Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To see the Future

The Iktotchi were renowned across the Galaxy for their ability to predict the future, so much so that their history was living proof alone. They had prepared themselves for the arrival of the Republic long before the Republic had arrived on the world, going so far as to carve the Republic Emblem upon their world so it could be seen from space as a welcome. They had seen the Clone Wars and the Rise of the Empire before it happened and thus had isolated themselves as a means to survive. It worked, and Palpatine had left them to their own devices. That was why she had gone through the travel of skirting the space along the Republic and the Protectorate, just so she could manage to visit their world.
Taking a heavy sigh as she sat up, she looked down at the boarding ramp, her hand coming up to shield her eyes before she pulled the googles on. The wind was rough and powerful, enough so that the Iktotchi had become resistant to it due to their harden skin. She was not as lucky, and had gone to great length to cover what skin was usually left bare in an attempt to keep herself protected. Bringing her hand up, she shielded her eyes from the sun for a moment before they became accustomed to the light. Nodding softly, the four cloaked figures with her moved as she headed out of the spaceport.
She was careful, taking the time to slowly move through the city and attempting to not bring attention to herself or her party. Rumors had abound and even reached her of a plan to focus on wiping out her family, and she wanted answers. Answers that she hoped she could find on this world.
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Almira Magrath"]

Solan had decided to go to the planet for near the same reason, but also for different reasons. He was seeking the future but not for himself as he sat against the wall of one of the buildings nearby. His clothing was simple, a Viola Coat pulled over his shoulders as he walked, his face and head protected by fiber wraps that let open space for his eyes which were covered by a pair of shaded spectacles. His scythe for once was not on him but the Krath War Blade he carried remained in its scabbard as it hung on his back. He expected little trouble but it was still a planet he knew little about.

With that he pulled the fiber wrap tight and started walking in the direction that Almira was heading too but in a far different direction. For while she headed in one direction, he came from the exact opposite direction, moving through the crowd as his dark aura picked through the intentions of those around him and made sure that he was not in for any trouble. He was curious about the process that the Iktotchi used in order to see the future as well as knowing the fate of his people. He sighed as his gloved hand tapped on his leg and he continued to walk. What was it he would find today he wondered.
A twitch, a silent one that pulled her attention. Stopping for a moment as if she were attempting to catch her breath, her small group paused with her. Bringing her hand up to one of her companion's shoulders, she played it off as if she were tired or even exhausted from such a long journey. Though something else pulled at her mind. Slowly looking over her shoulder she followed those that moved about. Something was off, something was wrong and she felt it. Something dark was reaching out and if the Iktotchi were what they were said to be, others felt the presence just as she.
Carefully watching, she motioned as the four nodded before they moved their own way. Her eyes following another that was wrapped to protect themselves against the winds of the world. There were many, though they were fewer than those native to the world. Taking a moment to pause herself, she pulled her mind together before slowly pushing her way through the crowd.
She had come for answers, and now there was the possibility that there would be a direct link to those answers. While she wanted the future, there were those in the present that had brought about rumors of plans against her and her family. If this being was one of those that was to be used against her, she needed to find out.
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Almira Magrath"]

Solan's feet carried him slowly through the streets. Aware of something else but not caring as he looked for someplace that would help him. He had heard chatter of elders and others that retained their future sight. Prophecies. Visions. What ever people called it he needed it and his eyes traced over building after building. "It all looks the same to outsiders..." He said to himself, the wind funneled between the buildings which caused him to stand there for a moment and just stare at a building or two before looking around him and checking his datapad for the directions given to him.

"I need to find somewhere to stay for now..." His eyes scanned over the crowd and buildings. He needed some place simple, just to think for a moment. He chose a side road that was partially protected from the wind a few meters away. His hands tore the datapad from his waist again and pulled up a display of the city as he stared at it. Once in a while he would even glance into the street as he tried to pick out a feature he could go off.

As he was standing there his eyes lingered for a moment as he caught sight of someone who drew curiosity. She... atleast he assumed a she, was wrapped up in the wind and he looked at her from behind the glasses that protected his eyes. For a few moments he stared before turning and storing his datapad, his body facing her direction now as he carefully looked around. He didn't realize that his aura was drawing the attention and she wasn't specifically looking at him because of some danger to himself.

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