Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To see or not to see....

It was nighttime and far away from any city on Ruusan. Quorl liked the desert as far as things go. It was clear at least and there was plenty of mountainous perches for him to sit on. Night was setting in now and there was a brilliant view of the stars above.

Quorl hopped along and looked around at the neat orderly line of people he was to instruct on the finer art of Shadow Vision. Happily the large avian bobbed his head and examined those present. There was a perch in a local outcropping nearby to which he bobbed up to and with a mighty flap of wings jumped and sat upon. A rock overlooking the little flat area he’d selected. From here he could see everything, yes it was great being up high. Clearly most species agreed, why else build all their fancy flying contraptions.

“Today my we are here to learn…” Quorl started straighten his feathers and standing up taller. A small rodent was running through the underbrush. He examined the area with a twirl of his head for a moment making sure it was nothing to disrupt his class. “We have all been taught that your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them. I am here to teach you how to train your eyes not to be deceived.”

Spreading his wings Quorl flapped and with aid of the force caused a small whirlwind of dust, dirt, and debris from nearby trees to swirl like a vortex. The noise was a low humming echo that would seem wrong to anyone used to such oddities. A minute passed before Quorl stopped and bobbed his head. “Now first, in order to maximize your depth perception you must bob your head up and down.” Quorl demonstrated bobbing his head. “Try it now, focus on an object and bob your head up and down,” Some of the younger students present did likewise mimicking his movements. “That’s right, just bob up and down. It doesn’t really work for humans….” Quorl said, “But as a joke I think it rates.” Quorl hooted a few low hoots in rapid succession mimicking laughter.

“You must focus the force into your eyes. See with true sight that which cannot be seen…” He breathed in and out and focused before letting his eyes settle. “With this you gain low light vision if your species doesn't have it. You also can see through many concealment types.” Ruffling his feathers Quorl lowered his body by bending his legs and settling in. His head moved to gaze up at the stars. “When I flapped my feathers earlier,” he said with a exhale of breath, “a cloak ship landed out in the desert. We are going to find that ship, with the force.”

Quorl pointed at the stars. My people look at up the stars and make up stories. I used to go out and look up into the sky and think, that it is just one story,” The owl seemed lost for a moment, just staring at the stars. “The oldest story; light versus dark. You may think that the dark has more territory, the stars being only so small.. But I think people are looking at it wrong. Once there was only dark.” He looked back up to the sky once again, “If you ask me… the light is winning…”

“That is what we’re doing here. There should be at the end only a vague awareness of darkness.”
Morgana had decided to come out to this little training session taught by Master [member="Quorl"] as something of an apology for when they had first met. The first time the young girl had met the avian Jedi master was on Yavin and, upon first seeing him, she wasn't sure if he was real. She'd even made a rude comment, though didn't mean for it to be so, questioning if he could talk. Of course she looked the fool when proven wrong but at the same time there were no true hard feelings. Still Morgana had told herself it was best to go, not only to learn a new ability but to try and make things up for what she said.​
While not completely dark it was still hard to see. At least, for Morgana, her looks had changed a lot from when she'd first met Quori. Instead of a Gothic punk-rock girl she was now a more humbled looking student who seemed more at peace with herself and normal clothing to wear. She'd already had people give comments about how she was almost unrecognizable from before, making her wonder if Master Quori, with his great vision, would be able to tell as well.​
She followed him with the others out into the desert, hearing him speak of Shadow Vision and how useful it was. She'd stopped and looked when he was distracted by a mouse, making her wonder how focused he was. After that he told how everyone needed to bod their heads up and down. Reluctantly she did before he revealed it was a joke. She gave an annoyed look but soon smirked, needing to give him credit for fooling everyone as he did. And then, from there, shielded her eyes when he blew sand all about the place. Some had flow into her long brown hair, forcing her to pat herself down and try to brush it out as best she could.​
It was only when Quori had mentioned that a cloaked ship landed that Morgana perked up. So they were here to find something invisible in the dark with this Shadow Vision then. She smiled a bit, thinking how interesting a test this would make and how useful a skill this would be to have in the future.​
Shadow vision.

This was along the same vein as some of the stealth tricks his mother taught him more recently; likely tricks that will get him in more trouble with his sisters are far more interesting situations, but the thought of being invisible to the typical sapient was enough to tempt the lad into some mischief.

Of the humorous kind of course!

Either way, his mother's tenure as a Jedi Investigator had some perks on the training side, but Micah was always interested what the other Academy professors had to teach. One thing that had been ingrained in him is that everyone had different methods of application and different perspectives. Learning new ways to use the Force and in different applications and philosophies only served him better in the long run.

One never knew just what could happen where one venue was available and another would not.

So, that is why he was here, chomping down on an apple -- as always, hungry -- and listening in.
Serena stood quietly listening to Master [member="Quorl"] as he explained what shadow vision was. As she listened she believed this skill would help her in the dark caves that she often found herself in scrambling around blind in the dark.

Ever since her memory had partially returned she found an unending thirst for knowledge as if she had to make up for lost time 6 years lost within the Netherworld, and then a year without knowing who she was. So in total she had lost 7 years of training she may have made Master if she had not disappeared. She would not think on this, she would focus instead on the lesson at hand.

The carpet of stars over their heads representing so many suns and planets that there were too many to name. Each year as more planets formed, and more stars were born another spark of light was added to the back drop of darkness, so perhaps by that analogy the light was winning. Serena smiled she wondered where some of her friends were this night.

A ship to find in the dark how exciting.

[member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Morgana Forceborn"]​
The dry, crisp air of the desert felt refreshing, if not wholly comfortable. That which slept in the garish light of day now crawled out into the beauty of the night. Ryan Korr could hear them, chirps and rustles amid the blackness. He turned to a sudden flap of wings and the smell of something fowl. [member="Quorl"]'s instantly recognizable silhouette stood tall, outlined against the moon.

Ryan remained silent. He'd learned it was a good tactic in group training sessions. His speech often caused others to flee for fear of heavy handed judgement or out of pure dislike. He could live with their disdain, but he feared they could not without the training. So he stood, hands clasped behind his back, trying to make out figures in the darkness.

Force Sight was already an ability he'd come to rely upon, utilized in tandem with his slight inkling of White Current. Shadow Vision would nicely complement the duo.

Korr glanced up into the night sky, staring at the balls of burning gases billions of miles away. Winning? Maybe. Or perhaps the light only flared, bright and temporary. Futilely finite. And for all its burning.... impotent. Even the stars die out.
Kian listened intently to the words of the most recently appointed Jedi Council member @Quorl. Kian didn't know the Jedi well and was glad to be taking this opportunity to get to see his training in person. On top of that, Kian would learn a skill he hadn't really focused on in his training as a padawan. Whether a padawan or a master, you were always still a student.

Kian listened to Master Quorl's words, and chuckled along at some of the younger Jedi bobbing their heads up and down. Kian loved a good joke with the students, it helped to break the ice and relieve tension. Then the task, finding a cloaked vessel, was brought up and Kian glanced into the dark desert around him. Kian glanced up at the stars as well, as many of the others were doing. He had always love the night sky. Stars.....those burning nuclear furnaces always reminded him of the Jedi Shadows. Points of brilliant light among the vast darkness. That was what it was to be a Shadow, to surround yourself with the darkness of the Sith but to not allow it to diminish the light within you.

To burn bright, despite the darkness squeezing in at all angles.

[member="Ryan Korr"] - [member="Serena Bouie"] - [member="Micah Talith"] - [member="Morgana Forceborn"]​
Quorl flew down from his perch and landed amongst the students. There was two Jedi Masters amongst them. This pleased Quorl, no one was ever too old to learn. As he paced up and down he noticed Morgana Forceborn, barely. If he hadn’t known she would attend his class he doing he would have recognized her. She changed, and for the better by Quorls own estimation. Ryan Korr and Kian Karr were there, good. It showed that learning was a never ending process. Self improvement was vital to a Jedi. “You must concentrate on your sight, on your eyes. Pick an area of the desert and observe, but do not become fixated on a particular object. Focus the force and imagine your eyes are like headlamps. The imagery alone can help with actualization of the power.”

He stepped further down the line and to the end where the youngest of the group stood. Micah Talith. Quorl didn’t know a lot about the boy, but pecked a little at his hair to encourage him. “Good, good. Feel the force. With it you can enhance the light allowing you to see in the dark.”

Quorl turned his head one hundred and eighty degrees to look behind him at the others scanning the horizon. “do not force it. You must become empty, allow the force to flow through you. From clay you may make a container, but only in its emptiness does the vessel have function. Let the force flow to your eyes now…”

[member="Morgana Forceborn"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
As others arrived Morgana had taken note of the fact she was the only padawan. The familiar faces of [member="Ryan Korr"] , [member="Serena Bouie"] and [member="Micah Talith"] she acknowledged with a nod or wave. Only Master [member="Kian Karr"] was new to her, but she knew him by reputation. She gave a little bow of the head to the Kel Dor before looking back to [member="Quorl"] as he told to let the force simply flow through them to act as their eyes. She understood well enough, having learned a few skills while blindfolded during her training with her current master Cronos. She breathed and allowed herself to become empty, as he put it, as the Force acted as something of a signal lamp for her. It had taken some time as she had to allow the Force itself to actually take influence in her eyes, but when she opened them everything around seemed different. Almost like having the vision of a cat or owl she could see in the dark as clear as day. She could see far in the distance and even right at her own feet, an amazing perception to say the least.​
Micah heard the instructor give encouragement. Alright, good to go. He felt the Force flow through him, breathing it in. It was a lot easier to manipulate and alter now than he had in the past. Come to think of it, it took a while for him to get a grasp on the Force than his sisters. Aela, Maleah, and even Kai were the first ones to pick up on their natural talents. Maybe it had to do more with a mental block than a lack of talent, his father always said that he came from a linage of powerful Force users.

It wasn't the fault of genetics if things weren't going to plan, but that all things come in good time. While the support had been there from his mother and father, the delay in his abilities only made him more determined. Maybe that is why once he put his mind to it and began an intensive training regimen, did his senses bloom in the Force.

The Aspect of Sense was the one he has the most knack at, followed by Alter. He was able to sense the connections with a bit more omph than his siblings, and where Maleah and Aela had a knack with animals, and Kaili with Tech, he was able to expand his mental capabilities to take in the world around him.

So, pushing that forward towards his eyes was a bit easier, but none the less a trying experience. He would first start off by heightening his eyes sensitivity. Using the Force worked in line with being aware of how the body functions, in this he knew he had an edge.

Eyes had pupils and the more you could expand them, the more light would come in.
Kian listened to the Jedi Master speaking and considered the words carefully. Kian had had practice at focusing the force to a specific point before but had never thought to use it to improve his vision in the dark and has always simply used the force to sense around him....but that had its flaws and this could be something to aid in overcoming it.

Considering on the darkness around them, Kian did as Master Quorl instructed. Kian focused on his goggled eyes, pushing himself to concentrating on doing as Master Quorl had said, but at first found himself struggling at the skill. Then he recalled what the owl had just said, "do not become fixated on a specific object." Keeping this in mind, Kian took a deep, calming breath and focused on the distant horizon without fixating. He envisioned his eyes being "headlamps" and slowly found the darkness before him receding. He could suddenly see further ahead then he had before and the more he focused on flowing the force into his eyes, the further the lighted vision seemed to be cast.

"Fascinating." Kian said aloud as he began to scan the horizon with his new found vision.

[member="Micah Talith"] - [member="Morgana Forceborn"] - [member="Quorl"] - [member="Ryan Korr"] - [member="Serena Bouie"]​
[SIZE=12pt]Feel the force she thought she was now practiced at touching the force upon need she did so with the gentlest of movements. Then she turned her gaze upon the desert sands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So much already visible the dry brush that rolled at the simplest push from the wind, the cracking crunching sound made as the nocturnal foragers rousted from their day time hiding places.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She could feel their life, the presence within the force but now she needed the force to give her eyes more light. The light skill she practiced so hard brought light to objects around her this skill was to bring light within herself or her surroundings to make it easier to see.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked for the signs of a ship, an impression upon the sand, the lack of wind showing that something blocked the path. She held her breath as she worked with the force. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment resting briefly and then with an owlish gaze she began scanning again.[/SIZE]

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Morgana Forceborn"] | [member="Quorl"] | [member="Ryan Korr"]​

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