in many past wars. Currently, it appears that it's not quite the bastion it may have been in those wars. However, I have much faith that it will serve us well with proper treatment.
"I'd like to remind ourselves that we're to spare most of our funds to the military setup. I think we can all agree that ours and the locals' security is paramount, and if I catch anyone dressing up their quarters on the Republic's credit, I won't forget it." And she had a good memory.
"So--first things first--would the Senator of Chazwa like to make his economic recommendations to start us off? We'll be relying on your expertise on housing and cultural procedures in order to formulate our decisions for the most part."
[member="Danny Colen"], [member="Cecily de Demici"], [member="Aurelia Volcata"], [member="Sankt Yora"]
Aboard her modified CR90, the Prime Minister would initiate the conversation of the government's imminent takeover and retrofitting of Iritsa's civic facilities. The Corellian Corvette was docked near the center of the sprawling spaceport that was the first indicator the commercial importance of the planet's capital, seconded by the monstrous warehouses visible just a few klicks to the west. Many of those storage buildings would most likely be transformed into military barracks and ammunition depots, though they would need to be careful about disrupting the economy of their hosts. Military bases hardly ever paid the bills for citizens.
According to the holoprojected map feeds she had been scanning, the world was no longer so much a military world as its past had seen it, though its other structures were quite suitable for moving into without much trouble at all. Warehouses abounded, and the world of sports had not neglected to expand to this world either. The spacious, indoor limmie arena had been scouted out for the Senate Security Act's purposes and found ideal to serve as the temporary Senate headquarters, provided some extra defensive extras were constructed inside and about the premises.
The Prime Minister took her seat at the head of the glistening white conference table, gaze immediately directed towards the undoubtedly most informed member of their committee with regards to what was already available to them and what would need to be improved upon. "From what I've understood, Senator Colen, your world has had an honorable history as a fortress world in many past wars. Currently, it appears that it's not quite the bastion it may have been in those wars. However, I have much faith that it will serve us well with proper treatment.
"I'd like to remind ourselves that we're to spare most of our funds to the military setup. I think we can all agree that ours and the locals' security is paramount, and if I catch anyone dressing up their quarters on the Republic's credit, I won't forget it." And she had a good memory.
"So--first things first--would the Senator of Chazwa like to make his economic recommendations to start us off? We'll be relying on your expertise on housing and cultural procedures in order to formulate our decisions for the most part."
[member="Danny Colen"], [member="Cecily de Demici"], [member="Aurelia Volcata"], [member="Sankt Yora"]