Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Strike the Heart of Industry

Zandra had been quickly gained connections within the ranks of the Neo-Crusaders. One of such connections was with a fellow warrior, one Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , an accomplished Mandalorian with many years more than her. She was surprised when he agreed to come along on her secret raid on Thustra. Evidently she'd impressed him during their last meeting, because he joined the attack on the Alliance factories.

Thustra itself was a rich world, full of the kind of rich stuffed shirts Zandra hated. The kind of people who spent hours trying to squeeze out fractions of a credit, but wouldn't deign to drop a cred to the poor. She'd remind them, remind all of them how vulnerable their purses were. Her plans were simple, but they should suffice for a blitz attack on an unsuspecting city.

The small dropship glided through the night sky, cutting through low-hanging clouds of smog pumped out by the factories below. Zandra and Carduul would cause havoc amongst the ranks of the security forces. distracting their reinforcements while a second team of sappers would detonate key stocks of fuel and tibanna gas. If all went according to plan, the raid would only last twenty minutes. but that was still to be seen.

As they neared the insertion point, Zandra looked over to the much taller man, having to crane her neck to make eye contact. "Good to have you on this raid Carduul. I didn't expect anyone outside Clan Dryggo to follow along. I hope you're ready for a fight, this world is supposed to be home to a large band of corporate mercenaries. They will reinforce the garrison of standard security and GA regulars."

Unlike most raids she'd been on, she had really done her homework this time. Trying to learn all about her enemy that she could, it would help keep her Vode alive. Not that someone like Carduul would need her to rescue him.

It was abundantly evident in their previous encounters with the Republic, that they were woefully outnumbered and out supplied by their foe. That was not even taking into account the later, inevitable battles with the Empire and the Sith whom had shed their blood so many times a’fore. Against insurmountable odds, just how Mandalorians should be fighting. It would require more than just brute force - cunning, strategy, forethought.

Destroying stockpiles was a good way of accomplishing that. He did not care much for the political turmoil of classes, of material wealth, save for the application of it in warfare. Though, perhaps he was also here to ensure too much damage was inflicted. He’d rather not have a repeat of Contruum, where they razed the enemy’s supply lines that were swiftly under their control.

His hand clung to the transport’s brace, remaining firm as the ship’s entry into the atmosphere caused that mild turbulence. Thankful for the helmet that screened him from the outside world; the smog would be unpleasant to have to deal with otherwise. He had been quiet for a majority of the trip. At least, until Zandra herself commented upon the fact he was present in the first place.

“Any hit to our enemy’s supply lines is a valuable endeavor. The idea of clans only serve to divide us.” Came the reply, the smaller T-visor tilting down to meet her gaze. “Mercenaries lack the conviction we do; I doubt they will pose a problem for long. If what you have told me is true, this will be an endeavor worthy of honor in our war.”

He had to admit, he was curious to see how Zandra operated as a squadron leader. Careful planning was always a good initial impression. It was something Dryggo lacked of late, it seemed. Perhaps one or two of his Preservists, clad in their uniform armor, had accompanied him, but there was nothing more. It wouldn’t be an apt test of her capabilities if he was dictating everything. At most, perhaps he would step in to impart a lesson, and nothing more.

Any overreach would undermine her own experience, of which was valuable for a good warrior. For a wise leader.

Securing his weapons to his person, a a hand rested upon his hip, were his pistol remained holstered. He was prepped himself for deployment.

Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus

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