Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To the Forge!

I held the lightsaber in my hand. The phrik casing was old and worn. It seemed to look dirty and tarnished. I smiled. Knowing that since my discovery of the saber, I have used It more often than any other weapon I have. It was one that I relied on for my combat. Generally it was my first choice of a weapon. With my recent outings of going to other planets in search of someone, I needed to sup up my weapons and possibly my armor. The first that will be done is my lightsaber.

It once belonged to my father. The green crystal still sitting on my mantle in the house, I had installed a Permafrost crystal inside the saber. It could have only been used by myself. No one had the ability to use it. The special ability of the crystal was that once bonded with the owner, it would only allow the energy to pass through should I be holding it. I smiled brightly as I began to take it apart. I placed the crystal off to the side and set to work.

The first step of the process was to fix up the casing.

Now for me to redo the entire casing, I would have to clean it up and refurbish it to reduce the amount of impurities that would possibly be in the metal alloy. Moving into the kitchen, I grabbed a wire brush, a steelwool scrub, a small bucket of water, and a small can of grease. Each were placed on the table as I sat down. Already I had put my hair up in a pony tail to keep my hair out of my face.

I set to work taking the saber apart. making sure that each piece and part was separated for possible later use, as well as keep the stuff I wanted, away from the parts I didn't. Grabbing the larger pieces first, I used the wire brush with a little bit of water to remove the top layer of grime and rust. Scrubbing fairly hard to remove the dirt. I made sure to clean every piece to as near as I could with the wired brush. While I could have used a spounge, I wanted to first dig deep into the grime and try to break it apart.

Hearing the sounds of the swish swish from the brush, There was no background noise. I stopped for a moment. Raising my hand over to my left where sat a audio player. With a hint of the force, I pressed on the play button. And instantly a drumming started as well as a bass guitar. I bobbed my head to the song as I now once more continued to brush on the Phrik casing pieces. There were some times when I could work in silence. But today was not one of those days.

Continuing to brush them, I smiled as most of the grime was off for the large part. Moving to the next piece I continued the same process of Brushing with a little water to remove the top few layers of ware. I continued to do this until my hands were prune and dimpled from the water used, as well as the constant moving motions of my hands trying to clean them. I was no where near done. Despite that, I was ready to move to the next step.
The second part was to finish cleaning off the phrik casing. I sat the Wire brush down as the songs on the audio player continued to run on and on. Going from one to the next. Wiping my face with the shoulder portion of my sleeve, I picked up the steelwool. The piece was rather large, so by tearing a portion off, I could use it more effectively with my fingers to get into the cracks and corners of the lightsaber. Replacing the bucket of water with oil, I dipped the tip into the thick black substance. Rather than using water, I used oil to prevent rust, as well as clean out the impurities that I had missed the first time around.

Using the edges of my fingers, as well as the small nails that I possessed on my hand, I began to scrape off large amounts of the grime and waste from the saber. Each time I would redip the steelwool into the oils. The secondary use of the thick substance, was the use of oil to almost sop up the excess grime and excess pieces of dirt. Cleaning it far more effectively than water or any other liquid could. Continuing to scrub and scrub, I bobbed my head once more to a good song that I enjoyed. I even started to scrub to the cadence of the song. I smiled as this reminded me of a person who I had met a while back. Despite this, when it ended, I continued to scrub into the night.

The sun had set. It was beginning to become cold in the main room in which I worked in. A towel was wide open on the table with drying pieces of a lightsaber hilt from the hours of scrubbing I did. While yes, it had taken me a long time, its because I wanted to make sure that in the reforming of the lighsaber, that it would work to the highest capacity. I continued to work on the last few small pieces. I laid the last piece down on the towel to soak up any extra drippings from oils or water. Taking my time as I stood up and took both of the buckets and brushes to the sink. Simply letting the water fall into the sink, I proceeded to clean the brushes, making sure that next time I used them, they would work as expected.

I moved to the other side of the Kitchen. looking through the various pots and pans and dishes that I had. Finding what I needed, I pulled out a 12 inch by 9 inch baking dish. I slid it down the counter to reach the sink as I looked for some form of a lid. When I found one that would fit, I pulled it out as well. Moving back to the sink, I placed the lid down for a second to pour some of the oil into the baking dish. From this, I let it sit on the counter as I went to retrieve the lightsaber pieces. Simply rolled up into a towel, I plugged up the sink and then let the pieces of metal drop into the sink. With a hot water, I began to rinse off the excess oils. Cleaning them should anything be left, and one by one, placed each piece into the baking dish.

Once all of them were in there, I slid the lid over the top, and with the force opened the oven as I then placed it on the bottom rack within the oven. yes you may ask why in the hell was Darren cooking his phrik, but because Darren did not own a preheat forge, nor did Darren need to go down there just yet, he baked the pieces.

Using the Oven as a forge, I cooked the pieces around 400 degrees Celsius. Well enough to make the oil hot, but not bubble to spill over. This treatment was used to almost literally heat up the molecules of oil, and use it naturally to soften up the metal, as well as scratch away, and absorb the last bits of dirt and grime I was not able to reach. While sitting in oils, the grime would eventually wear away, I heated it up. Heat was a form of energy that speed up the process without actually changing the elements within the equation. A catalysts if you could call it that. Leaving it there, I made my way to bed. letting it bake over night so that in the morning, I could begin working on it again.
Oh was I not a morning person.

While I could simply wake up if I wanted too, I chose to procrastinate and sleep in a little bit longer than expected. Having gone to bed half way through the night, I only woke up a few minutes after midday. I growled at myself Pushing the covers off of me, I sat up and threw the covers with my hands. Across from my bed was a giant mirror. And well, I could see that I was going to have a bad hair day. I got up and half dressed in a simple set of slacks, I went into the bathroom and using my hands and a little bit of water, I made my hair damp, but not saturated or soaking. Putting it once more in a pony tail. I made my way into the kitchen to see that the Oven had turned off sometime during the night. Smiling, I enjoyed the fact that I got an oven that would turn off after being on for a set amount of time.

Opening the hatch, A plume of dusty smoke that was thick rose from the opening. I had not expected it. Burning my hand by the hot gasses that were pent up in the oven. Walking over, I began to run it under water. Lukewarm water that felt oh so good on the burn. It took a good five minutes of running the cool water over my hand and wrist for the smoke to clear out. Good thing that I had opened the top for the gases to just leave through the roof.

I walked over to the bandage kit and put some burn salve on the wound, and wrapped it up with some gauze and a wrap. I didn't want to get an infection over a stupid burn. Just image that. "Great Sith Lord of Lightning and Lightsaber Combat! Dies at 45 because of an infection from a burn while trying to make his lightsaber." That would have been really sad. Once more walking over to the oven, This time I used the force in the form of telekinesis to lift the baking dish and sit it on top of the stovetop. Letting it cool as I pulled off the lid to expose another plume of smoke. With the force, I picked up every piece that was placed within the dish. Which was only the outer casing and the inner casing, and watched as the oil oozed off of the pieces. Moving them over to the sink, I turned on the hot water. And slowly exposed the metal pieces to the water. I didn't want to cause a shock fracture with the metal, so I kept the pieces hot and would slowly cool them down to room temperature.

it was from here, that I would wash them off. Taking all the oils off, and placing it within the forge was the next step.
I walked down the steps with the pieces in my hands. Each clean and almost sparkly. While I only had the actual casing, the rest of the items were upstairs on the table. Because nobody knew that I lived here, There was no fear of them being stolen by someone. As I walked down the cold steps in my barefeet, I opened the wood door to reveal inside a typical metal forge, as well as a small alter in the back for the smaller uses of Sith Alchemy. While I had not used it in a long time, It would stay there for today.

I moved the pieces to be sitting in a rather thin sheet of metal. However that may be, it was heat resistant for one purpose. To collect the melted pieces of metal that was too hot to handle, as well as complicated to pick out through the embers of the forge. I stat the pieces in there. using the sheet much like a bowl, I then moved it to be over the top of the coals that were dead at the moment. However with a small amount of time with a few matches and some flammable liquid, the coals were coming to a roaring fire. I wanted to have a high heat to melt the metal at first. But once I was actually doing the forging process, I would have to have a small fire. Not a roaring one that could possibly burn up the material. Thus not allowing me to work with it. setting it in the fire I then began to gather my hammer, tongs, the mold for the Lightsaber that was already prepared, and the small metal bucket of oil that would quench the hot metal to give it a stronger surface.
While I waited, I went to the other side of the forge. Inside were ingots of many metals. Mostly things like iron, steel, even a single ingot of meteorite alloy. But I forgo all of them to reach in the back. Pulling out my only bar of Electrum. A very valuable, and rare metal that was used on lightsabers as a sign of mastery. I smiled brightly as I began to move this metal from hand to hand. Playing with it almost. I reached for the tongs and clamped them around the ingot of almost golden metal.

I then inched it into the forge to soften up the material. It would take less time to melt the Electrum than the Phrik, so I would work on the electrum parts while the other was slowly meting into a pool into which I could pour into a mold for the pieces. Once placing the bar of Electrum, I walked over to the air pump. Really it was an automated system that pumped air in through the bottom of the forge to keep the fire hot. Turning it on, I set it to the lowest setting to keep it simply hot enough to warm the metal.

About ten minutes later it was just the perfect orange color for me to work with. Using the tongs once more, I pulled out the bar, and walked over to a presser. A machine that used a piston to throw a hammer down many times harder than any human could hope to ever achieve. Slamming down on the sides of the electrum. And turning it over and over. Moving it up the length of the piece, I began to lengthen the electrum from about the length of my forearm to the size of my chest. Once that was done, I placed the still bright orange bar of hot metal on the anvil. Taking a hammer and a chissle, I began to cut down the pieces into sections. Getting one the right size for each part that I needed.

I smiled as I then took the rest of the electrum and sat it down off to the side of the forge to cool down and be used later on should I need it. It was here that I broke the small piece into smaller ones using the hammer alone. Flattening them down with my pure force of the arm.
I had a very rhythmic beating of the electrum. The clang of each hit was within cadence. Beating like a living heart. I brought the orange piece once more to a well rounded shape that I desired. Using the end of the anvil to beat it into a round shape that was within the thickness of the saber hilt. Already having done three other rings like this, I would be done with the electrum for now. beating down on the last few pieces, I set it aside. Knowing that the phrik was now melted to a point to be poured into the molds.

Standing up and setting the hammer down on the anvil, I walked over to the forge. Grabbing the smock made out of a rough hide, and metal plates to protect me should any of the Phrik be spilled. I grabbed the tongs, and a set of gloves to cover my hands. And with the aid of telekinesis, I picked up the bowl that held the melted liquid. a Silver sheen reflected from the light of the fire as I moved over to the mold. slowly pouring it into the holes that would lead into the pieces. Very little was needed. Setting them in the molds, I smiled as I put the bowl back into the flames only to shut them off.

Now I just had to sit here and wait for the pieces to harden.

Which would take about 6 hours.
During the six hours that I had to wait, I busied myself by doing simple chores around the house. Cleaning dishes, feeding the pet Nighthunter Jax, general cleaning up, even took a powernap for about an hour before I got up to go back down into the forge. I removed my shirt as I went down into the chambers. Hot as all get out, What I needed to do was put the parts together physically to see if they fit one another. but first! I needed to get the pieces. Moving over to the many molds that I had set out for the pieces. I started on the first one. Using a claw and a hammer to break apart the molds. As they were almost melted together around the hot metal that had been placed there.

it took a while, but when I had taken them apart. I took the pieces and sanded them down. Wanting them to be smooth so they could fit together comfortably.

it took me about another hour for each piece to sand down so it can fit together like a puzzle. Each piece needed to fit as one. Eventually after a few more hours of work, I got it together to form a rough shape of what I wanted.

I smiled brightly. Now I just needed to make the crystals and other such to fit inside.
Placing the Other materials on the table, I moved the door. Closing it to my hut as well as the windows to leave me in complete darkness. Taking the three crystals that were in my hand, I sat down on the floor. Crossing my legs after some time of trying to bend my knees. Having to deal with them being once kicked in and the wear and tear of them, it was stretching them. Looks like I would have to do some Kata when I was rested up after this.

Placing the crystals out in front of me on the floor as well, I closed my eyes as I sat up straight. Focusing the dark side of the force on the permafrost crystal first. I had once made the connection between it and myself long ago when I had high hopes of becoming a Jedi like my Father. However, I would not be doing as such now. I needed my crystal corrupted. I wanted to make the crystal work for me. Not the other way around. I concentrated upon the darkside. Letting the anger and pains of my life become very much apparent in my mind. I began to then push my will onto the crystal. Forcing my mind onto the crystal that was before me.

I wanted not the light sided portion of me in the crystal. I wanted it gone from my life. Darkness would be my ally. The Dark side would be my tool to use. it would become mine.

Pushing my mind onto the Crystals. I continued to do this. While I seemed to be staying here for only a few minutes, really it had been days. Focusing on the crystal drained my body. I could feel my legs tingle and my arms almost weightless from the constant place of resting on my knees. I continued to push in the darkside to flood out the light from within. Needing to continue this process but with the other three crystals, I then moved my attention to all three at once. Connecting them with the force to work as one.

To make the lightsaber I needed, I would have to make sure that each of these crystals worked together and function as a team. And by connecting them in the force, I could continue to use them, even if only one of them was on, or if they were in separate lightsaber hilts. Continuing to push on, I forced myself into the crystals. With the imagination of trapping myself within the saber. I wanted the saber to have a part of me within the blade. Connecting us so only I could activate the saber. Eventually, I could see a dimness through my closed eyelids. I slowly opened them to see the three crystals hovering only a few inches from the ground. Each having a slight glow. Not enough to illuminate the entire room, but enough to see a few inches around them, and the faint edges of the cut crystals.
I smiled. The crystals were done. I tried to stand up but fell over onto my side. Still the process takes a long time to refine and takes a lot of energy from me. I placed a hand on my forehead and tried to dull the pain of hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep. I tried so hard not to yawn. I let myself lay there. Exhausted, and tired. I.... I let myself fall asleep right there on the floor.


Oh did I hurt. I wasn't even in my prime years yet my entire body hurt like I was over 100 years old. I slid my arm to my face to cover myself from the lights that peered through the window. Wait, a window was open? I sprung up despite my pain to see Jax, a Night hunter chewing on some of the blinds that had been torn off. He had been so hungry that he started to eat parts of the house. I shook my head and allowed myself to fall back to the floor.

"Ah! Fethin-"

While I had fallen back I had landed hard on something with my back. When I realized that I had laid down on the crystals. Rolling over I reached for them and slowly like an old man walked over to the table. I was refreshed through my mind, however my body was torn and breaking down. I looked over in the kitchen to see the mirror from where I was standing, and oh did I look deathly pale. Shaking my head I rubbed the grogginess from my eyes. I had to finish the saber. And I would before I would eat.

Moving to the table, I placed down the crystals slightly glowing from the force that I had implemented in all three of them, I moved the pieces around of the lightsaber to be laid out and ready for my use. Each in place, but not together. I then closed my eyes once more. I had learned that when my body was pushed to it's limits, that it would preform in ways not though possible. However, I didn't want to over do myself. This was fine though. Still standing, I raised my hands out straight.

Slowly I could feel the lightsaber pieces coming together. Floating in the air just enough off the table that should my concentration break, the pieces would not fall and scatter everywhere. I focused on the crystals once more. Willing the saber pieces to move around the crystals. To cup a hold of the three of them, using them. First was the Opila crystal. The pieces connecting with it. The claws securing the crystal to the first portion of the lightsaber. Second was the Permafrost crystal. Connecting the two with another set of clawed appendages. They were so fragile by hand that touching them could break the saber. But with the force, and careful concentration, one could move these claws to clamp around the crystal. Last of all, was the Durinfire crystal. As well as the middle and butt of the lightsaber.
The icy blade swirled around like convection within a liquid. The hum felt good to my ears as I held it in my left hand. The saber shook ever so slightly from the activation. I smiled as I simply looked at the hilt and the pieces that were placed together The Phirk and the Electrum in a form that looked rather decorative. Despite this, it was a very useful tool to me. I could feel the darkside well up within me as I continued to hold the lightsaber. Flipping it over to be in my right hand, I used my left to adjust the size of the lightsaber blade. Reaching the farthest it could go before almost making pop noises. I then lowered the size to be about six feet in length.

The white blade had been turned on as I had adjusted the blade. Needing the available power of the third crystal, it was now a white color with a smaller blue hue to it. Moving away from the table, I swung the saber around hearing the changes in motion as the blade sliced through the air. Flipping the switch to the first phase, the icy blue blade was there once again. Smiling I set both of the lengths to be the first and second phases.

Smiling I switched back and forth between the two phases. Swinging it back and forth as I switched it. Feeling the power in my hands, I sung the blade down as I turned around. Cutting my kitchen table in half and letting the two halves fall to the floor with a loud thunk.

"I am so going to hell for this."


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