Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To the death/dismemberment (open)

Talon Vosra

OOC: Open to anyone person or group of people that wants to try and kill a rogue master. If I win your character may die. PM me if you have questions.


Talon sat on a cliff overlooking a valley of yellow grains. His bright green eyes closed as he enjoyed the cool breeze on his face. His simple green cargo pants and grey short sleeve shirt his only armor. His twin sabers on the ground a few feet away. He had history here. He made his first saber on the rocks just a kilometer away, he had attacked an enclave here once as a Sith and stolen many things before escaping into the caves. He had trained padawans here later as a Jedi and now he was here for peace. His bare toes dug gently at the ground infront of him as he lost himself to the feel of the place. He was finally at peace again.
They said, in certain circles, that you only ever knew a person after you'd fought them. Salem Norongachi had matched skill with Force and blade against [member="Talon Vosra"] but...the outcome? Was a little fuzzy. It could be that he'd won and suffered a massive blow to the head for his troubles, or lost and been tea bagged so hard he'd blocked out the memory. Regardless of the previous bouts outcome, he'd made it his business to know were the Master went.

Dantooine, there are many things Salem could have noted about the world, its natural beauty for instance, but Salem was never known for his appreciation of...anything...thus he stepped from his shuttle and began the blinkered march toward the rippling Aura of Talon. Scores had to be settled, some because life demanded them and others because the writer was drunk and had no one to talk crap with.

Talon Vosra

[member="Salem Norongachi"]

It may have been the smell of outrageous cologne or the fact that a freaking ship had just landed the drew Talon's attention, both were equally strong possibilities. Talon didn't rise, partially because his butt had fallen asleep, partially because he could tell who was coming.

Their last fight had ended abruptly, though who had teabagged who was still a bit of a blur with the junk flying around that battlefield it could have been anything. Talon blamed the gungans as it was their proper place to blamed. He looked over as the man walked forward.

"And here I thought you were dead." He said slowly pushing up to his feet, "Color me pleasantly surprised and slightly thirsty."
There wasn't even a beat before the bottle of Correlia's best sailed through the air toward the rising Jedi. "Then drink up." Sal responded stopping a half dozen paces from [member="Talon Vosra"]. A dull wind played across the dark fabric of his shirt and trousers, the hilt of his blade catching the weak sunlight that deigned to shine upon the proceedings of the world.

"Can't have you at half mast when we get going, can we?"

Talon Vosra

[member="Salem Norongachi"]

Talon caught the bottle and popped it open beforetaking a a small sip, closing the bottle and tossing it back. He called his lightsaber to his hand from it's place on the ground beside his other one.

"Well Sally," he said before spreading his arms for a slight bow, "May I have this dance?"

He fell into his stance but didn't turn on his weapon yet. He would wait for his opponent. He hated to be premature.

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