Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Shape the Future (Hakora Shin)

[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino stood looking down from the peak towards their compound, studying it. He stood up on a small hill that bordered the compound, waiting. He had sent Hakora a message to meet him up here to continue his training. This was difficult to do, teaching so many. The Force would be his guide though, It always had been, and always would be.

Now we would wait until the boy arrived, and meditate until then. He closed his eyes, reaching out with the Force, resting in it.
Hakora awoke at a decent hour and slowly crawled out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom to do his business and brush his teeth. When he got to the sink he had to rub his eyes a few times to check he wasn't seeing things. On his mirror was toothpaste and a lot of it. It was a message that read, "meet me on the hill. Veino." Hakora shrugged and took his brush to the message to use some of it to brush. He threw on his clothing and use the force to draw his lightsaber to him and made his way out of the compound. He walked for what seemed like forever until he came to the spot and saw Veino meditating. "You owe me more toothpaste now." He didn't wait for a reply, but sat down next to him and began to meditate. If there was one thing Hakora did right, it was knowing that a good training starts with deep meditation.

[member="Veino Garn "]
[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino raised an eyebrow, confused, but let the comment pass. He had left the message on the com-link, so he was not entirely sure what that comment meant. Not did he know what tooth-paste was. He fresher unit had always cleaned his teeth.
Hakora knew to begin with meditation, which showed he had been well taught so far. Not everyone taught their students that.

He would have them sit and meditate for a while first, as he collected his thoughts on how to teach. He was still quite new at this.
Hakora remained in meditation and focused his thoughts on the force. He began to think on the two sides of the force and how the force was both, but which side was it's true nature if any side? As he went deeper in meditation his thoughts quickly changed; his thoughts were of fire and destruction along with life and peace. He saw a person in full armor walking through Coruscant. The armored person was in black and red armor with a full face mask. The man seemed to be walking a line and on one side was Coruscant burning and people screaming in terror and on the other was peace and what seemed like people cheering for a retuning hero. Both side became more and more intense and the whole time Hakora could only see the man from the back side. The vision changed and the man's mask began to morph and reveal his face. He had hair like Hakora, but black and his eyes were yellow like a sith. This jolted Hakora out of meditation like a nightmare and he was in a cold sweat. He spent a while trying to collect his thoughts, but said nothing, unsure of what he saw.

[member="Veino Garn "]
Veino looked up, studying Hakora as the boy meditated. His emotions were in too much turmoil for normal meditation. He narrowed his eyes. Yes. Sweat was forming along his skin. This was highly unusual. Potentially dangerous, but certainly abnormal enough for him to step in and intervene. He walked slowly over and sat closer to him.
"What happened in your meditation? Something terrible seems to have occurred."

He had a suspicion of what may have occurred, but he didn't voice it yet. Information was crucial to good decision making, especially in something like this.
I...I don't know. I saw fire and destruction on a planner that seemed like a giant city. There was fire on one side and the place was destroyed. On the other side everything looked right, peaceful even..... I..." Hakora trailed off as he feared what he saw and what it could mean. Was he going to fall to the dark side? Was he going to destroy worlds or help to? "I... Was in the middle of the two sides, I was wearing armor I had never seen before and when my face was revealed my hair was jet black and my eyes were yellow like the brightest gold I have ever seen.... What does this mean? Does it mean I am becoming sith?! Hakora had never feared the dark side before, but until this he had never thought it possible to fall to the dark side.

[member="Veino Garn "]
[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino frowned with concern at what Hakora described. That was a terrible vision, and unfortunate for one so young. He centered himself, and focused in the calmness, and then pushed it out towards Hakora, so he might benefit from it.
"It's good to be concerned with what the vision means, and falling completely to the dark side. It means you're aware of the danger, which puts you a step ahead of others."

He paused, trying to think of a way to express it, "The future is fluid though. What you saw might not happen. Choose wisely, and you should be able to avoid it. Continue thinking about this though."
"How can you be so sure? There was a lot of death and I looked different in it, what if something happens and I lose my convictions, my grip on emotions? Teach me, I am masterless currently and I can barely use force push and my lightsaber style is so rare how will I ever find someone to train me?" Hakora could already feel him losing control out of fear of losing control; It was ironic really. He needed power and he needed to learn to control himself.
[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino raised his hand, palm up. "Stop. Breathe. Center yourself in the calmness of the Light." Any tough subject such as this required calmness to discuss. He could also feel Hakora's panic and loss of control hammering him like a series of crashing starships. "First, you must understand something. Visions from the Force do not necessarily show the future. Hey show merely a possibility that can become actuality if you try to hard to avoid it. Often hey come true unintentionally by trying to prevent it. The old tale of Anakin Skywalker proves this amply true."
Hakora continued panicing, but under the master's words he slowly became to calm down and center himself. It took a while, but finally his heart and mind beat in harmony and peace washed over. "Who is Anakin Skywalker? Never heard of that tale." Hakora then began to take in his surrounding as the wind had picked up for a while, but was now gentle like a river.
Veino nodded, sensing Hakora slowly beginning to calm down. That could be improved upon some other time. He frowned, thinking of how to answer. "He was a Jedi...who had visions of the future, and turned to the Dark side to try and prevent them from happening." He gave a sad smile, "Unfortunately, this led directly to his visions coming true." He paused, and his thoughts drifted away. He focused back in on the now. "I want to begin by working with you on self-control so that you don't have too large of a risk of losing control. Make sense?"

[member="Hakora Shin"]

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